Jeanne DeMohrenschildt

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Jeanne DeMohrenschildt

Post by Dealey Joe »

Eugenia (Jeanne) Fomenko was born in Harbin, China on 5th May, 1914. Her parents had both been born in Russia and just before she was born her father was director of the Chinese Eastern Railroad. In 1925 he resigned because the company was sold to the Soviet Union.Eugenia became an architect in Harbin. In 1932 she married Valentin Bogoiavlensky. They later moved to Shanghai where they became a successful dance team. It was during this period that they changed their names to Robert and Jeanne LeGon.In 1938 they emigrated to the United States. Her father remained in China and according to her testimony before the Warren Commission he was doing secret work for the US government. Jeanne later heard from another family member that her father was killed by the "communists" in 1941.Jeanne found work with Martins Fashion Apparel Store in Brooklyn. According to her own account: "within 1 year, from modeling, from 25, I became in charge of the showroom, I was selling, I was selecting fabrics, and became a stylist.... the very same firm paid me to design a collection for them." She later worked for Bloom and Eagen, Lombardy Coat Company and Leeds Coats.In the summer of 1953 Jeanne LeGon moved to Dallas where she was employed by Nardis Sportswear: "It was $20,000 a year, plus two trips to Europe, with expenses paid." In April 1954 she relocated to California where she worked for Style Garments. In 1955 she returned to Dallas and designed dresses for Handmacher Vogel. The following year she met George de Mohrenschildt. When Robert LeGon discovered what was going on, he wrote a letter to the FBI accussing her of being a "communist spy". This resulted in the FBI making inquiries about her political activities.According to Priscilla Johnson McMillan: "After Jeanne started seeing George de Monhrenschildt, Robert LeGon came twice to Dallas. He is said to have gone after his wife's admirer with a revolver, then hired a private detective. But, like so many others before him, he succumbed to the De Mohrenschildt charm. He declared that he would grant his wife a divorce on one condition - that De Mohrenschildt promise to marry her."Jeanne continued to get a lot of work designing clothes. In 1956 she worked for Leeds Coats and the following year she was employed by Judy Bond, Nancy Greer and Jack Rothenberg in Dallas.Jeanne married George de Mohrenschildt in June 1959. The following year, George's only son died of Cystic Fibrosis. George wrote in his autobiography: "I asked my wife Jeanne to give up her successful designing profession and join me on an expedition on foot by the trails of Mexico and all of Central America." After the couple used all their savings in the trip to Mexico and Central America they returned to Dallas. George began writing a book about his experiences and Jeanne found a job in the millinery department of the Sanger-Harris department store.Jeanne and George de Mohrenschildt attempted to provide support for Russian-born people living in Dallas. Jeanne told the Warren Commission: "There are two types of Russian people there - some that came in after the revolution, and there are some new ones that escaped during the Second World War, from Germany....If anybody heard that there was all of a sudden a new Russian somewhere, there was, naturally, interest in people to know who they are, where they are from, what kind of people they are."In 1961 George de Mohrenschildt was invited to lunch by J. Walton Moore. According to Edward Jay Epstein, during the meeting Moore told de Mohrenschildt about Lee Harvey Oswald living in Minsk. In October, 1962 De Mohrenschildt met with Oswald in Fort Worth. Over the next few months he took Oswald to anti-Castro meetings in Dallas. De Mohrenschildt later told Epstein that he was asked by Moore to find out about Oswald's time in the Soviet Union. In return he was given help with an oil deal he was negotiating with Papa Doc Duvalier, the Haitian dictator. In March 1963, De Mohrenschildt got the contract from the Haitian government. He had assumed that this was because of the help he had given to the CIA.In February, 1963 George de Mohrenschildt introduced Marina Oswald and Lee Harvey Oswald to Ruth Paine. On 24th April, 1963, Marina and her daughter went to live with Paine. Oswald rented a room in Dallas but stored some of his possessions in Ruth Paine’s garage. Ruth also helped Oswald to get a job at the Texas School Book Depository.In June 1963 Jeanne de Mohrenschildt and her husband moved to Haiti. After the assassination of John F. Kennedy the couple were recalled to America to testify before the Warren Commission.On 5th September 1976 George de Mohrenschildt sent a message to George H. W. Bush, who was at that time director of the CIA: "Maybe you will be able to bring a solution to the hopeless situation I find myself in. My wife and I find ourselves surrounded by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are being followed everywhere. Either FBI is involved in this or they do not want to accept my complaints. We are driven to insanity by the