New Theory concerning SS Agent w/AR15

JFK Assassination
Freddy Janes
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New Theory concerning SS Agent w/AR15

Post by Freddy Janes »

After watching the "special" on TV concerning the accidental shot fired by SS agent in followup car, I have a conclusion....First the 6mm hole in back of JFK's head doesn't match up with 6.5 Carcano rifle or the AR15 either one...Second the idea that of all places an "accidental" shot to land that day in Dallas would be in the back of the President's head is absurd. But what is not absurd is the direction that shot could have came from. If you draw a line between JFK's head and the AR15 agent , but continue on further behind and elevated slightly would put another shooter in the building on the Northeast corner of the intersection of Houston and Elm. I actually got in Dealey Plaza on Google Earth and drew lines between these points. The 6mm hole could have been made from a .243 caliber weapon with a frangible tip, which would disintegrate after entry into the skull, leaving a 6mm hole but only fragments in the brain itself. I further believe that this shot and the Grassy Knoll shot were fired nearly simultaneously. These 3 shooter angles in that relatively small space would be the almost perfect triangulation scenario. Actually seems the fatal head shot probably came from XP100 type firearm fired from gutter. The angle of grassy knoll shot would be more from the side and not from the front as the Zapruder footage reveals.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: New Theory concerning SS Agent w/AR15

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Very very interesting thought Freddy !!!!!!
R Croxford
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Re: New Theory concerning SS Agent w/AR15

Post by R Croxford »

Does anyone else see the rifle in his hands? Or am I the only one? While trying to smash someone elses story. Try not to smash your own.No to mention this is right after the head shot. He could be bringing it up after firing? He is clearly leaning back as if maybe he fell backwards.
Freddy Janes
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Re: New Theory concerning SS Agent w/AR15

Post by Freddy Janes »

The shot is about too blurry for me to clearly make out any rifle, but what gets me is how close that car appears to the JFK limo.
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Re: New Theory concerning SS Agent w/AR15

Post by Bob »

Please check out this great Coast to Coast Show with George Noory along with guests Jim Marrs, Walt Brown, Jeromi Corsi and Robert Morningstar talking about the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination. Corsi talks about the SS agent shooting the AR15 theory at around 1:37:05 of the show. Corsi doesn't give it much credence. Please listen why.
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Re: New Theory concerning SS Agent w/AR15

Post by Domenico »

R Croxford wrote:Does anyone else see the rifle in his hands? Or am I the only one? While trying to smash someone elses story. Try not to smash your own.No to mention this is right after the head shot. He could be bringing it up after firing? He is clearly leaning back as if maybe he fell backwards.Thanks for the link!What Z-Frame does the Bronson shot correspond to?I think it's before Z313. It's hard to discern if Hickey has picked up the AR-15 but if he did, he's leaning back with the barrel raised, and definitely not pointing at JFK. Moreover, even if he picked up the AR-15 and pointed it down as he raised it, he'd have to shoot through his windshield or another SSA, unless he deliberately aimed downward at JFK which is not the case.