Muammar Gadhafi

JFK Assassination
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Muammar Gadhafi

Post by Mark68 »

Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar Gaddafi[1] (Arabic: مُعَمَّر القَذَّافِي‎ Muʿammar al-Qaḏḏāfī audio (help·info);[variations] (June 1942[nb 1] – 20 October 2011), commonly known as Muammar Gaddafi /ˈmoʊ.əmɑr ɡəˈdɑːfi/ or Colonel Gaddafi, was the official ruler of the Libyan Arab Republic from 1969 to 1977 and then the "Brother Leader" of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya from 1977 to 2011.Gaddafi seized power in a bloodless military coup in 1969 and served as the country's head of state until 1977, when he stepped down from his official executive role as Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council of Libya, and claimed subsequently to be merely a symbolic figurehead.[2][3] Critics had long described him as having been Libya's autocrat[4][5] or demagogue,[6] despite the Libyan state's denial of him holding any power.[2][3] In 2011, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya state he established was overthrown in a civil war which consisted of an uprising aided by a NATO intervention. His 41-year leadership prior to the uprising made him the fourth longest-serving non-royal leader since 1900, as well as the longest-serving Arab leader.[7] He variously styled himself as "the Brother Leader" and "Guide of the Revolution"; in 2008 a meeting of traditional African rulers bestowed on him the title "King of Kings".[8]After seizing power in 1969, he abolished the Libyan Constitution of 1951. He established laws based on the political ideology[9] he had formulated, called the Third International Theory and published in The Green Book.[10][11] After establishing the jamahiriya ("state of the masses") system in 1977, he officially stepped down from power and had since that time held a largely symbolic role within the country's official governance structure.[2][3] Rising oil prices and extraction in Libya led to increasing revenues. By exporting as much oil per capita as Saudi Arabia and through various welfare programs, Libya achieved the highest living standards in Africa; though not as high as several similarly oil-rich Gulf countries,[12][13] Libya remained debt-free.[14] In the 1980s, he acquired chemical weapons,[15] leading to the United Nations calling Libya under Gaddafi a pariah state[16][17] and countries around the world imposing sanctions.[18] Six days after the capture of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in 2003 by United States troops,[19] Gaddafi renounced Tripoli's weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs and welcomed international inspections to verify that he would follow through on the commitment.[20] A leading advocate for a United States of Africa, he served as Chairperson of the African Union (AU) from 2 February 2009 to 31 January 2010.In February 2011, following revolutions in neighbouring Egypt and Tunisia, protests against Gaddafi's rule began. These escalated into an uprising that spread across the country, with the forces opposing Gaddafi establishing a government based in Benghazi named the National Transitional Council (NTC). This led to the 2011 Libyan civil war, which included a military intervention by a NATO-led coalition to enforce a UN Security Council Resolution 1973 calling for a no-fly zone and protection of civilians in Libya. The assets of Gaddafi and his family were frozen, and both Interpol and the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants on 27 June for Gaddafi, his son Saif al-Islam, and his brother-in-law Abdullah Senussi, concerning crimes against humanity.[1][21][22][23] Gaddafi and his forces lost the Battle of Tripoli in August and on 16 September 2011 the NTC took Libya's seat at the UN, replacing Gaddafi.[24] He retained control over parts of Libya, most notably the city of Sirte, to which it was presumed that he had fled.[25]Although Gaddafi's forces initially held out in the battle for Sirte against NATO's bombing attacks and the NTC's advances, Gaddafi was captured alive in Sirte by members of the Libyan National Liberation Army after his convoy was attacked by NATO warplanes as Sirte fell on 20 October 2011.[26] Gaddafi was captured and then killed by NLA fighters.
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Re: Gadhafi

Post by Bob »

Not only that Mark, but it takes all the attention away from the Occupy Wall Street movement. The power elite and their minions always come up with something to divert attention away from things that are hurting them.
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Re: Gadhafi

Post by Mark68 »

True they don't seem to understand THE most fundamental factor of existence and that IMO is you eventually get back what you give out..regardless of who you are, how much $$ you have, how much intel (dirt?) you have about whoever, what group (masons, nwo, illumenati, cathars, scottish rites, etc., etc.) you belong to. "This whole do it to them before they do it to us" mentality is suicidal. Every culture which became soo ethnocentric that it at the very least perceived itself as invincible eventually imploded.I think the creators (ET's) which made us will either someday come back and set things right or more likely will continue ignore this pathetic little planet they left a L-O-N-G time ago after they got what they bred us from primates for (most likely mining gold) and went back to they're galaxy/planet and forgot us. We (our leaders) are sooo stupid to egotistically think "we are the power elite & we control everything". It would indeed be incredible to see the ET's come back and demonstrate what true power is. Consider they probably communicate telepathically actual contact would fry our unenlightened little 7 watt monkey brains. To think we make a big deal about hovering around this planet in the upper atmosphere & a faked moon landing when these beings travel as fast or faster than the speed of light through wormholes/vortices.
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A helluva lot closer than Rush Limbaugh

Post by Mark68 »

Dealey Joe
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Re: Gadhafi

Post by Dealey Joe »

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Re: Gadhafi

Post by Mark68 »

Lemme guess Joe...You actually beleive we were made in the image of our "creator" right? Considering our pathetically short life span which is wrought w/ all sorts of physical ailments and after a supposed 5 thousand yrs or so of evolution our only way to deal w/ differences is kill each other that "god" is far from perfect or holy isn't he?A bonobo monkey has approx. 95% of the same DNA we do. Yea right..some "god". ... eDiscovery exactly what alien species made us & why makes why one group of corrupt monkeys got together & killed a single much smarter monkey then blamed it on another very niave monkey who thought he was a vital asset to the corrupt monkeys much less important. Makes me think of the Andy & Barney fuckup cops who follow me around the little hick town I live in telling everyone the same old bullshit LIE that I'm a violent closeted child abusing homosexual. Since they' no doubt will read this - It would be a good idea to stop now before I figure anymore out than I already have. I sure hope I"m gainfully employed soon FRIEND.*Update*To expand on the above - Your only choice is to stop now and move on. Because once I am FRAUDENTLY charged w/ something I've NEVER done I'm convinced that taking the professional licensure or credentials of a material witness due to they're perjury is going present a VERY, VERY painful reality for you to face.Thats exactly what I thought. Ha ha ha ha!2nd Update*Nothing, repeat NOTHING is coming to me except death & if that death is artifically premature at the hands of some COWARD backwoods redneck hillbilly then my disabled son is going to be a MILLIONARE. Fuck off you pathetic white trash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Gadhafi

Post by Mark68 » ... nteresting how the number of the readings of this thread has jumped by 10 people in the past 10 minutes...hmmmm??? Why would 10 people suddently at almost 1am local time be so interested in a quiet little JFK conspiracy website..hmmmm????
Dealey Joe
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Re: Gadhafi

Post by Dealey Joe »

Gadhafiby Mark68 » Thu Oct 20, 2011 9:18 am W/ the Gadhafi's death in addition of Hussein's now the NWO has access to more oil/$$. What are these fools gonna do once there's no more oil and/or cold fusion is viable?