situation. I have been behaving like a damn fool ever since my daughter Nadya died from (cystic fibrosis) over three years ago. I tried to write, stupidly and unsuccessfully, about Lee H Oswald and must have angered a lot of people I do not know. But to punish an elderly man like myself and my highly nervous and sick wife is really too much. Could you do something to remove the net around us? This will be my last request for help and I will not annoy you any more."Two months later George de Mohrenschildt was committed to a mental institution. According to Jeanne he was suffering from depression. He was taken to Parkland Hospital and underwent electroshock therapy.In February 1977, Willem Oltmans, met him at the library of Bishop College in Dallas, where he taught French. Oltmans later told the House Select Committee on Assassinations: "I couldn't believe my eyes. The man had changed drastically... he was nervous, trembling. It was a scared, a very, very scared person I saw. I was absolutely shocked, because I knew de Mohrenschildt as a man who wins tennis matches, who is always suntanned, who jogs every morning, who is as healthy as a bull."According to Willem Oltmans, he confessed to being involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. "I am responsible. I feel responsible for the behaviour of Lee Harvey Oswald... because I guided him. I instructed him to set it up." Oltmans claimed that de Mohrenschildt had admitted serving as a middleman between Lee Harvey Oswald and H. L. Hunt in an assassination plot involving other Texas oilmen, anti-Castro Cubans, and elements of the FBI and CIA.Oltmans told the HSCA: "He begged me to take him out of the country because they are after me." On 13th February 1977, Oltmans took de Mohrenschildt to his home in Amsterdam where they worked on his memoirs. Over the next few weeks de Mohrenschildt claimed he knew Jack Ruby and argued that Texas oilmen joined with intelligence operatives to arrange the assassination of John F. Kennedy.Willem Oltmans arranged for George de Mohrenschildt to meet a Dutch publisher and the head of Dutch national television. The two men then travelled to Brussels. When they arrived, Oltmans mentioned that an old friend of his, a Soviet diplomat, would be joining them a bit later for lunch. De Mohrenschildt said he wanted to take a short walk before lunch. Instead, he fled to a friend's house and after a few days he flew back to the United States. He later accused Oltmans of betraying him. Russ Baker suggests in his book Family of Secrets: "Perhaps, and this would be strictly conjecture, de Mohrenschildt saw what it meant that he, like Oswald, was being placed in the company of Soviets. He was being made out to be a Soviet agent himself. And once that happened, his ultimate fate was clear."The House Select Committee on Assassinations were informed of George de Mohrenschildt's return to the United States and sent its investigator, Gaeton Fonzi, to find him. Fonzi discovered he was living with his daughter in Palm Beach. However, Fonzi was not the only person looking for de Mohrenschildt. On 15th March 1977 he had a meeting with Edward Jay Epstein that had been arranged by the Reader's Digest magazine. Epstein offered him $4,000 for a four-day interview.On 27th March, 1977, George de Mohrenschildt arrived at the Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach and spent the day being interviewed by Epstein. According to Epstein, they spent the day talking about his life and career up until the late 1950s.Two days later Edward Jay Epstein asked him about Lee Harvey Oswald. As he wrote in his diary: "Then, this morning, I asked him about why he, a socialite in Dallas, sought out Oswald, a defector. His explanation, if believed, put the assassination in a new and unnerving context. He said that although he had never been a paid employee of the CIA, he had "on occasion done favors" for CIA connected officials. In turn, they had helped in his business contacts overseas. By way of example, he pointed to the contract for a survey of the Yugoslavian coast awarded to him in 1957. He assumed his "CIA connections" had arranged it for him and he provided them with reports on the Yugoslav officials in whom they had expressed interest."Edward Jay Epstein and De Mohrenschildt, broke for lunch and decided to meet again at 3 p.m. De Mohrenschildt returned to his room where he found a card from Gaeton Fonzi, an investigator working for the House Select Committee on Assassinations. George De Mohrenschildt's body was found later that day. He had apparently committed suicide by shooting himself in the mouth.On 11th May, 1978, Jeanne de Mohrenschildt gave an interview to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, where she said that she did not accept that her husband had committed suicide. She also said that she believed Lee Harvey Oswald was an agent of the United States, possibly of the CIA, and that she was convinced he did not kill John F. Kennedy. She then went onto say: "They may get me too, but I'm not afraid... It's about time somebody looked into this thing."
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Re: Jeanne DeMohrenschildt

Post by kenmurray »

(1) Albert E. Jenner, interviewing Jeanne de Mohrenschildt on 24th April, 1964. Mr. JENNER. Now, I am going to, in a moment, bring you to the period when you met the Oswalds. Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes. Mr. JENNER. But I want you to tell me first, if you will, slowly, the nature of the Russian colony in Dallas at that time. Now, as I understand it, you met the Oswalds in the summer of 1962. Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. In the late summer. Mr. JENNER. There was a small Russian colony? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. You see, I wouldn't classify it as a colony. There are some odds-and-ends Russian people. Mr. JENNER. I am using a reference to identify a more or less heterogeneous group of people in Dallas who had a measure of common interests arising out of the fact that either they or their parents had been born or had a relatively immediate contact with Russia.Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Well, you see, there are two types of Russian people there - some that came in after the revolution, and there are some new ones that escaped during the Second World War, from Germany.... Mr. JENNER. Now, as people came to Dallas, that is persons with this history, did you people and I don't mean just you alone, but I am talking about the whole group - become interested in them, seek to meet them, become acquainted? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Well, if anybody heard that there was all of a sudden a new Russian somewhere, there was, naturally, interest in people to know who they are, where they are from, what kind of people they are. And, of course, if they were destitute or something - and none of them were really - only Marina was--then we helped them. But there were no organizations, no particular organizations to help or wait for them to come in, because there was no necessity. Mr. JENNER. Now, were you generally - were you advised normally in advance that somebody new was coming? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. No. In fact, they were talking about Marina for months to us. I said, after all, we should really meet that young girl. They were talking for a couple of months. Mr. JENNER. Who? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Well, we found out about her actually through, I believe, George Bouhe. I think George probably told you the name.... Mr. JENNER. Now, I take it from what you have said, that you were wholly unadvised, you and your husband, that Marina and Lee were coming to the Fort Worth-Dallas area before they came. You knew nothing about it? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Nothing at all. Mr. JENNER. Now...Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. I don't even know when they came. Mr. JENNER. Had you heard anything about them at all, that he had been in Russia? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Before? Mr. JENNER. Before, and then had married her, and come back, he attempted to defect? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. No; nothing at all - in spite that it was in some press somewhere I believe it was printed. Mr. JENNER. But you didn't see it? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Never saw it. Never had no idea. Mr. JENNER. Had there been any discussion among you people, any of you - Bouhe, Clark, and Meller, Voshinins, Mamantov, Gravitis, Dymitruk, Raigorodsky - Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. That is a character - Dymitruk was also imported recently, I think after we were there. Mr. JENNER. What do you mean imported? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. I mean he arrived--I call him imported. He was really a sad sack. Mr. JENNER. He was the husband of Lydia Dymitruk? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes.... Mr. JENNER. You made a comfortable living, and that is about it? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. That is it. Mr. JENNER. But at this particular time, you were not in a position to assist the Oswalds financially in any material sense? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Exactly; none at all. Mr. JENNER. But you were in a position that you could afford them time? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes. Mr. JENNER. And attention? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes. Not them - actually with Marina, because couldn't do much for Oswald--just talk to a couple of people about him, and maybe get him a job. But even the job he had - I don't know who got it - I think it was an agency that got him the job he had. Mr. JENNER. At Leslie Welding? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. I don't know the name of the firm. He worked in a darkroom. Mr. JENNER. That was later. Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. I don't even know the name of it. Mr. JENNER. You are not clear in your mind, I take it, that when you first met the Oswalds; you don't know whether you went to their home or...Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. I don't remember. I really don't remember. And, believe me, I had enough time to think about it. I was trying to remember every little detail that can be useful. I cannot still remember exactly how it came about - whether they were brought to our house. I don't think we drove and got them for the first time. Maybe we took them back, you know, to Fort Worth. It could be. I don't know.Of course, they had the baby with them. They always had to bring the baby - couldn't leave the baby with, anyone. Mr. JENNER. But in due course you did enter their home in Fort Worth? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. I never entered their home in Fort Worth. George, I think, did once. George walked in, because Lee was asleep, I think, when we brought Marina - so he maybe walked in the house because he went out to door. I never did. They lived somewhere - there was a tremendous store, Montgomery Ward or something. Mr. JENNER. Sears? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. No; I think it was Montgomery Ward. I don't remember. That is where they lived. It was a miserable-looking house. That what I saw. A wooden building. Mr. JENNER. You found them to be in destitute circumstances, did you? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Well, I wouldn't say they were completely starving, but they were quite miserable quite, quite miserable, you know. Even if were not destitute, the personality that Lee had would make anybody miserable to live with. Mr. JENNER. All right. Tell us about Lee Oswald. Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. What I think of the fellow? Mr. JENNER. Your impressions of him, what you thought of him. Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Disagreeable. He was very, very disagreeable, and disappointed. He is like a puppy dog that everybody kicked. And he was sort of withdrawn within himself. And his greatest objection was that people helped them too much, they were showering things on Marina. Marina had a hundred dresses given. to her. The baby had a crib. My daughter didn't have it when I came to the United States, and I didn't have one-hundredth of what Marina had because I didn't know anybody, and I didn't want to know anybody when I came over. I was in such circumstances. So, anyway, he objected to that lavish help, because Marina was throwing it into his face. Mr. JENNER. She was? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Absolutely--see people, how nice they are? And she is always telling me the people are nice, giving all these things, and he is insulting them for it. He was offensive with the people. And I can understand why, and maybe I was the only one that understood him, while he was offensive, because that hurt him. He could never give her what the people were showering on her. So that was very difficult for him, no matter how hard he worked--and he worked very hard. He worked overtime, he used to come in at 11 o'clock, she said, at night, and when he come home, he started reading again. So he was not running around. He didn't drink, he didn't smoke. He was just hard working, but a very difficult personality. And usually offensive at people because people had an offensive attitude to him. I don't think he was offensive for that, because of the things we did, he could have killed us.
Michael Calder
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Re: Jeanne DeMohrenschildt

