The Assassins

JFK Assassination
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The Assassins

Post by Alec »

There are a lot of intelligent people on this message board, who have done plenty of grueling research on the JFK Assassination. I was reading an article on Lucien Sarti (not necessarily important) and I became curious as to who the people of this forum actually think did the shootings and where.I am interested in hearing what everyone believes. It can be something as simple as a short list of who and where.(EXAMPLE: 6th Floor Depository - Lee Harvey Oswald)
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Re: The Assassins

Post by Davyjones »

I hope the intelligent people vote,Alec!In the meantime I will...........TSBD,Mac Wallace and The Raven(Tippits killer)Nicoletti in the Dal Tex and J Files on the GK.Oswald was due at the window but did not show,so a panic shot to get the show started by The Raven.Shot one ,theTeague shot,merely a getgo signal.A quicker than he would have liked shot from Nicoletti hits JFK in top back,followed quickly by a TSB shot that hit Connally.The head shot from Nicoletti at almost the same moment as J Files bullet hits from the GK.This all sounds like 3 or 4 shots to the bewildered onlookers.I dont discount a 45 from the pergola area among this mayhem,but I am suprised it missed,unless it was Honest Joe by his station wagon! He dont look all that competant to me from his photo.I am unsure about the 45 shot,big time.Hope that gets the ball rolling Alec
Phil Dragoo
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Post by Phil Dragoo »

AlecLee Oswald was tested by the Dallas Police for gunshot residue on his cheek, and their paraffin test's negative result was confirmed by the Atomic Energy Commission's Oak Ridge facility. This was suppressed until the release of records under the JFK Act of 1992 per the notes of Gerald D. McKnight in Breach of Trust: How the Warren Commission Failed the Nation and Why.Robert Harris has a number of youtubes of his research leading him to believe two suppressed shots were fired from a third-floor window of the Dal-Tex Building which hit the pavement as the limo made the turn from Houston onto Elm. No doubt the Tague shot came from this building. Jimmy Files puts Nicoletti there. The presence of Jim Braden would point toward an outfit shooter at that location--who no doubt was responsible for the first head shot, to the right of the external occipital protuberance, a split-second before the frontal headshot.Jimmy Files has made a compelling case for his fence shot with Fireball, and the lateral x-ray shows metal fragments in a high arc emanating from an inshoot above the right ocular orbit, the temple wound seen by Thom Robinson and others.Perhaps another shooter in the west sixth floor of the Depository, with a spotter according to witnesses.Lee Bowers said he saw two men shooting from the fence. Jimmy says he was the only one shooting at that location, but we must factor in Jimmy's code, that he repeatedly says he would not ever give up a living person.E. Howard Hunt puts down in his diagram on page 123 of Saint John Hunt's BOND OF SECRECY “French Gunman/Grassy Knoll”; on the opposite page (122) are two pictures of Lucien Sarti captioned “The shooter from the grassy knoll brought in by Bill Harvey and Cord Myer from the French underworlds; died in a shootout with Mexican police.” Because Hunt would never give up the Agency, I suggest we may safely dismiss his “confession” to his son as a deflection of blame from CIA to LBJ, from the actual shooters to a glamorous celebrity.
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Re: The Assassins

Post by Davyjones »

Thats Files 2...Sarti 1 so far Alec Where do you stand?
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Re: The Assassins

Post by Alec »

Mr. Alec is here, haha. But Phil and Davy I really enjoyed reading what you thought the scenario to be.What do I think?Well, I am not too sure as to what I think. Perhaps a shooter on the County Records Building. I am surprised that no one mentioned David Morales or Richard Cain or even Rosselli.
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Re: The Assassins

Post by Pennyworth »

Jack Binion, Becky Binion Behnen and her son Benny Behnen are assassins
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Assassins

Post by Dealey Joe »

PP are these people still in Vegas?
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Re: The Assassins

Post by Bob »

We know Files and Chuck Nicoletti were two of the shooters. There is a good chance that David Morales, Richard Cain and possibly Mac Wallace were in the Texas School Book Depository and were shooters/spotters. Marshall Caifano was also most likely a shooter. Other possibilities include the participation of Charles Harrelson and "Milwaukee" Phil Alderisio. Files saw a lot of his CIA buddies in Dealey Plaza that day. Files saw Cain, Frank Sturgis and also Ed Lansdale for instance. In addition, myself and others believe that Orlando Bosch was "walkie talkie man". Bosch's buddy Luis Posada Carriles could have been a shooter on the Records Building.
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Re: The Assassins

Post by Shane »

Charles Nicholetti (Dal Tex building). My question here is, I have heard there was a shooter on the third floor, but wasn't there also a shell found on the roof of the building by a man working on the tile up there?Perhaps Malcolm Wallace in the Depository window with David Morales as his spotter. Wallace's fingerprint was found on a box in the Depository. Morales, in my opinion, is the "black man" witnesses claimed to have seen pacing in front of the winow prior to the motorcade arriving. James Files on the Grassy Knoll positioned by the tree. I wanted to follow up on a comment discounting Files as a shooter because he was a chaufer. This was apparently a pretty important role in the Mafia. Al Capone was once a chaufer. And then I have received information the French assassin (Lucien Sarti) was a shooter as well. But if Sarti was gunned down, why does Files protect him...if he was in fact stationed on the fence line?I have heard enough about Richard Cain to believe he was a shooter, I don't know. My belief is that the shots were cordinated and each time Kennedy was hit the next shooter's sequenced bullet hit Connally. I have heard the scenarios for where the shooters were in building surrounding Dealy Plaza, I feel confident Files was under the tree, and I have also heard the witness account of another team of shooters along the fence line, too. What I would like verified is, did Tosh Plumlee say he heard a shot come from behind him? I have watched both "I Shot JFK" and "The Grassy Knoll" and I just can't remember him saying that. I'm certain I missed it because others on this forum said they heard him state this. Finally, Penny, you mention Jack Binion, Becky Binion Behnem, and Benny Behnem. I have never heard these names associated with being assassins. I'm interested. Would you please elaborate on their role.
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Ted Binion Murder Case

Post by kenmurray »
