New book from Lamar Waldron

JFK Assassination
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New book from Lamar Waldron

Post by katisha »

Watergate: The Hidden History.Waldron gave this interview on ABC radio: ... erica.mp3I know very little about Watergate, so won't comment too much. One thing that surprised me were his claims that the killings of Rosselli and Giancana were related to Watergate. I've only ever heard/read of them being connected with the HSCA investigation.Thought it might be of interest to some of you.
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Re: New book from Lamar Waldron

Post by kenmurray »

Katisha, for what it's worth I wouldn't put much stock in what Waldron says.He and Hartmann did 2 JFK books together. Here is Jim D's review of them: ... crecy.html
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Re: New book from Lamar Waldron

Post by kenmurray »

Lamar Waldron discusses his new book: ... re=related
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Re: New book from Lamar Waldron

Post by kenmurray »

Lamar Waldron: The Ultimate Historian? ... orian.html
Phil Dragoo
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A Question for Bob Fox

Post by Phil Dragoo »

BobDo you agree with Lee Cahalan's comment in the above post:Yes DiEugenio surely has a lot of problems. Like being the single most major source of disinformation there is on the web on JFK. When you think CTKA? Yeah well think "CIA".Bob, you have done excellent articles for CTKA; do you agree with Lee Cahalan's characterization of that site and its administrator Jim DiEugenio?I've pre-ordered Jim DiEugenio's new edition of Destiny Betrayed with additional information on Dulles.Now, Dulles was the most important Director of Central Intelligence.DiEugenio revealing information about such a figure yet being characterized as "CIA"?What say you, Bob Fox?Dulles uttered that incredible, "That little Kennedy. . .he thought he was a god."
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Re: New book from Lamar Waldron

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Now when Phil Dragoo gets pissed off the man has a point. I've seldom seen the guy as frustrated as this. Thus if he's pissed off about something, then I would wager the bloke has cause to be. I think he is definitely justified after seeing the bullshit written by Mr Cahalan concerning Jim Di, Lisa and I. Further it also concerns Phil as well, as he is a CTKA researcher now and has been a longtime supporter of CTKA initiatives. As you all know I don't get along with some members of this forum (at least as much as I once did). Nonetheless, there are still people here who I do like and yes in a way I am still concerned for the folk I don't. I have some great memories of my time on here. I also know this forum may not be around to long, as it looks like you guys are moving over to Facebook. That's great I hope it works. What I say here may touch on some issues close to peoples hearts. Yet it has nothing to do with the outlooks and opinions of those on MS. Indeed some of the people here are worthy of a good debate. But it is the cowardly troll, Lee Cahalan who has been using false names and who has been kicked off of DPF and since been warned by the EF and had his posts removed from there. Trust me bud don't go to running to Lancer, they know your tricks. Mr Cahalan has never heard of a small word called 'libel'. There are two more that create the term 'brain damaged'. I hope you realize that Murder Solved will not be able to help you in a libel case. Nor do I imagine would they. Now Jim is deadly serious about this 'libel' stuff. Mr Hankey had to stop with his CTKA/agency claims after Jim put the word out on BOR. You see he cut that crap out straight away Mr Cahalan, if he did that Mr Cahalan you don't have any grounds. He won't be running to help you either. Id much prefer someone jabbed a red hot poker up my butt than have you promote anything of mine. No other JFK group has ever gone after the CIA like we have. If there was decent evidence we would have gone after GWB. As it stands we feel the evidence is just not that good. In particularly the way in which it is presented by Hankey. GWB Sr is guilty of enough criminal activity to be tried and convicted for multiple crimes. CTKA has no sympathies to the Bush cartel in anyway at all, to say we have is of course a claim we would welcome you to make in court. Gary Mack has been mentioned in critique by us some 33 times at CTKA, John Hankey gets about 18. Go and do a search on the site. It is true however we see no difference between folks like Hankey and Mack. It is also fact at one point a friend of Hankey's on this forum Mike Dell actually defended Mack himself. Did you know that Mr Cahalan? No I didn't think you did.Yes Hankey is viral and yes he gets way more mileage than us. Good for him bad for the rest of humanity. This isn't about any petty jealousy or even a popularity contest. If we ever wanted to be making big names for ourselves we'd be writing bullshit about no planes flying into the WTC. Jim and I believe something very dodgy happened on 9/11. Cheney smells very badly as far as I am concerned. But how or what actually transpired we don't know it's not our area? Hell, do you know Mr Cahalan? Your such an intellect please show us the essays you have? I hasten to add CTKA think it's great when good product becomes known. Jim Douglass and Gerald McKnight deserve some big ups so does Talbot. Going back Marrs deserved his place in the sun (before his MJ-12 Alien Agenda stuff) so did Bob Groden and Oliver Stone. Hankey is not a good product at all by any comparison. And to have the balls to call his first film 'JFK II' when Stone would piss himself laughing at it (not to mention guys like Talbot, Douglass and McKnight is terminal). Further, Mr Cahalan you may want to know that Bob Groden doesn't buy into Hankey's pal Fetzer's bullshit photo analysis crud. Also Mr Cahalan, with you posting this stuff on MS you fail to realize the damage by association you are doing to this forum. You see if this topic ever gets bought up on a larger platform, say a larger Forum, lets say I let slip this to some pals on a CTKA affiliated blog or three here and there. I wrote an article burying you and even worse Jim, I or Phil mentioned this guff on BOR about you getting a letter from Jim's lawyer. This Forum and Murder Solved as an entity wear it. Now I don't want that to happen too MS, nor does Phil nor does Jim. If you actually cared about MS and you feel you want to rage against us then fine, but why not grow a brain and not get done for spreading libelous bollocks.
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Re: New book from Lamar Waldron

