Cain your comments

JFK Assassination
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Cain your comments

Post by Slav »

Well it seems like they really want to do this guy in Im surprised they didnt shoot him, do you think this is the powers since 1963 behind this one? it looks like it will never end. If they cant shoot someone they make a scandel.I bet if he becomes pres he is the next target.
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Re: Cain your comments

Post by Bob »

Herman Cain is strictly a Koch brothers puppet. That is why he is still hanging on even after more and more dirt on him comes up. JFK and Bill Clinton were scoundrels because of their sexual behavior according to the Republicans, but it's just one of those things if it happens to one of their own like Cain or Clarence Thomas.
Phil Dragoo
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Sharon Bialek

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Sharon Bialek worked for the chief of staff of Chicago Mayor Daley and was David Axelrod's neighbor.Nine jobs in thirteen years, two bankruptcies, a paternity suit, IRS trouble, seized assets.Boyfriend and she out of work, again.Claimed to be a Tea Party person; resides in a tony section of Chicago.Struck by searing memory only when Cain is frontrunner.Yet needs to read a script, needs to restrain giggling, gushing over new hair-do.Behold an operation mounted to destroy a threat to the CIA-military grip on government.They did it to Democrat Gary Hart.They do this to protect themselves.Politics need not dictate interest in the assassinations.I supported Goldwater; I thought, with the naivete of the poli sci grad, that actions were defined through policy debate.Not so: Putin arranged for Lebed's 2003 helicopter crash.Biden and son silenced Larry Sinclair's alarm over Obama's homosexuality.And Biden was rewarded.Brennan sanitized Obama's passport file and Brennan is national security advisor.There are trillions at stake. Nothing can be left to chance.A million square foot NSA facility in Utah, the CIA monitoring all the Tweets and Face Book postings.There are to be no elections, only pro forma "professional wrestling bouts" such as the McCain taking a dive in 2008.The victim of years of brainwashing intentionally losing.Cain must be broken.There are no effective "temporary residents of the White House."Harry Truman panned the agency in December 1963 and Dulles lied to Houston that he'd convinced Truman to recant--not so.Reagan was shot by a zombie in 1981--and was supposed to die.Bill Kurtis said Sharon Bialek had a history, worked for CBS, people knew her, that the situation was likely the reverse of what she described, that is, that it was she who was the aggressor.Why did we go to Iraq? Not oil, didn't get a drop. Likely to take out a threat to the Saudis who own the government. And to take out a threat to IRAN.Why are we in Afghanistan? Why did Obama go to Pakistan--at a time he was likely mentored by Brzezinski.And Brzezinski and Gates are Iran cheerleaders.The Arab Spring is a big gift to Iran.Can't have the global game messed up by a loose cannon.The Council on Foreign Relations paper in 2004 Iran: Time for a New Approach by Zbigniew Brzezinski and Robert M. Gates is the map.The Power Elite encompasses the Carter national security advisor who blueprinted the installation of the Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979 and the George Herbert Walker Bush Director of Central Intelligence who became the George Walker Bush and Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., Secretary of Defense.The seeming disparity, the apparent diametric opposition of right and left, the eevil Bush and so-glorious Obama, a shadow dance to conceal the same power in place.Now the hate machine is spun up to destroy Cain who is not with the program.The Oval Office is to be only symbolic; that was the lesson of Dallas and that is the lesson of Allred and the Suspiciously Timed Complaint.Alligators in the moat around the castle.National Security Act of 1947 and 1949.Ask the buried Terra Cotta Warriors: Hoover 1972, Johnson 1973, Nixon 1974, Hoffa and Giancana 1975, Rosselli 1976, DeMohrenschildt and Nicolletti 1977, and they will tell you.Hold E. Howard Hunt's deflection up to a mirror and he will tell you.The Agency replaces MacArthur's The Corps.And it serves a higher power.Porter Goss' chief of staff John Millis criticized John Deutch Clinton's second of three Directors of Central Intelligence for compromising agency files on an insecure home computer accessed by the Russians.And Millis sucked a shotgun in a bathtub at the Breezeway Motel in Alexandria, Virginia.No amateurs are allowed to disrupt the House's gaming operation.The game is rigged. Players must follow the rules or meet with the enforcers.Obama is part of the CIA-military operation; let him be primaried.Take an Al Franken or a Dennis Kucinich and blitz the Obama-Axelrod dinosaur.A revolution at the ballot box.The distraction du jour delays the regime change needed in DC.