Bush talks about slow reaction

JFK Assassination
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Bush talks about slow reaction

Post by Darcy »

http://news.yahoo.com/bush-explains-slo ... 94.htmlAnd it only took him 10 years to come up with it.
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Re: Bush talks about slow reaction

Post by Shane »

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Re: Bush talks about slow reaction

Post by Darcy »

Thanks for that. Hilarious.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Bush talks about slow reaction

Post by Dealey Joe »

Darcy I love George BushHe makes me look so smart.
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Re: Bush talks about slow reaction

Post by kenmurray »

Dealey Joe wrote:Darcy I love George BushHe makes me look so smart.Joe, your an Einstein compared to Dumbya Bush.
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Re: Bush talks about slow reaction

Post by Bob »

Everybody knows that I have to put my two cents in here. The delusional dolt was NEVER elected. The idiotic imbecile was coronated by the Supreme Court in 2000, led by Antonin Scalia, who had two son's working for the Bush legal team. But did the paid off judge recuse himself? Nah. Nor did Clarence Thomas, who's wife was on the Bush transition team. Both of these bastards are still on the Supreme Court and they recently trumped Bush v. Gore by giving us their ruling in the Citizens United case (2010), which gives corporations unlimited use (abuse) of funding certain candidates during elections. That helped bring us so many Tea Party pariah to Congress. The same people that NEVER complained about Dumbya's spending from 2000-2008, as he brought us 9/11 and two wars. Why? Because of his tax cuts for the very rich. The Tea Party was formed by people like Dick Armey that want to protect the very rich and corporations from paying their fair share in taxes. Corporations like GE (which owns NBC, CNBC and MSNBC) that had over $14 BILLION in profits in 2010, but paid 0 dollars in federal taxes. Bank of America, Chevron, Citibank and Exxon all had the very same situation. MASSIVE profits...but ZERO taxes. This is what the Tea Party really is about. Don't F with corporations and the very rich, but it's okay to F with Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.Back to Dumbya Bush. Never elected in 2000, as the election was determined by Diebold, his brother Jeb in FLA and the Supreme Court. The clown prince of stupidity then brought us 9/11. An event that closely resembled Operation Northwoods. A plan that was presented to JFK in March of 1962. Every one of the Joint Chiefs approved this plan. So did the CIA. So did Prescott and Poppy Bush. A plan that called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war.The plan sounds a lot like the events of 9/11.JFK refused this insanity. Dumbya Bush did NOT. In fact, he knew about it. He let people like Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and the CIA figure out the details as to how to do this plan, but Bush gave the plan a thumb's up. It led to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Wars that are still ongoing. Wars that make the war profiteers like Halliburton and Blackwater smile from ear to ear everyday. Other's in the war business are profiting too. Just ask General Dynamics, Bechtel, Raytheon, the Carlyle Group, Boeing, Lockheed and GE.Ah yes...GE. The folks that own MSNBC. They have cut ties recenly with a couple of their hosts who had programs in the nightly hours. One of who was Keith Olbermann. Keith has a problen. He's outspoken and he likes to tell the truth. That's a no-no in MSM journalism today. Skirt the truth...but NEVER tell the truth. Here is my bottom line on Dumbya Bush. Dumbya is a phony tough guy. A phony cowboy. A phony non-drinker and non-drug user. A phony man of God. Certainly a phony President. Once a dumbass...always a dumbass.
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Re: Bush talks about slow reaction

Post by Shane »

Bob - two enthusiastic thumbs up for your post
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Re: Bush talks about slow reaction

Post by kenmurray »

Shane wrote:Bob - two enthusiastic thumbs up for your postIndeed two thumbs up!!!
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Re: Bush talks about slow reaction

Post by Bob »

Thanks gents.Now...for more examples of Dumbya Bush's intelligence...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEbZqvMu2cQ