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Mr Cahalan or what ever you are I find you extremely amusing. I'll leave you here with your wild musings and imaginings. I think your mad ramblings are somewhat more self incriminating and visceral than anything I have supposedly said. I can't help how Google do their searches nor how they order them. If by sheer luck our name comes up at the top on a Google search regarding Hankeys bullshit, I have to say "Thank God". I also have to say thanks to people like you for promoting the CTKA articles we have all over the show. What a true dumb ass you really are. If you actually cared enough to look, Fetzer and Hankey's horrific article has way more hits on Google than say my reply to them on the DPF. Further, a few posts ago weren't you bragging that Hankeys doco had gone viral and was getting more coverage than our articles? What planet are you on? It's certainly not this one pal. I'll see you around junior space cadet. You cannot make a coherent argument in any way shape or form, thus I am wasting my time dealing with a head injury like yourself.
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Re: New book from Lamar Waldron

Post by SeamusCoogan »

This is insanity on a grand scale.
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Re: New book from Lamar Waldron

Post by kenmurray »

The insanity of Lee Cahalan is know longer part of this forum.
Phil Dragoo
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Ultimate Sacrifice

Post by Phil Dragoo »

I made the ultimate sacrifice: I read the book of the same name by Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartmann.I confess I had to read passages over and over, had to fight the cumulative coma caused by circular logic and pedestrian repetition.The authors don't have but a hundred words--not 904 pages.There was a plan for a coup in Cuba. It was really, really secret. At a meeting of top JFK cabinet members, some would know all about it; others would be in the dark. They sat next to each other. JFK was killed. By somebody. The coup. Was off. I think these two guys never outgrew riding broomstick horses around the dining room table firing cap-shooting six-guns and shouting cowboy rap songs.For nine hundred pages of really substantive stuff, I recommend Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil, by Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett, 1994. We see Nelson and David Rockefeller in the forefront of the cunning use of CIA and Green Berets, diplomatic and financial leverage to shape the economic battlefield in Brazil and environs in the 'fifties and 'sixties for the resource exploitation and the profit of the powerful.When regimes are changed and populations pacified, leaders slain and propaganda operations conducted, we see that Dallas was but one act in an ongoing drama.It is a business model which has taken us at least from World War I to the present and as such precludes the award of the title of sponsor to any corrupt and ruthless Texas politician at midstream who folded like a little girl in 1968 and took his heart attack like a good little boy January 1973.Dulles was a facilitator but not a sponsor. Angleton, too, a facilitator--after all, he provided the patsy and the WW III virus that insured the coverup (John Armstrong, Oswald and the CIA, 1995/2008).The Cold War was a business model of the day and JFK could not be allowed to prevent its use to access the heroin of the Golden Triangle and the resources of Southeast Asia.As for Watergate, it was Helms putting McCord, Hunt, Sturgis, Barker et al on an operation to insure Nixon's ouster. The burglary was sabotaged with blatant tape twice drawing the security guards' notice until they called police and the world came crashing down on the embattled Nixon--who had created the DEA in 1972 to crush the Corsican heroin operation and remove its competition with CIA and other U.S.-friendly smugglers, a la the whole line downstream of the classic Luciano-Lansky-Trafficante ring (Henrik Kruger, The Great Heroin Coup, with introduction by Peter Dale Scott).Nixon had tried to be the emperor in control of all intelligence, but Helms, before he was sent to Iran as Ambassador, arranged for the dagger to be thrust.CIA is the sword and the shield of the power elite. It is a prime faciliator.And by elevating LBJ or some other false sponsor the Waldrons and Hartmanns obstruct the clearer schema.When Ahmed Walid Karzai was accused of being a CIA tool and a drug lord, who leapt to his defense? Gerald Posner.When Karzai was assassinated as being too hot, what did DBA OBAMA do? Brought Petraeus from in-country commander to DCI.And DBA OBAMA himself flew over to sign an agreement through 2024.Not quite the transcendent anti-Bush messiah, but rather the new boss same as the old boss.They say it isn't about the heroin. But, in this case, it's about the heroin.Although a Waldron Hartmann book is also a downer.Due to forum software, the link below requires use of the Ctrl key to open in another window: