For all Americans born between 1960 and 1995

JFK Assassination
Eelco Blaauw
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For all Americans born between 1960 and 1995

Post by Eelco Blaauw »

If there are any Americans on these boards interested in the JFK assassination, would some of you like to help me out with some work I'm preparing for next season at school? I will be writing a very important essay about JFK, and I'm already preparing some chapters of it (being interested in the murder).

When I went to school (I live in the Netherlands) and attended history classes, I was never thought anything about John F. Kennedy or how he was killed. Naturally, it's not one of the main issues in European education. We learn about the Renaissance, the French Revolution and Dutch history (among other things of course), but nothing about JFK as far as I can remember.

Now here's my question for the Americans: what did they teach you at school about the murder of John F. Kennedy? Did they tell you some fruitcake-communist called Lee Harvey Oswald did it? Or did they tell you JFK was probably killed as the result of a large conspiracy and that his real killers were never found?

I'm asking this because I think it's very important that America learns the truth about a matter of this importance at the one place where there should never be lied: school. It would be a shame if children would still be told JFK was killed by Oswald. The government still supports the theories of the Warren Commission, so I fear for the worst.
I'm thinking about getting my hands on an American history book used at high school to see what it says about JFK, but that's gonna be tough I'm afraid. If any of you could help me out by submitting to the poll question, I'd be very satisfied. Feel free to add any opinions about the murder as well.

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Post by bobwc »

Hi Eelco,
Can you PM me or give me a call at 033 257 1583. I live in Nijkerkerveen and have some materials that might help you with your project.

Dawn Meredith
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Re: For all Americans born between 1960 and 1995

Post by Dawn Meredith »

Eelco Blaauw wrote:If there are any Americans on these boards interested in the JFK assassination, would some of you like to help me out with some work I'm preparing for next season at school? I will be writing a very important essay about JFK, and I'm already preparing some chapters of it (being interested in the murder).When I went to school (I live in the Netherlands) and attended history classes, I was never thought anything about John F. Kennedy or how he was killed. Naturally, it's not one of the main issues in European education. We learn about the Renaissance, the French Revolution and Dutch history (among other things of course), but nothing about JFK as far as I can remember. Now here's my question for the Americans: what did they teach you at school about the murder of John F. Kennedy? Did they tell you some fruitcake-communist called Lee Harvey Oswald did it? Or did they tell you JFK was probably killed as the result of a large conspiracy and that his real killers were never found?I'm asking this because I think it's very important that America learns the truth about a matter of this importance at the one place where there should never be lied: school. It would be a shame if children would still be told JFK was killed by Oswald. The government still supports the theories of the Warren Commission, so I fear for the worst.I'm thinking about getting my hands on an American history book used at high school to see what it says about JFK, but that's gonna be tough I'm afraid. If any of you could help me out by submitting to the poll question, I'd be very satisfied. Feel free to add any opinions about the murder as well.Thanks.

Hi Eelco,

I am not the correct age, but I did grow up after Kennedy was shot and later raised a daughter and can give you both versions:
I was taught the Warren COmmission garbage.
(I learned the truth on my own) (I was 14 in 1963).

MY daughter, now 34, was taught almost zero. In American history class it seemed never to get as far as 63. I found that utterly astounding. It was just ignored.

I will be interested in what your teachers think of your paper.

I did two papers in college for a prof who knew zero of the truth and I got two A's. (I wonder if he ever went on to read further).

Dave Cannon
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Post by Dave Cannon »

In my opinion, a US High school history class does not cover the Kennedy assassination in detail. They will mention that the Warren Commission determined that Oswald was the lone assassin, and some peple believe that there is a conspiracy. They might discuss it for part of one class meeting. Most history classes spend more time on the Vietnam war when the 60's are covered.

I teach high school music and TV Production in the US. In November, I show the students films about the assassination and how the media played a big part, and continues to play a big role in the investigation. I call it meida literacy. There are devices that the media uses to influence the target audience. You have to consider the motivation of the producer of each show and their purpose. (Persuade, Influence, Promote, Raise Money, Entertain)

In addition, our forensics class does a complete unit on the forensic evidence related to the Kennedy assassination. The students write a report at the end of the unit with their conclusions.

Interesting enough, the majority of the students believe there is a conspiracy. In my opinion, the problem is that they do not see the significance of the assassination and why it was commited.

Dave Cannon
Eelco Blaauw
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Post by Eelco Blaauw »

Dawn and Dave: thanks for your comments, they will help me create an image of how Americans think about all this.
Even as I may somehow feel connected to the importance of the assassination, the American people are the ones who should first and foremost learn not only how Kennedy was killed, but WHY he was killed.

Actually, I'm not really surprised about what you've told me. Dave mentions the Vietnam war as a significant subject at history classes.
I wonder what they will teach kids: HOW the war was lost, or WHY the war had started in the first place (and that JFK was actually the last obstacle in the path to that war).
In my opinion, every major event that occured after 1963 was somehow influenced by the assassination, including Vietnam. But that won't get mentioned in history classes. For example: if Kennedy was never killed, I think the Berlin wall would have fallen much sooner than 1989.

