LBJ Descendents

JFK Assassination
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by Slav »

Too many people fingered LBJ in a court of law he's guiltyJack ruby says LBJMadeleine Brown says LBJHis own lawyer says it was himNixon hints it was himE Howard hunt says it was lbjRoger stone worked for Nixon and for sure heard inside stories and says it was LBJWho would be able to control Hoover ? Only Lbj who would of been able to appoint the Warren Commision who he forced chief Warren to take on the job even though he said no. Who made the calls to the hospital? LBj who made calls to the district attourney ? LbjEverything point to Lbj being in charge, maybe it was Dules or one of the generals or Hoover that made the suggestion then Lbj gave everyone the green light and controlled the big event.After all how many people have there own sister killed?
bob franklin
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by bob franklin »

I didn't say he's not involved, just not The Great Puppeteer. He was a bloody handed brutal murdering fool, a small time smash & grab type, whereas Bush41 is more of an international jetsetting cat burglar with the ability to run between the raindrops. Bush 41 has a brilliant albeit psychotically twisted mind & really has yet to have any of his rather obvious crimes solidly pinned on him in court. Johnson was a man of average intelligence, who had a certain primitive cunning about him, & that was about it. The Baker & Estes scandals alone were more than he could handle. And he's gonna mastermind the murder of our 35th president? PFFFT! Believe what you wanna believe, but I'm not going for it. LBJ was a lieutenant who offered some assistance.
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by Bob »

For any conspiracy to work, the conspirators have to know that the next person in charge will be behind their conspiracy. That is what happened in the JFK assassination. The planning was done primarily through military intelligence, the CIA, the mob and help from key members of the Secret Service. For that plan to work, LBJ had to be okay with it, and also be willing to promote the agenda of all the participants in the conspiracy when he became President, not to mention covering up the assassination afterwards. Did LBJ lend assistance to the conspirators before the assassination? Hell, yes. Texas was his old stomping ground. Add to that, his personal hitman, Mac Wallace, was on the scene of the assassination. But LBJ was just a player, not the actual planner. Remember, there were also possible assassination plots ready to be used in Chicago and Miami as well. The conspirators knew they would have a willing Brutus in LBJ, as he absolutely hated both JFK and RFK, was probably going to be indicted and spend some time in prison, plus was most likely going to be off the ticket in 1964 election.
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by JDB4JFK »

LBJ wasn't the planner and we know this by Oswald. The intelligence community put together Oswald and made him a patsy. The thing that upsets me most about Oswald is according to Judith he knew about the assassination but he didn't try and stop it. I know he sent a telex to Hoover, but on the day of the assassination he sat in the lunch room and let it go down. I would have been out there on the corner of Houston and Main, and when the caravan came to that intersection I would of been in the middle of the street waving my arms to stop and telling the secret service they are going to kill the president. Also his demeanor when he's being interviewed at the midnight press conference, and in the hall ways answer reporters questions bugs me. What's you guys view of Oswald's demeanor?
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by djt52800 »

Demeanor? I thought it was appropriate I guess, I mean he sounds like a guy who was burned and is now in a bad place with no help out of it. I love his reaction when they tell him he was charged with killing Kennedy, its like disbelief and yet it's like you are kidding me they totally pinned this on me, WTF. If he knew it was going down maybe he was powerless to stop it, he knew who was involved...not good people, if he sent the telex and also sent something about the Chicago plot, at least he was trying. I see him as a good guy that just didn't have the power or fortitude to stop this powerful event.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

I agree completely djt52800. Listening to those old film clips of Oswald in custody just tell something was not right there.His voice spoke volumes I think.And his demeanor.And when I interviewed Steven Martin Shirley Martins son one of the very first real investigators of the assassination for our manuscript he told how Marguerite Oswald deeply believed that had Lee done this act he would have broadcast it out and gone into great detail why he had killed Kennedy. Instead it was just the opposite he denied shooting anyone for two days right up until he himself was shot in handcuffs.I guess the thing that puzzles me the most is once he realized this house of cards had collapsed and the whole thing was on him why wouldn't he have spilled the beans and told all he knew ??? Only thing I can figure is he was a good contract agent "CIA" who was waiting to see who would finally come to his rescue and remove him from the spot light. Didn't happen,,didn't have time to happen.In the Netherlands we found in George De Mohrenschildts own hand writing were he said "Oswald wasn't around long enough to get paid" It was a question Willem Oltamns had asked De Mohrenschildt.He asked him if indeed Oswald had set up and set the assassination into motion he surely would have been paid well.
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by Bob »

Put me in the camp who says that LHO tried to be a hero in regards to the JFK assassination. We know LHO was a CIA operative, but we also know that he was a FBI informant. We also know the Chicago assassination plot was foiled by a tip from someone named "Lee". We also know the week of the actual assassination that all FBI offices received a telex warning about an assassination attempt against JFK in Dallas. I believe that tip also came from "Lee". Lee Harvey Oswald.Also, who knows what LHO said behind closed doors after his arrest? He may have blown his cover and told the authorities exactly who he was. Maybe that's why there is a scarcity of notes and audiotapes from his hours of interrogation. And maybe that's why FBI agent James Hosty was told to destroy the note that LHO had given him.
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by djt52800 »

Tommy...yeah I agree he may have been waiting for help, he was trying to get legal help and I believe he was trying to call a handler of some sort "John Hunt". He probably thought he had some time. I would love to hear what he said behind closed doors...
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by kenmurray »

The legal help that Oswald wanted to get was an attorney from NY named John Abt:
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Yes John Abt was an interesting fellow for Oswald to have wanted called to say the least...Abt was a member of the "Ware Group", a covert organization of Communist Party operatives within the United States government which actively aided Soviet intelligence.In our research and investigation we have tried to find some sort of tie between George De Mohrenschildt and the "Ware Group". This is pure speculation but in this case you just must look beyond the given story because the story as told leaves way to many unanswered questions .In the Oltmans files in the Netherlands we found several letters from De Mohrenschildt to Oltmans that asked Oltmans how could he tell all he knew and not be arrested and prosecuted ....De Mohrenschildt asked Oltmans to help him find a way. From all we found I have a strong feeling that the way Oltmans came up with was the meeting in Brussels Belgium on March 5,1977 between Oltmans ,De Mohrenschildt and the former head of the KGB in The Netherlands First Secretary Vladimir Kuznyetsov. De Mohrenschildt had agreed that on March 8, 1977 he would go before the NOS Television cameras and tell his story of what he knew concerning the John Kennedy assassination.One has to wonder had De Mohrenschildt asked Kusnyetsov in that short tense meeting in Brussels for protection and a one way ticket out and spirited behind the iron curtain never to be heard from again ? And when the ideal was rejected by Kusnyetsov De Mohrenschildt took a hike and fast. 24 days later De Mohrenschildt was dead !!! Something to think about !!!