Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

JFK Assassination
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by saracarter766 »

ChristophMessner wrote:Sara, if you really feel bad about my way of asking, I feel bad, too. When I tell my opinion about something in this forum I try to substanciate it by plausible reasons and arguments. I'm open to any questioning of my opinions and expect others to substanciate their's by their reasons and arguments, too. If his or her reason or argument is stronger than mine, I will change my opinion. But it's no so important, WHO found the most plausible theory with it's best reasons, but to just try to find it, and it is important, that on the mutual way to the truth both LISTEN and APPRECIATE the other's words and reasoning of their opinion. Your opinion about badgeman was: I just believe in badgeman, because I see him there on the photo! No reasoning about the logical consistencies or inconsistencies, the probabilities, no thinking into the shooter, what he might have thought, done, etc., no considering about the other persons standing around. So I just had the feeling, you would say an opinion without naming any foundation to substanciate your opinion. It's like saying: The son his hot, just because it is hot. The badgeman is there, because he is there. In any serious inverstigation this does not count as an argument. So I brought up my reasoning and my arguments for my opinion in the hope, you would LISTEN and APPRECIATE the reasoning of others and care for them. Also you could have said: "I cannot explain." or "I cannot answer your questions, because I don't know." This would have been ok as well. Actually, I'm happy that there is a woman in this forum. Often or maybe always women have another reasoning or approach to the same than men and if we would happen to discuss the "badgeman" in a round eye to eye, I would have surely accepted, if you would have said: "I just can't tell any probabilities or logics, but I have the feeling, that there was standing and shooting a badgeman!" and I would have searched your eyes and checked, whether you meant it seriously or not. And I would have left it like that and tried to check my own reasoning even harder. But here in a forum, where you discuss opinions, which can make a big difference, only in written form, it's just legitimate to demand a reasoning from the other and the care for the other's reasoning. And there is NO JUMPING ON SOMBODY OR COMING DOWN by doing so! I would have come down on you by not taken you seriously, if I would not have wanted to know your rationale behind your opinion. Christhat is it that's the last straw right there i have had enough of this i am outta here and i am not coming back ever it was nice talking to everyone and reading everyone's opinion christopher you are no better then gary mack in fact this is my negative expierence with gary mack all over again i'm sorry but i cannot no longer be on this forum this is the last and final straw. i wish everyone the best hopefully someday i might come across some of you. wim thank you for such a wonderful site i just wanted to tell you that.good night and goodbye for good.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

saracarter766 wrote:ChristophMessner wrote:Sara, if you really feel bad about my way of asking, I feel bad, too. When I tell my opinion about something in this forum I try to substanciate it by plausible reasons and arguments. I'm open to any questioning of my opinions and expect others to substanciate their's by their reasons and arguments, too. If his or her reason or argument is stronger than mine, I will change my opinion. But it's no so important, WHO found the most plausible theory with it's best reasons, but to just try to find it, and it is important, that on the mutual way to the truth both LISTEN and APPRECIATE the other's words and reasoning of their opinion. Your opinion about badgeman was: I just believe in badgeman, because I see him there on the photo! No reasoning about the logical consistencies or inconsistencies, the probabilities, no thinking into the shooter, what he might have thought, done, etc., no considering about the other persons standing around. So I just had the feeling, you would say an opinion without naming any foundation to substanciate your opinion. It's like saying: The son his hot, just because it is hot. The badgeman is there, because he is there. In any serious inverstigation this does not count as an argument. So I brought up my reasoning and my arguments for my opinion in the hope, you would LISTEN and APPRECIATE the reasoning of others and care for them. Also you could have said: "I cannot explain." or "I cannot answer your questions, because I don't know." This would have been ok as well. Actually, I'm happy that there is a woman in this forum. Often or maybe always women have another reasoning or approach to the same than men and if we would happen to discuss the "badgeman" in a round eye to eye, I would have surely accepted, if you would have said: "I just can't tell any probabilities or logics, but I have the feeling, that there was standing and shooting a badgeman!" and I would have searched your eyes and checked, whether you meant it seriously or not. And I would have left it like that and tried to check my own reasoning even harder. But here in a forum, where you discuss opinions, which can make a big difference, only in written form, it's just legitimate to demand a reasoning from the other and the care for the other's reasoning. And there is NO JUMPING ON SOMBODY OR COMING DOWN by doing so! I would have come down on you by not taken you seriously, if I would not have wanted to know your rationale behind your opinion. Christhat is it that's the last straw right there i have had enough of this i am outta here and i am not coming back ever it was nice talking to everyone and reading everyone's opinion christopher you are no better then gary mack in fact this is my negative expierence with gary mack all over again i'm sorry but i cannot no longer be on this forum this is the last and final straw. i wish everyone the best hopefully someday i might come across some of you. wim thank you for such a wonderful site i just wanted to tell you that.good night and goodbye for good. Are you serious, Sara? You want to quit this forum because you're upset with one person here? That's Christoph's opinion and nothing more. He's not calling you names or least not that I can see. Anyway, I hope you change your mind because your input here is great.
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by Bob »

