A Response to the Deluge of Disinformation via the MSM

JFK Assassination
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A Response to the Deluge of Disinformation via the MSM

Post by Bob »

When I start my day, I grab a cup of coffee and check out a few sites on the net, which includes this site and forum. I normally start with another site called The Daily Call, which is based in Wisconsin, and does a great job of illuminating all that is wrong with our political system, and also delves into areas like the JFK assassination every once in awhile. I decided to send a note to Mark Taylor, who runs the excellent site, which I have done a few times on occasion in the past. I just wanted to respond to the deluge of disinformation regarding the JFK assassination that has been ongoing for several weeks now in the MSM. I wanted to try and educate some of his readers, who go to his site to try and find real truth, much like we do here at this forum.http://www.thedailycall.org/?p=53582
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Re: A Response to the Deluge of Disinformation via the MSM

Post by kenmurray »

Great response Bob!. Hopefully the readers there will check out all the things you mentioned.
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Re: A Response to the Deluge of Disinformation via the MSM

Post by kenmurray »

Seems like the MSM had another lone nut "mouth piece" during the 50th anniversary on the major networks:http://www.ctka.net/reviews/sabato.html
Douglas 606
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Re: A Response to the Deluge of Disinformation via the MSM

Post by Douglas 606 »

kenmurray wrote:Seems like the MSM had another lone nut "mouth piece" during the 50th anniversary on the major networks:http://www.ctka.net/reviews/sabato.htmlFrom the article:''Sabato dismisses just about all possible conspiracy theories in his book. He claims it simply is "irresponsible" to think that elements of the United States government could be involved."This is laughable at best. Oh my, elements of the US government involved? They're up to their eyeballs in it. They make the Mafia look like child's play.
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Re: A Response to the Deluge of Disinformation via the MSM

Post by kenmurray »

Randy Bednorz
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Re: A Response to the Deluge of Disinformation via the MSM

Post by Randy Bednorz »

Thanks for the Pat Speer link. I had attempted to address the same problem in another thread on "50th anniversary frenzy," but the Speer summary "sums it up" while chronologically listing every "snow job" that appeared this year.Did anyone notice the Jesse Ventura episode? It may have been a Conspiracy theory repeat.See -- I think I could sit down over big mugs of Dortmunder with Ventura. I could suggest that "bouncer ballet" seems a little . . . you know. Ventura might suggest that I remind him of some skinny Cambridge student with a sunken chest, sitting in the library while a different sort of student recites J. Alfred Profrock through a megaphone from a window. But I could tell him about firing a .457 Magnum Weatherby, and he would joke with me about how my shoulder felt for a month thereafter.Ventura serves a purpose like Ed Schultz on MSNBC, probably appealing to the NASCAR beer-drinking hard-hat crowd who watch lots of football games (and sorry -- I'm not that well rounded.) However! That episode proved something to me.Ventura, who had qualified as "Expert" at age 50 on the gun range while serving as Minnesota governor, attempted to replicate the Dealey Plaza shooting with a Mannlicher Carcano, matching the elevation of the TSBD sixth floor and the distance to successive positions for three shots. He was able to score one head shot in something exceeding 7 seconds. However, more important than that, he shows how the Carcano clip is an "open frame" assembly that must be pushed down through the breech into the clip housing. It would be impossible to do that without leaving a thumb print on at least one bullet or shell casing. Oswald would have had to wear gloves, after leaving his prints all over the boxes and the TSBD.For that, the show was certainly worth watching. I had to wonder about the package of classified documents he received from some old guy in a wheel chair -- purported to come from a CIA employee who had passed into the next life. I didn't know what to make of it. Then, I remembered Edward Snowden. Here, on this site, we're pretty much in the same choir. But with our orientational rejection of the Lone Nut Myth, we are not alone, even if the number of people who believe in "some sort of conspiracy has declined in ten years from 81% to 60%. In the aftermath of the anniversary, I had errand to run at the grocery store and the bank. I spoke to several people -- suggesting that I was doing my own survey.I never found a single person who believes the old Lone Nut Myth.
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Re: A Response to the Deluge of Disinformation via the MSM

Post by JDThomas »

That's interesting info. about the clip to add to what we already know. Lone Nutters tend to avoid talking about the clip, and for good reason.The clip had to be purchased separately from the rifle - the wasn't purchased as part of the Kleins sporting goods order. There is no evidence that it was purchased from anywhere else either.We are told that the clip remains attached to the MC rifle until the last round is chambered, when it is then ejected. No clip was found, so what happened to it? Was it ever there in the TSBD?The mystery of the phantom clip has not gone away, despite the wishes of some.
Randy Bednorz
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Re: A Response to the Deluge of Disinformation via the MSM

Post by Randy Bednorz »

I sure as heck don't have Ventura's resources, and we all rely much on the research done by authors of "secondary sources."I could only assume -- mark my word "assume" -- that they couldn't lift a print from the trigger because of either of two reasons:-- It had a cross-hatched pattern in the metal, making the ability to lift a print difficult or impossible-- There wasn't any printYou would think Officer Day's Warren testimony would mention one or the other, but I don't think he mentions the trigger at all.I might have had to look at a Carcano myself personally to get a better understanding of what should be expected of its handling -- by Oswald or anyone. And, perhaps, we're a bit lazy. Not different than the laziness of the public, who simply expect someone to publish a book, for the "gov'mint" to tell them what really happened (when the "gov'mint" or elements within are still holding relevant classified documents) -- or maybe someone would "just come forward" and confess.Also, it is especially puzzling what you say about the clip, since the last round was found in the chamber. It would have been ejected, then, as you say. But my only salient observation again was that you could put prints all over the four bullets after they had been installed in such a clip, and you'd have to leave a thumbprint (most likely the thumb) just for inserting the full clip into the rifle.When I first looked into the print evidence, I had assumed the clip was of the type often shown in a discussion of current gun-law issues. But it isn't. Instead, there is the "clip housing" built into the rifle itself.The "forensics-of-the-moment" has always been subject to a tug-of-war, back and forth. First, Specter and his "magic bullet." Finally, and eventually, "well, the Zapruder film shows Connally leaning to his left, so the bullet wasn't magic." Yet, despite Cyril Wecht's observations, "a lot of bullets turn out looking pristine after a complicated journey." And I think we all know the story about how that bullet was found.But "paraffin test [cheeks and upper body] = FALSE." Fingerprints where you would expect them on the rifle = FALSE. Fingerprints where you would also expect them (book boxes, etc.) = TRUE. Ability to work the bolt and score so many hits in six seconds or less = QUESTIONABLE.I'm rambling again . . . but some of these things should've been observed 15 or 20 years ago. Take for instance the LATEST take on the Zapruder film: "Oh! see? His head jerks forward a little bit, so the bullet came from behind." What about the blood and brains spatter? If they made the limo disappear at Ford Motor, it's still in the Zapruder film. Jackie isn't dabbing the driver or Connally with a Kleenex. Just the way I've felt for weeks or even the last couple months: We live in an Age of Insanity. Or maybe the Age of Stupidity. People see things on film, on TV news -- it goes in and comes out without being absorbed. It never gets processed.