British US Political Assassinations and JFK

JFK Assassination
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Re: British US Political Assassinations and JFK

Post by Shane »

Great stuff, Jim. You're on a roll and setting the bar high. Keep it coming.
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Re: British US Political Assassinations and JFK

Post by Davyjones »

Well Jim, you have researched your subject so its hard to comment without being subjective.My first reaction was "Oh hell,it was James Bond that took the shot from the Grassy Knoll!"The UK has "history" of doing bad throughout the world its true.Its a wonder anybody talks to us !By 1963 though most Brits had come to the conclusion World Domination was over and we had better stick to forming pop groups and making Johny Walker Scotch. No doubt the elite still thought otherwise but they are made up of a lot of low I Q sorts who you would not suspect of being up to World Mayhem under cover.My instinctive reaction is to say your prognosis is ....shit,but I cannot argue with your scholarship.My instinct is to say that the murder was a home grown nightmare with,no doubt,the odd foriegner on the team when required.Nevertheless I will give your many interesting posts another read...I might be persuaded!By the way I think J Files was on the GK and fired the last shot.Would you go through your thinking of why you think he wasnt?Many thanks
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Re: British US Political Assassinations and JFK

Post by Davyjones »

Fascinating material Jim...forgive me if I home in on a thing or two.You suggest Cain and Nicolleti shot Tippit...OK but I have Nicolleti being driven away from the Plaza to another vehicle by J Files.One of us is wrong.You dont place J Files in your account.Where do you think he was and what did he do?
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Re: British US Political Assassinations and JFK

Post by Davyjones »

Thanks Jim for your response.OK so you think your version of Cain and Nicoletti is ever going to gain the required traction to get anything to happen to change the status quo,ie no unity in the conspiracy world? J Files could have said nothing,kept his head down and earned himself bonus points from the parole board.He might have been looking at the freedom he craves right now or sooner. He was persuaded that telling his story would aid a greater issue,ie the reopening of the crime of the century and justice being found for the American people.He risked personal condemnation as well as the vengence of the Law.He is alive and kicking which is more than can be said for anyone else involved and so dont you think you owe it to him and our mutual search for justice that his story is given every consideration by people like yourself.Why not revisit his tapes and maybe you will see a guy who is telling the truth,giving him allowance for the fact that he is dependant on human memory which can let us all down after 30 years!United we stand,devided we fall.
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Re: British US Political Assassinations and JFK

Post by Davyjones »

To return to the topic!On a less serious note. As proof posative that the UK has no say in the USA,never mind organising assassinations of Presidents.If the UK had imported the great game of CRICKET to the US then I would agree with you.If I ever see cricket stumps on the lawn of the Whitehouse then I will know you could be right
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Re: British US Political Assassinations and JFK

Post by Kirk »

Jim Phelps wrote:As far as any fairness to Files. His name changing implies he was somehow connected to the plot.If Files was believed to have been a JFK shooter---he would not be alive for two reasons----the Mafia would have killed him in Prison and the Legal System would want the Death Penalty for killing JFK.I suspect that Files has been a model prisoner, and does not cause the correction system any real trouble. But he has this hobby to deflect attention that likely gets him favors on the outside.He just found an FBI guy asking lots of questions and ad libbed.We'll see how history treats him. Admission to killing JFK and nothing happens---is pretty telling. There are lots of decoys after Dealey Plaza.Jim,I am not going to discount what you think in any way because I have had my doubts about Mr. Files, since I first came across his name and story, but over time, and with the help of this forum, Wim's book and the book Interview with History: The JFK Assassination by Pamela Ray, which was given to me by Joe. I have come to the conclusion that Mr. Files is telling the truth, but just not all the truth. He was there, and yes behind the fence, and yes shot the last shot, but he was not alone in my opinion. He is and was a lot smarter then given credit for, but he was young enough to be stupid at times back then by leaving the bullet shell with his teeth marks. That is something he could not have known, unless he was the guy. My sense is that whom ever was with him or watching out for him whether he knew it or not missed Mr. Files doing that because he was looking for people coming towards them.Kirk
Dealey Joe
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Re: British US Political Assassinations and JFK

Post by Dealey Joe »

Now JimIt is really unbelievable isn't it.Why kill him when no one believes him anyway.but it ain't over yet.James Files knows too much to be ignored.of course most of the people it affects are dead.I knew several kids in the 60's who had family upsets that changed their can that be explained? one boy changed his name from Hatfield to Ayres?I think your name change theory has merit but don't think it has meaning in every case.Jews, as you call them, have always been name changers in order to fit in where they need topose as someone else.I have no choice presented with the evidence other than to believe James Files.Why would anyone own up to doing this anyway. There could be a few reasons.It is sure not going to make you win any popularity contests.So what is the reason? if nothing to be gained except a few more years of prison?
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Re: British US Political Assassinations and JFK

Post by Kirk »

Well Jim,What we want to happen or not happen isn't the reality. The reality is that the powers that be and are want Oswald to be the lone gunman and stay buried.Kirk
Dealey Joe
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Re: British US Political Assassinations and JFK

Post by Dealey Joe »

Has Sarti faced the camera and told his story?I don't recall seing it otherwise how do we know his story?
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Re: British US Political Assassinations and JFK

Post by Shane »

Jim,Fascinating information. And I do believe much of the information ties to the JFK assassination. But, I admit, I am also a Files believer…and I believe this assassination was home grown. Of course, all I do is piggyback off other people’s research, so take my opinion for what it is worth.Let me address two of your statements.“The legal system would want the death penalty (on Files).” - The legal system SHOULD be doing something about this admission, but our government wants this case closed for good. Ten years ago Peter Jennings came out refuting the movie “JFK” and promoting the official Warren Commission findings. The reason I bring this up is because Jennings did not even bring up the Assassination Committee findings that there is a 95% chance or higher JFK was killed by a conspiracy. The media, much less the legal system, won’t even address another government commission’s findings. As far as our legal system or our government is concerned, Oswald pulled off the greatest marksman ship ever seen. Nothing will change this until the Dallas DA opens the case…and they have a man who says he took the shot in prison. “The FBI won’t buy (Files) story.” – The FBI and our news media won’t even acknowledge him…even when polls show that over 80% of Americans don’t believe the official story. In fact, you would think the FBI would want to use him just to wrap up the case and say, “We found the second gunman.” I believe they won’t because Files is too dangerous to put in a courtroom setting. If I am the FBI, and my agency has taken the lumps it has over the years regarding to the JFK assassination, I would use Files’ testimony whether I believed him or not. The FBI isn’t exactly against the practice of using patsies. But they sure wouldn’t risk what Files has to say…and that is the reason he still sits in a Illinois prison.