The Media

JFK Assassination
Phil Dragoo
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All Propaganda All the Time

Post by Phil Dragoo »

I would like to do some questions about the treatment that the media gave to the event of Kennedy's death.- How did the media treat Kennedy's death?- Did the media give an image of Kennedy different from the image that they were giving of him before his death?- What image did the media give later of his family? Was it different?- How did they treat the media to the suspect of J.F Kennedy's murder? - Were homogeneous the media at the moment of reporting on the topic?Your answers will be helpful for my university project.Thank you very much.~VirginiaI was sitting in Mr. Johnson's English class when the intercom announced the president has been shot, the president is dead, the buses are at the entrance to take you home for the weekend.I was watching Sunday morning when Jack Ruby lunged from the crowd of reporters and shot the unprotected Oswald—who had already been painted as an eevil Communist.In my view the media was complicit with the official propaganda in framing the scapegoat, patsy, fall guy Lee Harvey Oswald.The event was presented as the bizarre and violent act of a single unbalanced individual against a now-saintly figure.Jackie presented Camelot as the noble metaphor--in later years Seymour Hersh as the Mockingbird mouthpiece for the coup (media serving as Ministry of Truth for the power elite) slandered a man who could not defend himself—having been murdered by the establishment.CBS' Dan Rather and ABC's Peter Jennings participated in perpetuating the Big Lie of the Lone Nut Oswald.Soon the Hollywood star Tom Hanks will produce Vincent Bugliosi's historical revisionism in furtherance of that Lie.To this day the media treats the majority of Americans who doubt the conclusions of the Warren Commission with condescension if not outright ridicule.Look at the death of Dorothy Kilgallen, the popular columnist who obtained an exclusive interview with Jack Ruby and promised to “blow the whole case wide open”--she was undoubtedly murdered with the aid of the mystery man who appeared for the period he posed as her lover and confidante, then exited the stage when the deed was done.In the history of the agency is the paper trail for Operation Mockingbird, prescribing the role for media assets of the national intelligence agency.A study of the media has been done by several researchers:Journalists and JFK: Real Dizinfo Agents At Dealey PlazaBy Bill Kelly ( , May 2011 Lies: Accessories After the Fact Special Relationship Shoot Him Down:NBC, CIA and Jim Garrison Mockingbird Agency also produced a series of 9 numbered memos tracking the Garrison investigation (see sidebar), and circulated to station chiefs a guidebook for defending the Warren Report, with specific strategies for refuting the critics. ... d=567348In the current cycle Discovery and History Channels have joined CBS, ABC, NBC in obedience to official propaganda, that is, Lone Gunman/No Conspiracy.~Not the least of these sabotage efforts against Garrison's case was the smear campaign run by the CIA against Garrison personally. We now know from an April 1, 1967 memo released under the FOIA that the CIA designed a plan to destroy the credibility of critics of the Warren Commission--the two most prominent of whom at the time were Jim Garrison and Mark Lane. The memo directs the CIA's "media assets"--i.e. writers and editors--to publish articles that showed these critics to be politically or financially motivated, to be sloppy in their research, to be crazy, etc. This is exactly the portrait that emerged in the press of Jim Garrison in the next few years., Virginia, I suggest, subject to comment by fellow members, that the behavior of the media ought to be viewed as almost exclusively obedient to CIA pressure, suppressing a genuine investigation as well as all evidence of conspiracy.A simple Google search will show the McAdams threads at the top—McAdams a Lone Nut Factory of “factoids”--and the anti-conspiracy bent of wikipedia has been shown by a number of investigators:Will the Real Wikipedia Please Stand Upby J.P. Mroz attempt has been made to besmirch the reputation of the slain 35th president with the aim of painting him as not worthy of martyrdom, of deserving murder.A fourth estate which will sell its soul for “access” in Baghdad as CNN admitted, which will open its data to dictators as Google has done in China cannot be trusted with justice in the 1963 coup by the national security state, the “spooks” and generals and industrialists and bankers with contempt for the “temporary resident of the White House.”The Whole World Is Watching
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Re: All Propaganda All the Time

Post by Bob »

