I blame Oswald

JFK Assassination
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I blame Oswald

Post by Kirk »

No...not for the murder of President Kennedy, but for being the patsy to make the plan work. Maybe because it is late tonight that I post this, but I have kind of always held a certain resentment toward Lee Oswald for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.i wonder some times, if he had only called in sick that day, or no showed his meaningless job, which apparently he did quite well. How history..our history and his history would be different. I have always felt that battles and wars are lost because of the little things, such as a person over sleeping or somebody with troubles at home that misses their duty of some kind. Kind of my belief how God might fix the game at a critical moment.I believe Oswald was a true believer in his country, and would have been willing and wanting to do anything possible to protect it. The CAP is a pretty good example of a boy that wants to serve his country, not to mention the Marines. He was also extremely intelligent, which can be worse for a true believer because they can be blinded easier by their own ego that they might have control.I think he knew what had been planned that day, and maybe even that he might be a patsy, but i think he convinced himself that he had stopped it from being done by telling the FBI, and hearing from the CIA that the plan had been aborted. I think that the abort scenerio was mainly fiction made for him and few others.Every time I see Oswald's arrest pictures and even the time in New Orleans. I always think that he is the oldest 24 year old that I have ever seen.
Dealey Joe
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Re: I blame Oswald

Post by Dealey Joe »

Well Kirk now you tripped my trigger.For one thing had Lee not been available they would or did have someone else?For instance take JDTippit, could he have been the backup patsy? Just a slight change of story and we got our man, a bad cop trying to escape? Jack Ruby maybe, he was there and someone else fired a .45I have tried to put myself in LHO's shoes to understand what he thought he was doing.What was his mind set to put him in the positions he was in because he was no dummy.What did he think he was doing or going to accomplish? for sure he did not look at things the way I ever did and I think it had a lot to do with his early years, his parents or lack of them.Then I think about James Files and why he was doing what he did. Had I have been put in the same situation what would I have been capable of doing?Something makes these people different and hard for me to understand. LHO probably border lined on being a genius, on the other hand Files was more down to earth and both had a serious lack of formal education, both were educated by their mentors all tracing back to the CIA,ONI,FBI,Mafia ect. How do these organizations find boys like Oswald and Files?There must be a mold or some way to recognise them?Neither came from backgrounds that would point them in the directions they took.Was it the lack of family direction that made their decisions possible. Somehow they were very controllable and could be swayed by something that looked glamorous to themselves.Did it take them out of mediocrity and put them in a glamor world?I don't know if we could ever find the answers to these questions. what interests me is more "why" than what they did.
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Re: I blame Oswald

Post by Darcy »

I think predators have ways of sensing out people they can use for their purposes. Killers can watch people walking down the street and know which one would be easier to kill. I think people who would be susceptible to being used for whatever purposes emit clues that the predators can pick up on. The need came up for a patsy, they checked out who they had available. Who was dispensable, who would be believable as the lone nut. Oswald fit what they needed. Then they told him whatever he needed to hear to get him in that position.
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Re: I blame Oswald

Post by dankbaar »

You could blame him for naivity. I wish he would have shouted at any public press conference: I work for the CIA, this was a conspiracy by the CIA and the Mob, and I was just chosen as the patsy. David Atlee Philips is my CIA controller. I have been framed by him. I was a fake defector to Russia, managed by Phillips and McCord. I was led to believe that I could prevent the assassination of the president. I was so naive! But he never thought for a second that his life was in danger. He thought the CIA would take him of the hook. It''s funny how that brainwash works. Loyalty till the end. For the organisation that puts you in the garbage bin as trash! James Files is just the same!
Phil Dragoo
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Lee Oswald, intelligence agent

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Lee Oswald was a loyal, dependable, effective intelligence agent. We may add patriotic and intelligent.We are not privy to the reasons given him at any stage in his career, trolling for foreign illegals in California and Japan, a false defector in the program of Angleton and Dulles, infiltrating and smearing FPCC.He attempted to contact John Hurt his North Carolina ONI control, but his call was not put through by the Dallas jail switchboard operator at the instruction of the FBI agents in the room.We have the luxury and perspective of a half century; he was in the game, on the field, with two-hundred-fifty-pound linemen rushing him.It is for us the living to bring justice for him, for the slain president, for the Republic decapitated that day.Dulles set up a network among Unitarians over the course of decades which involved Albert Schweitzer College and the Paines.Oswald was manipulated by J. Walton Moore of the CIA Domestic Contacts Division, George DeMohrenschildt CIA asset and associate of GHWBush, the Paines (CIA assets, involved with Bell Helicopter, personally linked to Dulles--Ruth's sister was an eight-year CIA agent in 1963), David Atlee Phillips whom Antonio Veciana in his account to Gaeton Fonzi reported seeing with Lee Oswald in Dallas the summer of 1963.Oswald admired the president and thought he was fulfilling his patriotic duty as an agent--until the last instant when Jack Rubenstein lunged.Ruby thought LBJ ordered the hit, and knew that he must do his job silencing Lee Oswald--a look at his phone records shows him talking to associates of Marcello, Giancana, Trafficante, Hoffa.Rosselli told Jack Anderson the mob silenced Oswald so he wouldn't talk--and shortly thereafter we have Rosselli in a Can, sans arms, sans legs, sans everything.As for James Sutton/Jimmy Files, the key principle he exemplifies is loyalty. Training Lao troops, serving Charles Nicolletti, doing Phillips' assignments, not giving up anyone living, only giving interviews to benefit the widow of his good friend.
Dealey Joe
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Re: I blame Oswald