It will be a long time before I deliver my work to the teachers (probably somewhere in the fall), but then again: it's such a huge subject, it's hard not to get lost in all the information. One of the things I'll be interested in, is if I manage to open some eyes at school. I sincerely hope my teacher has never heard about James Files and possible conspiracies. It'll leave much space for me to maneuvre in. In the meantime I can be found at these boards, searching for more info.
john geraghty
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Post by john geraghty »

Although I did not have any US history in my equivalent of your high school, I have studied US history in College. In our prescribed textbook, written by Tyndall and Shi. In it there is no firm stace taken. It gives both sides of the argument, although somewhat brieflyit states the Warren Commissions findings, but makes the point that some object to its findings and mention the Cuban exiles, CIA, Mob and others accused of complicity.
Perhaps this could be seen as a small steo forward in the fair treatment of the assassination as a conspiracy. Or am I clutching at straws?

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Post by dankbaar »

FWIW: Nick Whalen told me that he was told by his teacher more or less this:

Officially Lee Harvey Oswald killed president Kennedy, but there is something to the Kennedy assassination. However this is not the proper forum to discuss it
Eelco Blaauw
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Post by Eelco Blaauw »

john geraghty wrote:Although I did not have any US history in my equivalent of your high school, I have studied US history in College. In our prescribed textbook, written by Tyndall and Shi. In it there is no firm stace taken. It gives both sides of the argument, although somewhat brieflyit states the Warren Commissions findings, but makes the point that some object to its findings and mention the Cuban exiles, CIA, Mob and others accused of complicity.Perhaps this could be seen as a small steo forward in the fair treatment of the assassination as a conspiracy. Or am I clutching at straws?John

It would be outragous if schools today still teach kids the Warren Commission theory, and I don't believe that they do. On the other hand, it would be quite absurd as well if they base their education on speculation and wild rumors. So all a teacher can really do is tell more about the investigations then about what actually happened. Must be tough. As a student you have the freedom of a little bit of speculation, but teachers gotta stick to the facts as well.
Jim Harwood
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Post by Jim Harwood »

Eelco Blaauw wrote:john geraghty wrote:Although I did not have any US history in my equivalent of your high school, I have studied US history in College. In our prescribed textbook, written by Tyndall and Shi. In it there is no firm stace taken. It gives both sides of the argument, although somewhat brieflyit states the Warren Commissions findings, but makes the point that some object to its findings and mention the Cuban exiles, CIA, Mob and others accused of complicity.Perhaps this could be seen as a small steo forward in the fair treatment of the assassination as a conspiracy. Or am I clutching at straws?JohnIt would be outragous if schools today still teach kids the Warren Commission theory, and I don't believe that they do. On the other hand, it would be quite absurd as well if they base their education on speculation and wild rumors. So all a teacher can really do is tell more about the investigations then about what actually happened. Must be tough. As a student you have the freedom of a little bit of speculation, but teachers gotta stick to the facts as well.

In grade school there would be a small box in my history book which would list JFK as our 35th President and the years he served 1961-1963. Then it would state that he was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald while traveling in Dallas TX. And that was the extent of it. I imagine today they dont even provide that little bit of "nothing".

I have been to the JFK library in Boston on 5 seperate occassions. What is noticeable is that public tours of the library consist only of very young school age children and senior citizens (within 10-15 years of JFK's generation) but never did I see anyone of the Baby Boomer generation, the youth generation of that period, who lived through his Presidency visiting his library.

I can only assume JFK is still a very sore subject with this generation especially considering their behavior during the ensuing years after his murder. Where they went absolutely bezerk and have yet to return to this very day.

And of course at the JFK library there is no hint that his murder was anything other than a random mindless act.
James Marlowe
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Post by James Marlowe »

Fresh meat here. I grew up less than 5 miles from Dealey Plaza and coincidentally am visiting my folks right now in that same house. Been obsessed with the assassination since I was around 4 or 5 (no BS) when I received my first lone nutter propaganda book... lots of pictures, but actually meant for youngsters. We were taught nothing in HS about the assassination. We were taught that manifest destiny was a positive thing. Also coincidentally, I attended the dame high school as John Hinckly and was there the day he almost became a hero. Maybe that's a bad joke that could easily be misinterpreted, but some of us in the US are not totally naive idiots. I repeat, some... a lot are, but most just don't give a shit about anything that doesn't immediately and directly effect their own lives. Anyhow, I'm excited to join up here and have spent a lot of time trying to catch up by starting at the beginning of the forum and have learned a lot considering I thought myself well-versed on the topic. One of the few interesting things I did learn in HS from one of my few good teachers was that the Arch Duke Ferdinand almost survived the conspiracy of the Black Hand's attempt to assassinate him and bring about WWI. The gunman who finally got him was sipping coffee, lamenting that he was incorrectly informed of the motorcade rout when, lo and behold, the AD's limo slowly drove past the cafe he was at. He stood up and walked carefully over to the car and fired point blank at Ferdie's head, missing by a good two feet and instantly killed his wife. His second shot missed completely before he was able to actually put one in the AD's head. The assassin then chomped on his cyanide pill and jumped into the river nearby, where he began to throw up, due to the faulty cyanide provided him. I believe he was later hanged for the crime. Even though he was part of a conspiracy, I believe that is the likely outcome of an actual lone crazed gun(wo)man's attempt at assassination: a very personal attack, at close range, that usually fails...i.e. Squeaky Fromme and John Hinckly, provided he was no of the Manchurian Cancidate type many propose on this site. Good to be aboard.