Post by Michael Calder »

Ken ,I had the opportunity of speaking with Jeanne DeMohrenschildt. She was looking for an author to co-write her biography. She said she wanted to get the truth of the assassination on record. She died within a month of our telephone conversation and before I could meet with her in person. This was in the valley in LA.
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Re: Jeanne DeMohrenschildt

Post by kenmurray »

Michael Calder wrote:Ken ,I had the opportunity of speaking with Jeanne DeMohrenschildt. She was looking for an author to co-write her biography. She said she wanted to get the truth of the assassination on record. She died within a month of our telephone conversation and before I could meet with her in person. This was in the valley in LA. http://www.jfkcia.comHow long ago did she die Michael?
Michael Calder
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Re: Jeanne DeMohrenschildt

Post by Michael Calder »

Ken,Jeanne died in the early 1990s or mid 1990s. I was angry at the black propanda that CIA was dispensing prior to the release of the Oliver Stone film on JFK. In response I did several cable tv shows for Santa Monica Public Access. After one in particular, the producer said there was a was a woman on the line holding and insisted on speaking with me. She said she was Jeanne Demohrenschildt and if I knew who she was. I responded that I did and how charming I found her husband to be in his Warren Commission appearance. Long story short she gave me her telephone number as she was living in the San Fernando Valley and told me to call her. I did and we conversed. When I called back a second time to arrange a meeting someone else answered the phone. She knew me from the tv show and had watched it with Jeanne. What is suspicious is she told how upset the emergency room doctor was as to the condition Jeanne's private doctor had let her become. You can take a look at one of the cable shows I did at the time, "Dealey Plaza" at
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Jeanne DeMohrenschildt

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

08.03.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:01.24.2012 - Mr. Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall Posted this simple appearing Headlinethat escaped the attention of many.Recently several Headlines, Posts, and discussions have focused on her husband,George De Mohrenschildt.Certainly this is and excellent contribution by Joe who's significance should bere-raised for consideration at this time, this year.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: Jeanne DeMohrenschildt

