Oswald in Mexico City??

JFK Assassination
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Oswald in Mexico City??

Post by Bighunter43 »

Did LHO really travel to Mexico City in Sept 1963? According to Mark Lane in Plausible Denial and more recently in Last Word it was all just fabricated by Phillips and the CIA to keep the WC from actually going deeper into the investigation on the grounds of national security and thus, keeping the heat off the CIA. Lane adamantly stands by that story and has given proof that Phillips later admitted it! Then, we have Legacy of Secrecy (that everyone claims was just written as a CIA cover to throw blame on the mob), saying that Oswald was definetly in Mexico City! Now, Buick ascertains that he met Oswald in Mexico City during intelligence work! I'm having real trouble with whom to believe in this story. Afterall, Oswald didn't own a car or have a license....how did he get there? Wim, Bruce, Bob, Joe.......what are your thoughts on if Oswald was really in Mexico City??? Please respond....
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Oswald in Mexico City??

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

10.19.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:05.26.2013 - Bighunter43 Posted this inquisitive Headline.This never received any attention here, but this subject matter hasbeen often raised both here and elsewhere.This should be considered in conjunction with the other Headlines andPosts about LHO here on the JFK Murder Solved Forum.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research,studies, thoughts, or writings about any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Oswald in Mexico City??

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: Oswald in Mexico City??

Post by kenmurray »

"State Secret" an online book by Bill Simpich on the Mexico City affair will be available soon:http://www.maryferrell.org/wiki/index.p ... et_Preface
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Re: Oswald in Mexico City??

Post by kenmurray »

Bill Simpich is interviewed by Allen Dale:https://soundcloud.com/jamesjangletonbi ... ch/s-XJxn2
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Re: Oswald in Mexico City??

Post by kenmurray »

Further proof in my opinion Oswald did not travel to Mexico City:http://www.ctka.net/2014-Josephs/Mexico ... t%201.html
Dr Halle
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Re: Oswald in Mexico City??

Post by Dr Halle »

No, LHO did not make the famous Mexico City journey. We know this with a high level of certitude. How do we know this?First, this tale is suspect because we know that Oswald was a low-level intelligence asset whom the Powers that Be framed, and it is logical that this “cock and bull story” was part of the Cover Story (Oswald’s “Legend”) for the operation to remove Kennedy. What's more...1. Both Mexico City Cuban consulate officials, Sra. Duran and Sr.Azcue denied having spoken to the real Oswald, but only to some other fellow impersonating Oswald. For awhile, they spoke differently, but only because they were being pressured by the Mexican "Federales" and the CIA which had a major station in Mexico City. BTW, the CIA has never been able to produce either audio or photographic evidence of the visit. The photos we have all seen were of a hefty build, middle-aged male with balding hair...definintely not LHO.2. Sylvia Odio and her sister testified in a solidly confident way that they met Oswald, in a group of men who had visited her home, at the time that Oswald supposedly was in Mexico. Ms. Odio's psychiatrist has testified to her integrity and mental stability. She was no "nut-case."3. Maria Oswald’s testimony varied considerably from time to time (so she was not a terribly reliable witness), but she denied--in her official testimony--that Lee had made the trip.4. Finally, CIA Mexico City station top official (and subsequently, chief of the "Western Hemisphere Division") David Atlee Phillips admitted circa 1980--on the USC campus in S. California--that, no, Oswald had never made the trip to Mexico City. The story had been a lie. His colleagues in the intelligence community, in those days, were appalled at his admission.
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Re: Oswald in Mexico City??

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: Oswald in Mexico City??

Post by kenmurray »
