Seal Team Six

JFK Assassination
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Re: Seal Team Six

Post by Bob »

JFK was a threat to the CIA, without a doubt. He wasn't soft on Communism, but he was a true visionary. That vision was completely opposite of what the CIA and the Military Industrial Complex wanted. JFK learned his lesson after the Bay of Pigs. He fired Allen Dulles and others because of that failed operation. JFK did not approve Operation Northwoods. Again...JFK didn't listen to the Joint Chiefs about invading Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis. A decision by the way, that saved the world from a nuclear conflict and probably WWIII. JFK was also in the process of tearing the CIA into 1,000 pieces. Plus JFK was undertaking back channel peace negotiations with Cuba and the Soviet Union. JFK was not going to invade Vietnam. JFK was also making key changes to the Federal Reserve, a change that also hurt the CIA, as big banking and the CIA were in bed together. JFK was going to make big oil pay it's fair share. Big oil was also linked to the CIA as fronts to some of the operations in the Carribean. Plus you had RFK going after the Mob with vengeance, which was the exact opposite of the promise Joe Kennedy had made to the mob during the 1960 Presidential campaign, as the Mob helped JFK win Illinois. All of these factors made the events of 11/22/1963 happen. Those events have allowed the world to become what it is today. A criminal enterprise led by goverments, big banking and big corporations. The CIA has been allowed to take full power, as it now controls the White House.JFK saw this. He WAS a visionary. He knew... ... re=related
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Re: Seal Team Six

Post by Davyjones »

JFK was a great President.He had vision,compassion and guts.From a distance, nobody subsequant to him matches up.He was an Alpha male,if he had been a street sweeper in the Bronx he would have had lots of females hunting him down,its easy to forgive him that side of his life.He had to mix it with some unsavoury characters to get himself elected,thats a simple fact of life.He wanted the US to not only to be the most wealthy and powerfull nation on earth,which it is,but to also be the most respected and admired nation,by having the best moral compass,which sadly it does not.Folk like Bob,Phil,Dealey,Ken and of course Wim do a great job reminding readers of this forum of what happened and what should happen.Mandela spent years in prison,his dreams contained.Then he was freed and became the most respected of leaders of the free world.We must continue to anticipate that JFKs ambitions will one day be freed from ignorance and hate and those that killed him that terrible day will suffer the consequences, preferably while they live, or in Hell, where they will no doubt end up.
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Seal Team Six

Post by Dealey Joe »

Good solid post Davy, thanks