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Our investigation found that Jeanne De Mohrenschildt was and most likely had been George's right hand council and knew all the most guarded secrets that the De Mohrenschildts had accumulated all there years together. She was a volatile woman who drank heavily daily and would become so intoxicated that she on many occasions would fight with her fists with George .Willem Oltmans personal notes revealed a violent woman who was domineering and very aggressive.At times Jeanne would after many high balls would become very loose lipped and would begin to talk on the subject of the Kennedy assassination and George would step right in and loudly tell her to shut her mouth. Oltamns notes spelled this out clearly. The notes also told that at times she could be sexually aggressive and at times when she felt Willem and George had become to close she accused George of being a homosexual. Oltmans notes did speak of many very late night walks Willem and George would take together along a private path near the tennis courts that were on the DeMohrenschildts apartments grounds that were well know for male sexual encounters .
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Jeanne DeMohrenschildt

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

08.04.2013Dear Mr. Tommy Wilkens:Tommy - Excellent information that additionally confirms interviews, investigations, and research that I have developed. My take off point had been with the LouisianaCivil Air Patrol (LCAP), pardon the pun.David Ferrie's homosexual activities are well documented. PERIOD.David Ferrie ran the LCAP that had Lee Harvey Oswald, and many other young boys andmen in their group, alone in tents for extended periods of time.These were groups of all young males who slept in the wilderness in tents under thesupervision of David Ferrie who practiced his hypnosis on them. DOCUMENTED.It is well documented that David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald, Clay Shaw - Bertrand, andGeorge De Mohrenschildt had all associated with each other extensively. DOCUMENTED.Clay Shaw - Bertrand's homosexual activities are well documented. PERIOD.J. Edgar Hoover's homosexual activities are well documented. PERIOD.J. Edgar Hoover's immediate efforts to bury, control, and cover - up the JFK Assassinationare all well documented. PERIOD.Indications were that George De Mohrenschildt may have had homosexual tendencies.Now you confirm that George De Mohrenschildt and Willem Oltmans were possibly -probably a part of, or an extension of, the homosexual chain or coven, according to his ownwife.It is well established that LHO popped up unexpectedly in the U.S. with his Russian brideMarina.It is well established that Marina went on record about LHO's lack of desire, or interestin sex, and simply, he was no good at sex with women.I have always believed that Russia, the phony - cover up marriage, the U - 2 Incident, Lee's image, multiple LHO's, and the chain or coven of homosexuals, were interconnected and interwoven much more than has ever been revealed.Further, Skull & Bones Ceremonies allegedly involved homosexual actions or activities.This would certainly be a Group of Practitioners who had Superior Bonds of Secrecy beyondthe Normal Covert Operations Training Standards.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: Jeanne DeMohrenschildt

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Very well said BB... There is no doubt in my mind after researching Willem Oltmans private notes that he and George had a very special bonding type relationship which included sexual activity between the two men .It's because of this type relationship between the two men that George De Mohrenschildt intrusted Willem Oltmans with his darkest of secretes. The American media and so many who have looked into this case have for years now pushed Oltmans claims of what he was told to the side and discredited him as a journalist.The discrediting began almost immediately after his dis closer of what he had been told and what his 10 year long investigation had revealed. When one reads Oltmans personal notes it becomes crystal clear that he was telling the truth and that George De Mohrenschildt's claims of responsibility for the actions of Lee Oswald are also very much true. My wife and myself spent hours and hours and hours and days and days going over every shred of notes we had could find in those fast archives and when I look back now it's just amazing all that concerning the JFK assassination is sealed away so far away from America. On our final day there as we left I even considered a call to the World Court with our findings located right there in Den Hagg the Netherlands thinking possible an independent court outside the American legal system might very well be able to be unbiased with no politics involved in finally seeking the real facts and the real truths of what really happened in Dallas Texas 50 years ago now !!!
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Jeanne DeMohrenschildt

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

08.05.2013Dear Mr. Tommy Wilkens:Tommy - Both you and your wife deserve credit and recognition for doing theanalysis, investigation, reading, research, study, and writing that you havedone and presented here.You bring powerful facts and information to the foreground. Obviously so muchmore was going on with and around LHO that has been heretofore presented.Keep up the excellent work.Best Regards.Respectfully,BB.