Robert Oswald

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Robert Oswald

Post by Dealey Joe »

Trying to get accurate information on the elder brothers of Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby respectively is hampered by the conspiracy soup that brews in pools across the internet. Nevertheless, some reliable information is attainable.Robert Oswald, the older brother of Lee Harvey Oswald, a former Marine and salesman, wrote a biography of his sibling, which I think was published in 1967. In 1993, he was interviewed for PBS. "You look at all the data there, and it comes up to one conclusion as far as I'm concerned -- the Warren Commission was correct, " he states.In 1997, he gave an interview to the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, where he spoke a bit more about his own life.Robert Oswald was named after his father and grandfather:The Oswald family tree dated back to colonial times. He'd learned as a child that he was a fifth or sixth cousin of Gen. Robert E. Lee, which explained why he had been named Robert Edward Lee Oswald Jr., and his little brother Lee Harvey Oswald. To change his name would have amounted to a betrayal of his heritage, he believed. …He grins companionably. By nature, he is affable, soft-spoken, gentle, a chronic laugher, utterly without pretense....Two weeks after the assassination, he made himself return to his job as a sales coordinator for a brick company in Denton, 30 miles outside of Dallas. He would neither run nor deny he was an Oswald. Neither he nor his family was guilty of anything, he kept telling those closest to him. A childhood spent in and out of orphanages had prepared him for hard times and steeled his belief in, among other things, his ability to get along with people and survive the worst of circumstances....In the summer of 1964, Acme Brick Co. transferred him to Wichita Falls in dusty north Texas -- not to get an Oswald out of the Denton-Dallas area, believes Bob Oswald -- but simply because Wichita Falls needed a sales coordinator. Regardless of the motive, the move placed the family in an area that has largely respected their privacy for more than three decades and let them live as ordinary people unburdened by stigma. "They'd come to the Little League games back in the early days, and they were very reserved," recalls longtime friend Helen Seyler. "They just quietly tried to be a part of the community. I think people respected them for that. ... The nice thing is, they let you live your life in these parts. People know plenty from personal experience about families having black sheep sometimes. They know you can't hold that against someone."His father died when he was five: "I had 51/2 wonderful years with father and I had memories; Lee had zero time, OK?" he says, repeating the figures -- five, zero. "I don't think we'd be having this conversation if father [had lived] and Lee had had him around. ... We all know that lots of people do OK with just one parent, one good loving parent. ... But let's just say we had a situation that was different."
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Re: Robert Oswald

Post by kenmurray »

With A Brother Like Robert Oswald, Lee didn't need no enemies: ... DVQgFeUiuM
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Robert Oswald

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

10.19.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:01.27.2012 - Mr. Joe Hall Posted this straight forward Headline.Although this discussion barely developed, some interesting facts,points of information, and opinions were provided.This should be considered in conjunction with other Headlines and Posts about LHO here on the JFK Murder Solved Forum.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings,research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of thissubject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Robert Oswald

Post by kenmurray »

Robert Oswald is at it again throwing his dead brother Lee under the bus by saying in this interview from the Huffington Gross that Lee had "other guns." ... e&ir=Crime
Douglas 606
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Re: Robert Oswald

Post by Douglas 606 »

kenmurray wrote:Robert Oswald is at it again throwing his dead brother Lee under the bus by saying in this interview from the Huffington Gross that Lee had "other guns." ... eAccording to many researchers, the man arrested at the Texas Theater, shot by Ruby and later buried was not the biological brother of Robert Oswald.That Russian speaking Lee Oswald was actually the one the CIA/Navy Intelligence switched identities with the real Lee Oswald at a US Marine Corps Base in Orange County, California, October 1959. A month later that Russian speaking LHO was a false defector to the USSR.BTW, the old story that Oswald taught himself Russian is total nonsense. The LHO that was arrested in Dallas was born in Hungary and had always known Russian. As his wife said when she met him at a dance in March 1961, " I knew right away that Lee knew Russian language very well but with a East European accent."
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: Robert Oswald

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Over the years I can remember running across an interview that Robert Oswald made concerning the Paines involvement with Lee and Marina.If I remember it correctly he didn't quit understand that connection and found it somewhat strange as I am sure he also found strange his brothers close involvement with George De Mohrenschildt.I do think almost anyone can see that these friendships that the Oswald's had were very unusual and very strange to say the least.
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Re: Robert Oswald

Post by JDThomas »

I think that Chauncey Holt summed-up the LHO-De Mohrenschildt friendship condundrum best:What on earth did a late-middle aged, right-wing, white Russian find to discuss with a young, hard-line american communist? How to break the bank at the Monte Carlo casino???.... or perhaps their experiences as CIA contract agents?
Douglas 606
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Re: Robert Oswald

Post by Douglas 606 »

Tommy Wilkens wrote:Over the years I can remember running across an interview that Robert Oswald made concerning the Paines involvement with Lee and Marina.If I remember it correctly he didn't quit understand that connection and found it somewhat strange as I am sure he also found strange his brothers close involvement with George De Mohrenschildt.I do think almost anyone can see that these friendships that the Oswald's had were very unusual and very strange to say the least.If I recall correctly...Marina Oswald's connection to the Paines came through George De Mohrenschildt when he gave a party and invited Lee and Marina. The Paines were of course also at that party.Mrs Paine wanted to learn Russian language. Upon meeting Marina, Mrs. Paine invited Marina to live at her home. This would enable Marina to teach Mrs. Paine some Russian and it would give Marina a place to stay whilst she was separated from Lee.
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Re: Robert Oswald

Post by JDB4JFK »

I've always wanted to cross examined the Paine's' in a court of law, especially Ruth. Spence had his chance in the 1986 mock trial of Oswald but he blew it! He got a few digs in but blew the chance to connect her and her husband to the CIA. One of the things nobody brings up or we forget about is Ruth Pain's car was used to pick up Oswald after the assassination, driven by a dark complected man, probably David Morales. Ruth Paine barred Oswald after the assassination make it seem like he was this bad husband with a temper. I always thought it was suspicious why a couple who didn't really know the Oswald's, would let them live with them, and vice versa why would Lee Oswald let Ruth Paine come to New Orleans pick up his wife and kids and move them to Dallas if he didn't know them? Well the answer probably is because DeMohrenschildt told him too and Ruth Paine's handler probably told her to take Marina in because Lee will be coming to Dallas soon. A normal person wouldn't take strangers in there house where there kids live when you don't know them. I know Ruth Paine is still alive is her husband Mike who looks like Lee Oswald alive?
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: Robert Oswald

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

In our investigation we located and befriended Steven Martin son of Shirley Martin one of the very first real JFK assassination researchers just weeks after the assassination took place .While interviewing Steven Martin he told me personally that he had met Ruth Paine and that she was strange and very suspicious acting as she gave the Smith's a personal tour of the Paine house and garage . Steven Smith told me his Mother's investigation showed much later down the road that Ruth Paine was in close contact with J.Edger Hoover. Steven Martin told me also that he and his Mother had been given a personal tour of the Texas School Book Depository by Roy Truly for a $20 bill. He was used as the sprinter his Mother timed him as he on foot sprinted down the 6 floors to the lunch room.He said it couldn't be done or at least he didn't make it in the 90 seconds.The list of people that the Smith's interviewed just went on and on.We have it all in our investigation.