Right rear tail light

JFK Assassination
kjell roald
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Right rear tail light

Post by kjell roald »

You can see from the Zapruder film that the limmo slows down.But I hadn´t seen this before. Apparently you can tell from the Muchmore film that the driver did hit the break. ( Because you can see the right rear tail light. )http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrX8lsb2WTk
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Re: Right rear tail light

Post by kenmurray »

Good video you posted Kjell.
Phil Dragoo
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Kinney said 3 to 5 mph

Post by Phil Dragoo »

http://www.acorn.net/jfkplace/09/fp.bac ... 9_1.html59 Witnesses: Delay on Elm Street(Revised update-1998)by Vince Palamara
Dealey Joe
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Re: Right rear tail light

Post by Dealey Joe »

Well, I will add my .02.I am continuously amazed at the inference that the limo stopped so someone could finish off JFK.With all due respect to the other forum members,A little logic applied can give a clue as to why the Limo slowed.It is simple and Greer done it perfectly. JFK was already dead, anyone could see that even in a rear view mirror. Jackie was the next person to be protected so in order to facilitate that the Limo must slow down so Hill could catch up and get on board to protect her.Very simple.Personally, I for one minute do not accept that the driver Greer or Kellerman could or would have been involved whatsoever. What kind of Idiot would ride down the street knowing bullets were going to be flying around their head?I questioned James Tague and Beverly Oliver personally about this.Both's first responses to the question "Did the Limo Stop?" was "NO"Then added, but it did seem to slow down. Then BOTH added that the whole world seem to stop..Also keep in mind a variable speed object is much harder to hit than one moving at a normal even speed.I know this is not a popular belief but if you give it a think and get the conspiracy out from under every rock it is not that hard to visualise especially if you think outside the box a little.
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Re: Right rear tail light

Post by Bob »

Nice post Kjell. Joe, I love you like a brother, but I have to respectfully disagree about your assertion that Kellerman and Greer were NOT involved in the assassination. Again, Doug Horne proves without a shadow of doubt that Kellerman and Greer were complicit in the shenanigans at Bethesda the night of the assassination in his Inside the ARRB book (Volume IV). Why? To help cover up their involvement in the assassination for one thing. I'll say it again, Greer broke every protocol for a driver that day in protecting a President. Whether he braked, completely stopped or not, he did NOT drive like a bat out of hell after the first shot. Kellerman remained in his seat during the entire shooting. He never did his job, which is to protect and cover up the President. We know that there were other members of the Secret Service involved in the plot. Winston Lawson was the SS agent that approved the motorcade route. Emory Roberts waved off the agents at Love Field who were supposed to stand behind JFK on the limo. I'm sure it was a small circle of involvement in the Secret Service. Also, what is the duty of a Secret Service agent? To sacrifice one's life if need be to protect the President when he is attacked. They know the dangers of their job. I'm sure Lawson and Roberts (or someone) told Kellerman and Greer that there would be gunfire in Dealey Plaza. That is why Greer slowed down. To make sure that JFK was hit and that he and Kellerman weren't.
Phil Dragoo
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Secret Service Hall of Shame

Post by Phil Dragoo »

BobSecret Service agent Elmer Moore badgered Dr. Malcolm Perry all Friday night on the phone to force him to recant his description of the throat wound as one of entry.Moore was the Warren Commission babysitter provided by Secret Service to insure the commissioners would learn nothing of the truth.And at the end of his career, to the graduate student writing his biography, Moore called Kennedy a "traitor."And in Doug Horne, Inside the ARRB Volume IV Chapter 13 page 1176:There is a photograph published on page 97 of Six Seconds in Dallas of Clint Hill, Roy Kellerman, and William Greer walking down the street after the conclusion of their Warren Commission testimony on March 9, 1964. Kellerman looks extremely serious in the photograph, as well he should; but William Greer, the Protestant high school dropout from Northern Ireland who was the driver of the Presidential limousine in Dallas, looks positively giddy, and appears to be laughing, without a care in the world--almost as if he had gotten away with murder.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Right rear tail light

Post by Dealey Joe »

Well Bob and Phil I will continue to look at this but there is a seriouse lack of evidence.My view come strictly from the logical viewpoint.
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Re: Right rear tail light

Post by Kirk »

I agee with Joe's logic.Nobody in their right mind would ride in or drive a car that they knew would be used as target practice. That is one reason why I have never believed that John Connally knew anything beforehand. He would not have risk his life nor his wife Nellie. I do believe that Greer was the perfect incompetent man to be chosen as the driver. I believe Emory Roberts knew Greer was not really much of an agent, but just a chauffeur with little training. Emory Roberts deserves a lot of attention, but so little is available about him. I do believe that the car slowed, and was going to slow, and might have almost stopped, but did not completely stop. Otherwise Agent Hill would have landed in the back seat.
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Re: Right rear tail light

Post by Shane »

I am suspicious as hell of Greer. He did slow down until the kill shot was aquired and was also on a radio.I admit Kellerman's behavior at Bethesda was close to treason, but the testimony he provided that went against the "lone assassin" theory was enough support for the conspiracy theorist that I would give him a pardon. I don't have his quote in front of me, but it went something like this, "Gentlemen, it couldn't have been one shooter." Amazingly, that is enough for me to give him a free pass considering other government agents complicity.