What ever happened to James Files???

JFK Assassination
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What ever happened to James Files???

Post by Janet »

It seems everyone has forgotten what the main subject of this Forum is about: James Files & what he says he did on 11/22/63. The 48th Ann. is coming up and nothing is put out there about him & what he said he did that day. Something has to be done to get more people interested in this. Wim, do you have anything in the works for the 48th Ann. coming up???
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Re: What ever happened to James Files???

Post by dankbaar »

Working on it, Janet, still working on it. But I can't break iron with hands, especially if Files himself is so uncooperating ...
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Re: What ever happened to James Files???

Post by Slav »

Will he take visitors?does anyone live close to the prison to see him regularly?maybe someone can become a friend.
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Re: What ever happened to James Files???

Post by Bob »

Jimmy has other priorities these days. That being said...I believe his story, although there is more truth to be told.
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Re: What ever happened to James Files???

Post by Slav »

I also believe his story no doubts, what other priorities does he have?
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Re: What ever happened to James Files???

Post by Davyjones »

J Files has one big priority.....getting out of prison as soon as he can.The less he says about JFK the better his chances.I see the best we can do is,knowing he has told the truth,continue to batter away at the WC version of events at every turn and get people interested in finding out the truth.Its a long road but sometimes amazing things happen.
Dealey Joe
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Re: What ever happened to James Files???

Post by Dealey Joe »

Davy I think you are exacty right.
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Re: What ever happened to James Files???

Post by Shane »

Unfortunatly, Davy is right. We can consider ourselves blessed that Files spoke at all and Wim has it documented. According to Files, it was one of the worst mistakes he made even speaking up about it. I'm just hopeful that one day Wim can get more out of him (some of those fill in the blank details we are missing). But for those of us who lived a very long time wondering who took that head shot, I feel fortunate to know. I think it will always come as a shock that the American media (who will talk weeks about Brittney Spears shaving her head) won't even touch the James Files story. Maybe when he dies and the time comes to release the rest of the Kennedy files (if that time ever comes) they will finally lay the blame at Files feet...when they are sure he can't throw anyone else under the bus.
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Re: What ever happened to James Files???

Post by Slav »

How far will he make it after he walks out of prison? Im sure the bush family will have the hit team waiting for the right moment or accident to happen.
Phil Dragoo
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To release Files

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Thanks to Obi Wan Dealey Joe I have the hard copy Files on JFK. It corroborates the online interviews. The man is credible.Attempts were made to discredit him, Remington XP-100 not chambered in .222—oh, wait, it was.Files not in Dallas. No, that was Hunt's alibi, that Hunt was in DC: Hunt and Files were in Dallas.Shell found manufactured after the assassination. Except that that, too, is not so.Merely out for fame and fortune. What fame. What fortune.Mark North (Act of Treason) now says the mob did it. Oh. Like Marcello, and Rosselli, and Braden, and Nicoletti and whoever it was who drove Chuckie. And whoever it was who backed him up when Rosselli got cold feet.Two LEOs pull up and start shooting. Jimmy is doing time for that. Welcome to Kafka City where cockroaches send weapons to the Sinaloa Cartel—and immunity:http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/08/05/am ... evcEpWhere the cockroaches offer Jimmy freedom in exchange for renunciation—the last temptation.Lies are rewarded: The Church Lady, Forrest Gump and Bugs Bunnyiosi, Geraldo Plagner and the late Senator Arlen Chancre.The truth wears the crown of thorns awarded by the Citizens' Council of Salem, Mass.What we know at this point: Oswald, who was not a communist, did not own the rifle, did not fire a rifle that day, who admired the president he did not kill, was the martyred scapegoat for the forces of Dulles, Angleton, Helms, attorneys for the Global Masters of War, AG.And so it goes that we are in Afghanistan for the poppies, allowing the Sinaloans to stupefy a populace semicomatose with Dancing with the Czars, ignoring the suffering in North Korea.http://www.therightscoop.com/houses-of- ... camps/Last night a woman remarked her life was changed seeing the film Rabbit-Proof Fence by Phillip Noyce.A film of a day in the life of an Alabama boy sent through the Laotian commotion and rolled up into position in the Plaza for a one-take photo op would change some lives.In the palace the women come and gospeaking of Michelangelo