Who Killed JFK ?

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Who Killed JFK ?

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

11.18.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Who Killed JFK ?As we head into the stretch for the 11.22.2013 - 50 Year Anniversaryof the 11.22.1963 Assassination - Coup d'etat of JFK we have this weeks three (3) suggestions.1. Carlos Marcello.2. LBJ.3. The Secret Service Agent.Does anybody have a Current Complete List of The Experts Prognostications over the years ?A friend of mine and I review the JFK Assassination - Coup d'etat each and every year. And we compare the Current List with Our List. Our List is always much shorter. We will be comparing and contrasting our thoughts later thisweek. For the Best, Most Complete List I will forward you a copy of Our List.Two (2) of our previous favorites were:1. The Driver did it.2. Jackie did it.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigaitons, readings, research, studies,or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Who Killed JFK ?

Post by Dealey Joe »

You forgot the Sewer shooter, or maybe that is #3?
Dealey Joe
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Re: Who Killed JFK ?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Umbrella Man with a dart gun?
Tom Bigg
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Re: Who Killed JFK ?

Post by Tom Bigg »

I'll buy the Files theory; with the other mob shooter at the Dal-Tex building.
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Re: Who Killed JFK ?

Post by kenmurray »

Bruce, don't forget the theory that Oswald meant to kill Connally instead. That crazy one appeared on Time Magazine during the anniversary week of 1988!
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Re: Who Killed JFK ?

Post by Kees-Jan »

I always have thought that LBJ has killed JFK.Now I read on the newspaper: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/real-life- ... 713685Here Phyllis Hall said: “Johnson looked grey. We thought he was having a heart attack."Now I am not sure LBJ is behind the assassination of JFK.What do you think?
Tom Bigg
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Re: Who Killed JFK ?

Post by Tom Bigg »

Whatever Johnson's physical demeanor was immediately after the assassination is hard to fathom in terms of meaning. Maybe he was in real fear of getting found out? Probably he had some extremely confidential conversations with the co-conspirators right after the shooting and they were worried they could not keep all the details under wraps, like the photographic evidence, the witnesses, people's suspicions, etc.. Johnson to key operative in CIA: "I understand the police and FBI are still trying to round up all the cameras that were at Dealey plaza today and we must get this done. If I go down in this mess, I will take all of you down with me, and your families will all suffer too and Dallas and Texas as well--their reputations will be ruined in the US and around the world. Do what needs to be done and let me know how much more money you need to get it done". So Johnson called to the emergency room doctor when Oswald was wheeled in and wanted to get a deathbed confession. There was just too much evidence to bury with lots of fear flying around if the truth came out....
Randy Bednorz
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Re: Who Killed JFK ?

Post by Randy Bednorz »

There are multiple explanations for various things, and with multiple explanations, our wish-list of conspirators adds more speculation.The main theory that involves LBJ with a "Mac Wallace" in the TSBD has led to the complete suppression of the Nigel Turner documentary. I don't buy the Mac Wallace theory -- first, because the fingerprint didn't even emerge in recognition until 1998, second, because the level of ambivalence in assigning it to Wallace with disagreement from FBI -- that level of ambivalence is not too dissimilar to disagreements over the McCone-Rowley memorandum of 1964 -- which more and more seems a likely forgery.Again -- our problem is "everyone's opinion," speculation, no consensus about a theory that narrows the search. I dismiss everything that doesn't include Dave Phillips near the center in carefully constructing the cover-story, and I dismiss the idea that Phillilps would have done that without knowing much about the execution itself.If you can put Mac Wallace next to Phillips in some way, then I'll add that theory back into the "acceptable" set of theories. Otherwise, it doesn't jive with a man who literally published his signature boast or confession in books he slipped through the CIA vetting process. That's too robust to ignore.