JFK Assassination
Tommy Wilkens
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Post by Tommy Wilkens »

WOW now that's stretching JDB4JFK ... I personally do not believe they shipped Jack Ruby off to some island to live the rest of his life out..I do believe if he had lived long enough to stand a second trial he would have been found guilty of killing Lee Oswald with circumstances ...But this time around his sentence would have been tempered considering Jack's emotional state and the high emotions of that weekend in 1963. 3 to 5 years and back running the Bar hustling !!!
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Post by Slav »

Somehow I don't think they faked his death, he went on Camera and pointed the finger at the people in office now, I'm sure LBJ wanted him eliminated .
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Post by Slav »

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Post by Bob »

I believe Jack Ruby did die from cancer. The cancer may have come from cancer-causing chemicals which was put in his food in jail. If you haven't read Dr. Mary's Monkey by Ed Haslam, I suggest you do. Ed has posted in our forum in the past. In terms of Ruby, he was always a loose cannon. That was one of the reasons he was banned from his hometown in Chicago and sent to Dallas in the first place. If you look at his statements to the press after LHO was murdered, the people in charge knew that they had to eliminate Ruby one way or the other.
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Post by JDThomas »

I've always wondered what the 'deal' was with Ruby shooting Oswald. Obviously he was told that he had to do it, but why and why him?If you believe the theory that Oswald was either meant to be killed in the TSBD or else the Texas theatre then you can see Ruby acting the role of the classic Mob 'cleaner', cleaning up a loose end when something has gone wrong. But why was Ruby selelcted for this as there was clearly no chance of escape from the basement and there was a good chance of him being shot dead by a cop while carrying-out the deed? Given that he survived, he faced the death penalty of course, so the job was always going to be a one-way ticket.Was it a job he had to do to atone for previous sins or else he had to take the hit or get whacked? In each of these cases there was a high chance of him talking if he wanted to stay alive and would have to be silenced and Ruby himself would have been fully aware of this.Was it simply a case that with his close ties to the Dallas Police, he was the only guy that they felt they could get past the police guard into the basement unchecked? - because of his close ties with the Police, he must have been viewed as a good asset, one not to be discarded until necessary. So in desperation, it was Jack or nobody?Questions, questions, questions ...
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Post by Slav »

It looked like he was going to shoot Oswald inside the police station , if you ever seen the video where Oswald was being moved from room to room ruby was standing right there looking around and seems to be nervous and sweating.I think Oswald knew the whole story of the inside planning and he or they were afraid Oswald was going to talk once Oswald realized he wasn't going to be bailed out and charged with the shooting of JFKOswald says on camera when asked I have not been charged with the killing of JFK and the reporter says yes you have and right away the police pull Oswald away before he could respond.
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Post by kenmurray »

Jack Ruby's timely time-stamped visit to Western Union:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d89goIzHDQg
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Post by Slav »

What I don't understand is why did Ruby have to do Oswald, why could they not get Oswald in jail the way they got ruby or have him attempt escape and shoot him, bringing Ruby in made it more messier.
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Post by JDB4JFK »

I agree Slav I've never understood that either. Having Ruby kill Oswald points to an obvious conspiracy. When the alleged assassin is assassinated then you have a "Conspiracy, plain and simple!!!
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Post by Slav »

Anybody with common sense would say right away it's a conspiracy when Ruby kills Oswald , in 1960,s when we all were niaive I thought right away there was something that ruby wanted to hide and that what I was thinking with no Law enforcement experiance, but then you have the best liar enforcement agency the FBI doing nothing about it for 50 years, shame on them for calling them self Lawmen. Department of Justice should be called department of injustice.I am still hoping praying that Trump pulls a Trump card and really come threw for us and put the people behind bars.Who know let's stay tuned and give him a chance and hope for the best.