See Eye Aye at work

JFK Assassination
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: See Eye Aye at work

Post by Shane »

Same CIA game since the 1950's. I thought the official word was the CIA was only a shell of its former self. Of coarse, I would be curious about when and whose presidency the CIA's power was taken. Now the question remains, how long until they find weapons of mass destruction?
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: See Eye Aye at work

Post by Bob »

I agree with Shane !00%. Same old CIA is right. Even worse. Three wars going on now for the U.S. Afghanistan, Iraq and now Libya. The CIA hasn't killed a President yet, like they did with JFK and tried with Reagan, but they are getting their way. As I've said many times, every President since Poppy Bush has had CLEAR CIA connections BEFORE they became residents of 1600 Pennslyvania Avenue. And you better believe Operation Mockingbird or whatever they call it now is alive in some form. Again...look at FOX News. Led by Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes. Just think of what is going on with Murdoch now, with what he and his minions did in Great Britain with the News of the World. Do you think that modus operandi happened in just Great Britain? However, it's not just FOX News who is beholden to the power elite, it's almost everyone in the MSM. 9/11??? Don't even talk about it or do a REAL documentary about what really happened. When was the last time a REAL JFK assassination documentary was available in the MSM? Before 9/11 I can tell you that. Bottom line, the CIA is alive and well. Well for them...HELL for us.