The Media

JFK Assassination
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Re: The Media

Post by Shane »

This post just made my day, Wim. It is so refreshing to hear young men and women looking into the Kennedy assassination. Maybe there will be someone carrying the torch until this thing is finally exposed. I sit here at my desk thinking of the young ladies reaction when she discovers that the assassin of Kennedy sits in a jail in Illinois, and all the Republican presidents that followed Kennedy are linked to the murder.
bob franklin
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Re: The Media

Post by bob franklin »

To be honest, Shane, the case can be made (& won) that every president from LBJ forward has been at a minimum a CIA asset & several have been outright operatives. I very strongly suspect that Obama, Clinton, & Carter (yes, CARTER) were all three operatives, running & winning on the Dem ticket. Bush 41 & 43 go without saying. They're all involved. The left/right, Republican/Democrat paradigm is nothing but political sleight of hand used by the topcats to confuse & control us. it isn't about left vs right. It's all about goodguys vs badguys. I figure you've already tumbled to this, as doing so is one of the things that leads people to this site. I call it the "screwy rabbit" moment, where just like in the Bugs Bunny cartoons, one does the proverbial Warner Bros jowl-shake & exclaims "hey I think that might be that screwy rabbit". Once it happens, you never look at the world in the same way again.
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Media

Post by Dealey Joe »

Everyone forgets about Carter and the Panama Canal givaway.he slipped right up on us with his used car salesman smile.
bob franklin
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Re: The Media

Post by bob franklin »

Carter was always the piece that never quite fit the puzzle. Then I got an email from John Hankey, mentioning that both he & carter shared the the same shadow backer in their respective campaigns. That common link, Zbigniew Brzezinski, is what finally fit that piece.
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Media

Post by Dealey Joe »

One thing we have to know is that if they are not part of the system they don't get elected.
Phil Dragoo
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Virginia in Spain

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Virginia Polonio RedondoHello! My name is Virginia. I study journalism in Málaga, Spain. My classmates and I are doing a class project about President Kennedy. We are analyzing how the media treated the death of Kennedy. I would like to know if you want answer some questions about this subject. Your answers will help a lot. P.S.: Sorry by me english!!Wim, a thread with the class' questions would be excellent as an excercise in focusing on getting the truth out into the world, particularly the next generation.A cause we could all agree with and contribute to.
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Media

Post by Dealey Joe »

Something keeps bugging me is the fact that we researchers can still think that there are honest elections. I would say when there was enough money involved someone began to figure out how to buck the election process. Actually the election process was changed so it could be easier to steal. The attempt to keep the process looking lawful was the electoral college who actually vote for the president, originally to be done by a vote of the congress with no mention of a vote from the people. No need for a national vote as the Presidents job was very limited, really just a figure head to satisfy those who thought they still needed a King figure because that is what they knew. A republic was what they wanted but still was strange to them, and it is long gone along with many other constitutional issues subverted like income Tax and Federal ReserveThe Federal Government was not allowed to collect any tax that was not apportioned, I can remember when the Pole Tax was still in effect. If you are not familiar with that, it was a small tax on men who was of voting age. every man paying the same amount.
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treat of Kennedy's death by the mass media

Post by Virginia »

Mr. DankbaarI would like to do some questions about the treatment that the media gave to the event of Kennedy's death. - How did the media treat Kennedy's death? - Did the media give an image of Kennedy different from the image that they were giving of him before his death? - What image did the media give later of his family? Was it different? - How did they treat the media to the suspect of J.F Kennedy's murder? - Were homogeneous the media at the moment of reporting on the topic?Your answers will be helpful for my university project. Thank you very much.
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Media

Post by Dealey Joe »

Virginia, first of all welcome to the forum.You are making me strain my memory, What I remember was that the Media in the early 60's were always very flatering of the Kennedy's with a lot of excitement about anything JFK or Jackie did. Actually there was what I would call a Kennedy love affair with the media leading the parade.When LHO was accused of the murder I did not question what I was being told and I think the media was reporting what they were being told. I really think it was the begining of media being totally controled by the people in power, they learned very quickly that they could control what people knew and cover their bad deeds. Now the media is totally controled.I always felt the media was very favorable to JFK and I am not sure if the media was leadimg us astray about Oswald or if they were just reporting what they were being told without doing any investigating on their own.Oswald gave us all a bad guy to focus in on, a Communist traitor. I think he was also given to the media then too.
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Re: The Media

Post by Shane »

Welcome, VirginiaTo add on to what Joe said. I also believe the media was good to JFK during his presidency, and has been respectful since. Unfortunatly they do JFK, and our country, a major disservice by not speaking up with the truth. But the media, as a whole, honor his name by avoiding talking about JFK's many and varied affairs with women. Sure there are a number of programs and books that talk about this, but the media as a whole are as silent on this as they are the way he died. The biggest crime of the media today is their neglecting or refusing to educate the American people on how and why Kennedy was murdered. I agree with Joe, perhaps in the first couple years many journalist and media outlets were as naive to what happened to Kennedy as the public was (I am cutting them some slack because it is a journalist job to discover this information). But after that, they deserve no more excuses. It is too big a story for a journalist to ignore. Every young beat writer wants to solve the Kennedy case. We have to ask ourselves who is stopping them.