Paul May Admits to JFK Back of Head Wound

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Paul May Admits to JFK Back of Head Wound

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

05.08.2013Dear Mr. Bob Fox:Bob - Best Regards, as always My Friend.Your two (2) above Posts are of monumental importance, andsignificance to "the body of truth," yet they have not, and will not see the light of day for "We the people..."At an intense and lengthy Business - Legal Meeting with J this pastweekend we touched on this exact point on our Bullet List for thevolumes of books that we are working on, and constantly updating.I will use this materail, and reference you, as I do often.Two (2) points that J raised to B:1. David Atlee Phillips had told J that he could kill (or control)more people with his typewriter than J could with all of his weapons.2. They will never change history. It is embeded for generations now.We are a culture of Pavlov's Dogs, spoon fed morsels of fact and truth,wrapped in the bread of deceit and lies so that we can swallow it more easily.Bob, look at how technology has advanced from the 1950's to 2013 ?Extrapolate DAP's philosophy - "thinkology" to today.Imagine what the CIA, DIA, NSA, and other alphabet groups are doingand planning today, and for the future ?At what levels, and in what direction are they operating, planning, andthinking for the future ? Who questions and reviews the "Planners" ?Is the world really any better off overall today ?Crime ? Disease ? Poverty ? War ? Has it gotten better overall ?JFK had some great ideas and theories. That is why he was killedin my opinion. He saw the truth of where we were headed, and hewanted to change it in our time.Bob, years ago in a movie called The New Centurions, George C. Scotttells Stacy Keach that the police of today, The New Centurions, are like the Ancient Roman Centurions holding and protecting the line for civilization.Given: You can never prove a Negative.Bob, but perhaps we are The Newest of Centurions holding and protectingthe line for civilization and truth as much as we can for today and the future.I fear that Our Society and New World Order is like a car being driven by a drunk driver. Perhaps we are keeping our hands on the wheel wellenough to avoid running into a brick wall. Perhaps not ?There is growing crime everywhere. Imagine if there were no police ?There is growing Global cheating, crime, and deception, etc. What ifnobody like us searched for, and told the truth ? Food for thought.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Paul May Admits to JFK Back of Head Wound

Post by Bob »

You make some excellent points, Bruce. I know one thing. I am permanently boycotting ANY regular or cable "news" shows from now on. I don't care who it is. Whether they lean liberal or whether they lean conservative, it makes no difference. All that matters is that they all trumpet the propaganda that our government puts out there. They are in bed together. It goes way back, but the poster child of all of this was the JFK assassination. You still have hot air shills (who have sold their journalistic souls) like O'Reilly and Matthews saying LHO was the lone nut. Come on. Don't piss down my leg and tell me it's raining. But it has also happened with the recent false flag events in our country as well. Oklahoma City, 9/11, Sandy Hook and now the Boston bombings. All were black op events that the government was aware of and signed-off on. Always remember Operation Northwoods, where every one of the Joints Chiefs endorsed the plan (similar to the events of 9/11) that was presented to JFK in March of 1962. But the government will always say something completely different, trying to invoke fear and terror among the sheeple. And the MSM will follow that lead, and never retreat from it. Why? They are almost as complicit as the perpetrators themselves because they have hidden the truth.The internet will be my only source of finding REAL truth from now on.
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Re: Paul May Admits to JFK Back of Head Wound

Post by kenmurray »

Here's an example of some of the lunacy from the clown known as "Paul May" from Duncan's LN forum: May 10, 2013, 08:59:02 PM Super MemberPosts: 5025 Quote from: Jeff Shaw on May 10, 2013, 08:34:29 PMQuote from: Paul May on May 10, 2013, 05:34:15 PMQuote from: Jeff Shaw on May 10, 2013, 05:23:30 PMQuote from: Paul May on May 10, 2013, 05:18:05 PMQuote from: Jeff Shaw on May 10, 2013, 05:16:48 PMQuote from: Paul May on May 10, 2013, 04:14:37 PMVincent Bugliosi was asked by conspiracy advocate James Fetzer: "what would it take to convince you of conspiracy"? Bugliosi responded "evidence Mr. Fetzer, evidence". Let's now reverse this. The question to conspiracy advocates is: what would it take to convince you Oswald was the sole assassin and no conspiracy of any type existed"?A dearth of evidence to the contrary.Non specific response. Okay for Bugs and thee, But not for me?The evidence for Oswald's guilt is widely known. What more would it take to convince you? That is the subject of this thread.And I gave you an answer. Either you cannot comprehend that much of the content on the hundreds of pages on this forum constitute evidence of conspiracy (For you Warren Commission apologists, that means there was more than one person involved) or you are just unwilling to admit it.Simply disprove all the evidence of a conspiracy presented over the decades and you will have convinced me of LHO's guilt.Paul Mays says:Jeff, what world are you living in? There has not been one hard credible piece of evidence proving a conspiracy in 50 years. My job is not to provide you with evidence of NO conspiracy. That burden rests with you and your ilk. Good luck with that. Now, here's your challenge. Take what you consider to be proof posted on this site as evidence of conspiracy and provide it. We wait.
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Re: Paul May Admits to JFK Back of Head Wound

Post by Bighunter43 »

I am quite sure some of you have read Mark Lane's new book,"Last Word". He has uncovered through the FOIA that the CIA had sent memo's to all it's media assets to discredit his first book "Rush to Judgement" and all other books that went against the conclusions of the WC. There were 3 separate memos, and they all entail strategies with exact wording on how to defend the WC, and discredit any "conspiracy" books! In addition, Max Holland is revealed as the official CIA author for pushing the WC's version, as well as the leading critic of any new "conspiracy" theories! As far back as 1990, when JFK came out, he was the leading critic of Oliver Stone, and continues to criticize Mark Lane! He also has written many favorable articles about Bugliosi's Reclaiming History......he is employed by the CIA (he's got his own website) to defend the WC folks! He even tried to team with Robert Stone to put out the documentary on NGC: JFK The Lost Bullet, which tries to prove the laughable assertion that Oswalds 1st shot hit the traffic light pole on Elm and bounced off the street and down the road to hit Tague, and thus make the time frame for Oswald over 11 seconds!The CIA coverup is still alive and well even today!
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Re: Paul May Admits to JFK Back of Head Wound

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

06.11.2013Dear Bighunter 43:Sir - Excellent Post and information. I was not aware of all ofthe information that you indicated.Further, time permitting I will definitely read Mark Lane's newbook, "Last Word."In addition, it would be a great time for me to re-read "Rush toJudgment."I appreciate your tangential connection to both books.You always Post interesting information. Thank you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.