The Media

JFK Assassination
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The Media

Post by Shane »

Forum Members,The most difficult aspect of talking to other “non-believers” in the JFK conspiracy is the fact of media compliance. For those who could believe the CIA, LBJ, or Mafia did the deed, those same people simply can not believe the media helped cover up the entire thing…and has been doing so for about 50 years. I’m not sure if any of you saw the “Hot Coffee” bio. For those who are not familiar with this show, it discussed the lady who sued McDonalds for $2 million dollars. What are national media didn’t report (because they didn’t want to lose a big sponsor) was that the lady was in her 80’s, that her skin was literally seared off, and that she had asked McDonalds to pay the medical costs. They refused and a court awarded her two days worth of McDonald coffee profits = $2 million. I bring this up as an example of media compliance to big corporations. Does anyone else have a few examples like this to help shine the light on our national media?
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Re: The Media

Post by dankbaar »

Would this be another example?
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Media

Post by Dealey Joe »

Mind Control.Radio, TV and mass media are constantly used for mind control.Like it or not we are controlled.If you are against the war then you are comsidered to be non supportive of the troops?I am not alowed to support the troops and not the WAR?The world criminals all hide behind small organizations who in turn hide behind religious groups.Vatican, Zionist, Taliban, Quaker, on and one will allow you to speak ill of a religiouse group?I find that I am less and less popular with the people I know and used to call friends.There are also a group of disinfo agents hiding behind the CT group.DIsinfo can be by intent or ignorance, same difference.
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Re: The Media

Post by Shane »

Ouch, Wim. That was a very powerful and gruesome example...and certainly an effective example. My only thanks is I saw this post after lunch. Joe, I know what you mean when you mentioned lost popularity when you express your views. In support of the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 I sent out a pledge over Facebook. A month later I have 100 less Facebook friends than I did prior to the post. You win some you lose some. "Do not forget your fallen king!"
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Media

Post by Dealey Joe »

"Do not forget your fallen king!"Damn don't tell Martha, I got her thinking I am King
bob franklin
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Re: The Media

Post by bob franklin »

You know what they say, Joe: "the man may be the head of the house but the woman is the neck, & she can turn him which ever way she wants". I have also lost friends (and, I suspect, my last job) to this battle, but it rages on. I figure a friend so easily turned away is no friend, & a job dependent upon my swallowing the corporate - run media crapload is unworthy of me anyway. On a lighter note I recently purchased a 50 inch flat screen tv, which is great, 'cause now I can be lied to in widescreen 1080p & dolby digital. Those photos of deformed infants from depleted uranium rounds was powerful, as was the blog that went with them. Very hard to reconcile with what we're supposed to be as a nation. One more ripple emanating from the assassination of our last real president. Thanks, Wim. Could there even BE a more fitting example of media complicity?
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Re: The Media

Post by Bob »

Hopefully the shit will hit the fan when this saga is over with... ... 20110816As in FOX News going under. As well as the entire Murdoch empire of evil. FOX News...the propaganda network that lies through it's teeth giving "news" to it's viewers. Operation Mockingbird is alive and well at FOX News. And at other MSM sources as well. They won't touch the JFK assassination or 9/11 with a 10 foot pole. Why? Because the truth would be told that our very own government was complicit in those events and that the MSM have helped to sweep the truth under the carpet. To me, the MSM is as guilty as the people that planned and executed those horrible events. The 4th Estate my ass! Here's another example of the right wing "media"... ... media.html
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Re: The Media

Post by Shane »

Thanks for posting the video, Bob. That's a pretty damn good example of how our media controls the info. And it figures, I have never voted Republican, but I like Ron Paul. It appears the media won't give him a fighting chance, which is strange considering he may turn out to be the people's canidate. But I remember a post elsewhere on this forum said it well, the Republicans would never support Paul. He goes against everything they stand for - war, big government, and getting on the knees for big business.
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Media

Post by Dealey Joe »

Have any of you been watching Mr. Texas, Rick Perry?Damn he is scarry, sounds just like dumbass George W.READ MY LIPSNO NEW IDEAS
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Re: The Media

Post by dankbaar »

Virginia Polonio RedondoHello! My name is Virginia. I study journalism in Málaga, Spain. My classmates and I are doing a class project about President Kennedy. We are analyzing how the media treated the death of Kennedy. I would like to know if you want answer some questions about this subject. Your answers will help a lot. P.S.: Sorry by me english!!