I blame Oswald

JFK Assassination
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Re: I blame Oswald

Post by Shane »

SAY IT NOW, OSWALD! SAY IT NOW! I agree gentlemen. Oswald was still under his handlers thumb. Why else would Owald remain silent when his survival instincts must have been screaming. It also explains his almost cocky behavior in front of the cameras...but each time I see his image in that police station I day dream about the scenario of him speaking up. Can you imagine him saying, "I reported this to the F.B.I. I don't know why they didn't stop it this time like Chicago."
Dealey Joe
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Re: I blame Oswald

Post by Dealey Joe »

He may not have wanted them to know he had anything to do with the Chicago or Miami deal?Yes it sure would have been a different world if JFK had survived but what happened after thatthere was no changing unless Oswald by letting us know someway what was happening would have caused a revolt, but I have my doubts that it would have mattered.
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Re: I blame Oswald

Post by Shane »

My thoughts are, if there was to be a revolt it would have followed the MLK/RFK assassinations. These murders took place in the heart of a period in which there was rampant distrust in the establishment. There were plenty of literature on the JFK assassination at this time, including Garrison's widely publized court case, so there was at least some publicity around for our nation to connect the dots.In a way, there was a revolt -- the Peace Movement. But it lost credibility due to drugs and the hippie image. Many traditional Americans may have felt something was wrong in our country, but I don't believe they would have followed the "hippie movement." It just amazes me the government was able to do it again, from the towers, to the 9-11 Commission, to the war that followed and is still going strong. Same formula, same result. And little resistance. But, I admit, it took me some time to catch on to the 9-11 conspiracy...and I at least had knowledge of the JFK assassination (among others) stuffed in the file of my government. Many Americans simply do not know the history of our government or their agencies, which makes it virtually impossible for them to grasp 9-11, much less understand why the JFK assassination should still be so very important to us.
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Re: I blame Oswald

Post by Kirk »

I agree with most of what you all have written. I agree there probably was another patsy in waiting, and maybe it was Files, but I just couldn't see Nicoletti hanging him out to dry. Ruby might have been the next in line, but no one served the purpose or the story better then Oswald. I believe Oswald showed up out of duty. I am guessing many of you are right that he felt better protected then he was, but he had to wonder why he was not getting legal help.The only possible motivation for Oswald had to be doing his duty and following orders.
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Re: I blame Oswald

Post by Davyjones »

Not so sure myself. Oswald was a very self confidant guy,he, like a lot of men of his age,thought he knew how to handle himself,he was oblivious to the realities of life around him.He was, again,like a lot of young men, capable of making a lot of bad decisions.I think he thought he could talk his way out of theJFK,Tippit thing easy enough as he had not done either shooting and so it would not be possible to prove he had shot them.WRONG!!!!!!I dont think he was acting under orders at the press conferences...he was just milking it,loving being in the spotlight at last and knowing he had the ammunition(sic) to talk his way to freedom at some point.AT NO POINT DOES HE BEHAVE LIKE A GUILTY MAN.The WC supporters must hate this, as 47 years on they STILL cannot pin the tail on the donkey
Dealey Joe
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Re: I blame Oswald

Post by Dealey Joe »

Well I hate to say it guys and gals but "I Blame the American People"They do not want to hear anything that rocks their boat.they don't care who murdered JFK, MLK, RFK or anyone else.Regardless if you believe it or not the Bible tells that "The lender will be master of the borrower"That is exactly where the average American is today, repossessions and foreclosures abound.We are told we are in debt to a world controlled banking system that operates on paper.What to do with the National Debt, easy, just use an eraser. sounds too simple don't it?Give it a think, The Fed is paying lending institutions to reposes your home. What iswrong with this picture. why, for 8 or 10 years were they loaning mortgages on homesto anyone who wanted one? Had to be a reason for that?I am afraid it is far too late for Americans to Wake Up.
Phil Dragoo
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We are all Lee Oswald

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Since the creation of the CIA in 1947 and its immunization in 1949 it has operated in the shadows, smearing or slaying those who get too close to its actions.In similar fashion the FBI has behaved as a pack of gangsters—sometimes literally: witness Edna Hoover's denial of the very existence of organized crime.We may wonder at Kalstrom's assurance in re TWA Flight 800 when the radar plot shows the fast boat which fired the missile two hundred people saw.The OKCBomb contrivance with its German intelligence agent Andreas Carl Strassmeier and its Middle Eastern John Doe Number Two.911 killed the FBI counterterrorist head John O'Neill—whose very briefcase was stolen when he was called to the phone at an FBI seminar.Posner defends the Karzai brother from charges of CIA complicity and drug smuggling—now that Karzai is assassinated and Petraeus jumps the gameboard from Poppystan to Langley chief.The Federal Reserve makes it up as it goes along—with its boot on our neck.The Council on Foreign Relations published the 2004 paper Iran: Time for a New Approach by Carter's Brzezinski and Bush-Obama's DCI-SecDef Gates.Look here for the mess of the FBI which Jim Garrison and his jurors tried to untangle:http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/g ... edy.pdfNSA builds the million-square-foot facility in Utah to do that Ft. McDill Run-the-universe thing.Joe, don't be so hard on the American people.They will first throw everyone out of Washington with a Hercules-Augean-Stables deluge.Then we may proceed in a straightforward approach.Lee Oswald is still making his way to the podium—through us.
Dealey Joe
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Re: I blame Oswald

Post by Dealey Joe »

Phil, the more I am around people, The better I like my dog.
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Re: I blame Oswald

Post by Darcy »

Dealey Joe wrote:Phil, the more I am around people, The better I like my dog.I just don't think it could of been put any better.
Dealey Joe
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Re: I blame Oswald

Post by Dealey Joe »

It is easy to become depressed about progress or the lack of it.Seems like there is no movement at all at times.can't see it anyway and mostly don't feel it.Like Phile says as long as we are on the prowl the whole deal will not die.Viva JFK & LHO