Post by Dealey Joe »

Phil could you venture a guess as to why Files is still alive?
Phil Dragoo
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Files left open

Post by Phil Dragoo »

JoeI think Jimmy Files' hostile reception makes him more valuable to the power elite as that subject of ridicule than as a martyred witness whose death by violence would spark a greater interest.On many boards there's a knee-jerk reaction--I posit most of it is monkey-see--of eye-rolling sarcasm, and the perennial canard that it was last-minute.In the interview of Gunny Hathcock--the best sniper our military has ever produced--are ample examples of targets of opportunity, and taking advantage of the shot--even one instance where he and his spotter struggled over the weapon, so great the itch to get that particular target.The usual suspects are trotted out to ankle-bite, but it's too public now for a murder no matter how dressed up for consumption.From Alabama to Laos to Chicago to Dallas, it's a life only a handful lead. For Everyman whose major concern is making it to five o'clock, to the weekend, through the month's mortgage and other bills, the life that turns on a trigger-pull or a steering wheel is the stuff of films.When our president speaks of "the Chicago Way" does he think that's only reruns of Untouchables with Robert Stack, or Cosner and Connery on the silver screen.The brother of Hamid Karzai, Wali Karzai the alleged CIA asset and drug overlord of our longest war zone was shot up close and personal by his CIA-trained bodyguard Sardar Mohammad whose body is now displayed on a wall:Ahmed Wali Karzai’s Assassin Sardar Mohammad Corpse Photoshttp://publicintelligence.net/ahmed-wali-karzais-assassin-sardar-mohammad-corpse-photos/Wali Karzai was too hot--Gerald Posner was seen speaking out in his defense. A bad look for the Warrenati glitterati.Jimmy is confined, and squads of bloggers are tasked to ridicule his story. For anyone with focus, the metal fragments arcing high from the right eye to the rear of the skull are the mark of the mercury round, from the fence, from the Fireball.
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Re: I blame Oswald

Post by Shane »

One of the reasons Oswald got put in the position of patsy was because of his courage and the belief that the FBI had his back (however naive that seems now). Oswald generally believed our governement agencies would come to the rescue rather than pulling up chairs in Dallas for a front-row seat. It must have been a sick feeling watching Kennedy being killed before his eyes as he stood on the steps of the Depository watching the motorcade pass. And Wim expressed my grievence. I wish Oswald would have used those cameras to his advantage. I just can't understand how a smart guy like Oswald didn't see the writing on the wall at this point. He knew about the assassination attempt, he was being asked if he was the killer...I wish he would have spilled the beans. Instead he came across as a man a little too savy with the cameras, and even a little arrogant, except for one moment when you could hear his voice break when being asked, "Did you kill the president."Then he answered in an evasive manner that didn't help his cause," No. Nobody has even asked me that."Can you imagine if the media would have listened had he spilled the beans? How would this world be different?
Dealey Joe
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Re: I blame Oswald

Post by Dealey Joe »

Shane, what if things were happening behind closed doors at DPD?can we possibly think Oswald was in control there? I hardly think so.Most likely he was told "just keep quiet" and we will work this out or something to that effect.He had to have some measure of trust in Phillips to clear the path for him.He may even have thought Ruby was there to help. He had to see Phillips and Ruby at the press conference.I say he was being handled or controlled to the end.
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Re: I blame Oswald

Post by Bob »

Dealey Joe wrote:Shane, what if things were happening behind closed doors at DPD?can we possibly think Oswald was in control there? I hardly think so.Most likely he was told "just keep quiet" and we will work this out or something to that effect.He had to have some measure of trust in Phillips to clear the path for him.He may even have thought Ruby was there to help. He had to see Phillips and Ruby at the press conference.I say he was being handled or controlled to the end.I'm with Joe. Sometimes a picture says a thousand words.