I second what Pasquale said Sara. As I said when conspiracybuff said he was leaving, it gets a little passionate at times here. We ALL value your opinion. I feel the same way about conspiracybuff, even if we don't agree about the Gary Mack situation. I also value Chris' opinion. Chris, like a lot of the members here is not American, and sometimes the meaning of what they communicate may not come off exactly as they were trying to convey. But Chris can chime in about this as well. It would be the same if I suddenly learned Dutch or German and then joined a forum that had mostly Dutch or German people in it. I wish I did speak another language...maybe some day. Bottom line...don't let things get you exasporated. I've been there...done that. But I'm still here.
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by ChristophMessner »

saracarter766 wrote: ... and i respect your opinion and everyone else's ... I do and expect the same. When i strongly believe in something i stick and stand by it. I'm very stubborn when it comes to that and yes this is a wonderful forum but everyone has a right to an opinion and i respect it in every sense and i hope everyone respects mine. I will always remain a disbeliever in the badgeman theory unless somebody proves me wrong. I'm just not convinced that these spots can really be a man, mostely because of their size, but if there appear more reasons which speak for badgeman, I could change may mind and believe it. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: That's Christoph's opinion and nothing more. He's not calling you names or least not that I can see. Anyway, I hope you change your mind because your input here is great. Exactly. I agree and hope the same. Bob wrote:I second what Pasquale said Sara. As I said when conspiracybuff said he was leaving, it gets a little passionate at times here. We ALL value your opinion. I feel the same way about conspiracybuff, even if we don't agree about the Gary Mack situation. I also value Chris' opinion. Chris, like a lot of the members here is not American, and sometimes the meaning of what they communicate may not come off exactly as they were trying to convey. But Chris can chime in about this as well. It would be the same if I suddenly learned Dutch or German and then joined a forum that had mostly Dutch or German people in it. I wish I did speak another language...maybe some day. Bottom line...don't let things get you exasporated. I've been there...done that. But I'm still here. These are great understanding words from you, Bob, and you have my deepest respect for them. Frenchy, Sara, maybe I did not get so far, that the badgeman always was meant to be behind this white wall AND the fence! I just always thought close behind this wall only. Nevertheless they appear too small, I think. But Sara, your opinion is also not impossible. Sara, when I had put my letters into red and smilies around your name, this was not meant to be coming untactfully close to you and not taken you seriously, I was just thinking to myself: "Oh man! These women! Always they claim something like as it would be law of nature, but don't tell any reasons for it!" And I sighed and tried to show, that it would be really important to me, to have my questions answered. There do exist some prejudice and experiences about women inside of me in this respect. But I do not want to say at all by that, that this prejudice would come true on you as well. I ask you, to forgive, if my way of writing made you feel not taken seriously or not having taken sufficiently into account what you said before. I ask you to understand, that it is about finding the real murder of a p r e s i d e n t and that it is legitimate in an investigation to count "I think that there is a badgeman, because it looks this way to me." not as prove. Please stay!Christoph
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by Bob »

Okay everyone, it's time for a group hug now!
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Okay everyone, it's time for a group hug now! LMAO
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Huggin ... yes! Actually the "badgeman"-picture is telling me, that it is really a man shooting right there behind the fence, in the trajectory from badgeman to Kennedy's head there is a white wall inbetween. Badgeman would have hit the white wall. Moorman's head is higher and farer away, so her trajectory to badgeman is above the wall, but not from Kennedy.
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by nephew23 »

At this point, thanks to Wim's pics (assuming all of them are real and to scale which they appear to be), this is really a simple issue. No matter what you have come to believe, or the knowledge you have accumulated individually on the JFK assassination, or your emotional thoughts ... IF YOU SIMPLY LOOK AT THE PICTURES AND COMPARE THE SIZES OF DIFFERENT PEOPLE, the "images" of Badgeman and the other 2 people cannot be human beings. It is that simple ... the picture tells 1000 words. Therefore, any belief related to that "image" of Badgeman is null and void.
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Re: Badgeman: What does this picture tell you?

Post by ChristophMessner »

Hi nephew, I agree. I just investigated, what if "badgeman" was standing far behind this wall AND the fence. Badgeman and bedgeman shooting position is just IMPOSSIBLE! He would have shot into the wall. Also you see on Rickerby and Cabluck photos, that the area there is very bushy,too bushy to identify anything like a human. Chris