LBJ Descendents

JFK Assassination
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LBJ Descendents

Post by djt52800 »

Does anyone know or have heard any of LBJ's descendents comment on the JFK assassination recently? Especially since he is looking more and more like the big player.
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by kenmurray »

Well, the daughter of LBJ, wants to rescue and protect his legacy. ... .html?_r=0
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by JDB4JFK »

Ken we cant read article its asking for password and ID?
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by djt52800 »

Thanks for the article, disappointing but I guess it makes sense. Although I thought maybe someone went off the ranch.
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by Slav »

He is such a discrace to the human race a murderer and criminalImagine this statement the daughter made it has no truth at all he profited by the Vietnam war and it kept him out of jail, by getting rid of kennedy and watching his stocks hit the roof in Halliburton stocks. He should not have a library he should have a jail named after himself.“Nobody wanted that war less than Lyndon Johnson,” said Ms. Johnson, 66, who is the president’s younger daughter. “No matter how hard he tried, he didn’t seem to be able to get out of that quagmire. Not only did he not get out of it in his lifetime, but his legacy indeed has that weight of the world on it.”Email the library tell them to include all the criminal acts he did and how he murdered Kennedy and profited from Vietnam Johnson.Library@nara.govMaybe they will wake up.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Interesting article thanks for sharing KenMurray
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by Slav »

Put this in lbj lie bury
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by Slav » is a great interview by a very credible person, will it make the msm never.
bob franklin
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by bob franklin »

LBJ was certainly involved, without a doubt, but great "mastermind" or "lynchpin" just doesn't wash. He died of a a convenient heart attack less than ten years later, leaving no progeny able to carry on politically. Lynda Bird johnson rose to the lofty height of 2nd Lady of Virginia when her husband, Charles S. Robb became Lieutenant Governor of that state. He also served 2 terms as U.S. Senator from Virginia. Lucy pretty much fizzled out entirely in that arena. for a lynchpin or arch conspirator you want someone who has built up more of a political dynasty, Who has one son who's also been elected president, & another who has held the position of Governor. You want someone who can claim a far closer connection to the CIA than Johnson ( like former Director). That man isn't LBJ. Don't get me wrong - I'm convinced he helped in the planning stages & provided personnel for the job, but you have to look at who rose highest & who benefited the most. One more thought: Roger stone worked on CREEP for Nixon, Who also has a certain level of involvement in the assassination in at least a cover up capacity. I don't find Stone at all trustworthy, & would hold any writings by this man at arms length. My .02 ... rly_career