Phil Dragoo wrote:I would like to do some questions about the treatment that the media gave to the event of Kennedy's death.- How did the media treat Kennedy's death?- Did the media give an image of Kennedy different from the image that they were giving of him before his death?- What image did the media give later of his family? Was it different?- How did they treat the media to the suspect of J.F Kennedy's murder? - Were homogeneous the media at the moment of reporting on the topic?Your answers will be helpful for my university project.Thank you very much.~VirginiaI was sitting in Mr. Johnson's English class when the intercom announced the president has been shot, the president is dead, the buses are at the entrance to take you home for the weekend.I was watching Sunday morning when Jack Ruby lunged from the crowd of reporters and shot the unprotected Oswald—who had already been painted as an eevil Communist.In my view the media was complicit with the official propaganda in framing the scapegoat, patsy, fall guy Lee Harvey Oswald.The event was presented as the bizarre and violent act of a single unbalanced individual against a now-saintly figure.Jackie presented Camelot as the noble metaphor--in later years Seymour Hersh as the Mockingbird mouthpiece for the coup (media serving as Ministry of Truth for the power elite) slandered a man who could not defend himself—having been murdered by the establishment.CBS' Dan Rather and ABC's Peter Jennings participated in perpetuating the Big Lie of the Lone Nut Oswald.Soon the Hollywood star Tom Hanks will produce Vincent Bugliosi's historical revisionism in furtherance of that Lie.To this day the media treats the majority of Americans who doubt the conclusions of the Warren Commission with condescension if not outright ridicule.Look at the death of Dorothy Kilgallen, the popular columnist who obtained an exclusive interview with Jack Ruby and promised to “blow the whole case wide open”--she was undoubtedly murdered with the aid of the mystery man who appeared for the period he posed as her lover and confidante, then exited the stage when the deed was done.In the history of the agency is the paper trail for Operation Mockingbird, prescribing the role for media assets of the national intelligence agency.A study of the media has been done by several researchers:Journalists and JFK: Real Dizinfo Agents At Dealey PlazaBy Bill Kelly ( , May 2011 Lies: Accessories After the Fact Special Relationship Shoot Him Down:NBC, CIA and Jim Garrison Mockingbird Agency also produced a series of 9 numbered memos tracking the Garrison investigation (see sidebar), and circulated to station chiefs a guidebook for defending the Warren Report, with specific strategies for refuting the critics. ... d=567348In the current cycle Discovery and History Channels have joined CBS, ABC, NBC in obedience to official propaganda, that is, Lone Gunman/No Conspiracy.~Not the least of these sabotage efforts against Garrison's case was the smear campaign run by the CIA against Garrison personally. We now know from an April 1, 1967 memo released under the FOIA that the CIA designed a plan to destroy the credibility of critics of the Warren Commission--the two most prominent of whom at the time were Jim Garrison and Mark Lane. The memo directs the CIA's "media assets"--i.e. writers and editors--to publish articles that showed these critics to be politically or financially motivated, to be sloppy in their research, to be crazy, etc. This is exactly the portrait that emerged in the press of Jim Garrison in the next few years., Virginia, I suggest, subject to comment by fellow members, that the behavior of the media ought to be viewed as almost exclusively obedient to CIA pressure, suppressing a genuine investigation as well as all evidence of conspiracy.A simple Google search will show the McAdams threads at the top—McAdams a Lone Nut Factory of “factoids”--and the anti-conspiracy bent of wikipedia has been shown by a number of investigators:Will the Real Wikipedia Please Stand Upby J.P. Mroz attempt has been made to besmirch the reputation of the slain 35th president with the aim of painting him as not worthy of martyrdom, of deserving murder.A fourth estate which will sell its soul for “access” in Baghdad as CNN admitted, which will open its data to dictators as Google has done in China cannot be trusted with justice in the 1963 coup by the national security state, the “spooks” and generals and industrialists and bankers with contempt for the “temporary resident of the White House.”The Whole World Is WatchingI can't add too much to that great post by Phil. The media has been mute on many important subjects since the Industrial Revolution. That also is around the time that the power elite grabbed ahold of the United States. It was bad then, but it really escalated around the time of JFK's death. 9/11 is another recent example. The 4th Estate has become the mistress of the power elite. TRULY embarrassing.
bob franklin
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Re: The Media

Post by bob franklin »

I'm sad to say that Mockingbird even silences us little people to an astonishing degree. I followed Bob's link posted in his "The Corporations & Wall Street vs The People" thread, which inevitably lead to another article at addictinginfo, titled "Ten Reasons Not To Vote For Ron Paul". I commented that I don't feel represented by either party, as I am both pro choice & pro 2nd Ammendment. I further stated my firm conviction that a coup occurred in this nation in November of 1963, & since voting stood no chance of fixing the problems we face, counter revolution was the only viable option. I also voiced my doubt that the American people had the stomach for such a course of action. As you might guess, likely because I uttered the forbidden "R-word", my comment never saw print. I commented again twice today along similar lines, taking care this time to copy & paste those comments to Notepad. If these two fail to pass moderation I'll post them here for you good folks to judge. We need to be able to say what we need to say.
bob franklin
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Re: The Media

Post by bob franklin »

Seems my remarks are still awaiting moderation. pretty slow progress over at addictinginfo...
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Media

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bob and all,someone told me.. "If you ask the wrong question then the answer does not matter"I also think we can add to that with "if you control the questions being asked then the answer does not matter"
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Re: The Media

Post by Bob »

Dealey Joe wrote:Bob and all,someone told me.. "If you ask the wrong question then the answer does not matter"I also think we can add to that with "if you control the questions being asked then the answer does not matter"Indeed Joe...indeed!
Phil Dragoo
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These are the times et cetera

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Bob FranklinYour statement is important as a representation of the reaction of many to the events of November 1963:I'm sad to say that Mockingbird even silences us little people to an astonishing degree. I followed Bob's link posted in his "The Corporations & Wall Street vs The People" thread, which inevitably lead to another article at addictinginfo, titled "Ten Reasons Not To Vote For Ron Paul". I commented that I don't feel represented by either party, as I am both pro choice & pro 2nd Ammendment. I further stated my firm conviction that a coup occurred in this nation in November of 1963, & since voting stood no chance of fixing the problems we face, counter revolution was the only viable option. I also voiced my doubt that the American people had the stomach for such a course of action. As you might guess, likely because I uttered the forbidden "R-word", my comment never saw print. I commented again twice today along similar lines, taking care this time to copy & paste those comments to Notepad. If these two fail to pass moderation I'll post them here for you good folks to judge. We need to be able to say what we need to say.Do you place so much significance in the bias of a single forum moderator.Consider a cycle of forty years.January 19, 1969, the Nixon Counterinnaugural in the streets of Washington, DC, Mark Rudd's SDS “Maoists” in red armbands jogged along chanting, “Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh! The NLF Is Gonna Win!”One of their number peeled off to run up to the giant steel doors of Justice and banged the big iron knocker (see also Young Frankenstein).Look up to the second-floor windows where the shirtsleeved lawyers with their bureaucrat grins shoot the bird at the fools below.October brings SDS Days of Rage to Chicago, Lincoln Park, the armbands running down sidewalks smashing plate glass, pursued by Daley's police army.That Bill Ayers introduces the New Boss same as the Old Boss, hails Hugo Chavez in Caracas in 2006, “Viva la revolucion Bolivariana! Hasta la victoria siempre!”Out the Daleys, in Rahm Emanuel. Where is the revolution. Where are the killers of the Kennedys brought to justice by the Heroes of the Left.Ayers said in 1971 that as many as 25 million might have to be eliminated to safeguard the revolution.Nixon, Ayers—that's not a revolution.Continue to examine and analyze; to describe and prescribe.Dropping out accomplishes the ends of the enemy without his firing a shot.Naming the enemy sows the seeds of his defeat.Who killed Karzai. Who defended Karzai. Has the poppy production prospered.Hint: Scott says the Golden Triangle declined as the Golden Crescent ascended.Follow the (arms, drugs, money) smell.
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Re: The Media

Post by Bob »

Wayne Madsen among others will speak at a conference in Montreal on September 9th that talks about media manipulation and the fear of "terrorism".
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Re: The Media

Post by Bob »

Now FOX is even bullshitting in their sports coverage... ... headlines/
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Re: The Media

Post by kenmurray »

Bob wrote:Now FOX is even bullshitting in their sports coverage... ... dlines/I'm shocked by this. I always thought FOX was "fair and balanced."