LBJ Descendents

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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LBJ Descendents

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

03.11.2014Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Mr. Ken Murray - Thank you for the additional information about LHO.If you can come up with anything else either on LHO or Jack Ruby, wewould greatly appreciate it.We have come up with this inescapable choice of conclusions: Either LHO was either Dumb As Dirt, or Clearly Involved. The great disparity of opinions partially stems from that possibility/probabilityof more than one (1) LHO. This is a variable that we find hard to quantify andqualify.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,thoughts or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Tommy Wilkens
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Removed Comment

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

I have removed my comment and reply to BB. I am sorry if I offended anyone here.Maybe I over read into the reply placed by BB to me.I surely am not here to name call or be disrespectful to any Forum member. Tommy Wilkens
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by kenmurray »

Bruce, I think John Armstrong provides a very credible explanation on the Klein Gun purchase:
Freddy Janes
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by Freddy Janes »

Without paying the $80 for the whole Armstrong research, I find it most incredibly improbable that the CIA began creating 2 Oswalds way back in 1952 or so ....That would be too far reaching even for me.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

03.12.2014Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Mr. Ken Murray - Thank your for the additional material on LHO.Mr. Freddy Janes - Thank you for your input. See some of my points belowJ and B have recently completed 15,000 hours of documented Meetings andInterviews. Sometimes 1,000 hours per year. We trace our Original Documentation and Research to the late 1960's and the South Side of Chicago, relative to JFK.Much original material pre-dates that subject matter.The people that have deemed necessary to meet with us, and remain anonymousis incredible. Many have insisted on total anonymity. We have reviewed the JFK Assassination and related details closely withadditional input over the last 40 years.We also had substantial input from Lieutenant Colonel Dan "Dangerous Dan"Marvin for several years, along with associated contacts.I think that substantial stones remain unturned as far as both LHO and JackRuby. I think that they, and their associations, have not been clearly developedenough.We have created several overlapping Matrix's for LHO, and his possible duplicates.Freddy Janes raises a valid point. Multiple LHO's could not have been "created" withadvance knowledge for the JFK Event.However, instead of looking backwards, we must look forward from the inception ofthe O.S.S. The mentality of post World War I, living through World War II, Adolph Hitler,Adolph Eichman, Nazi Germany, Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, etc., provided a forwardview that was much different than I feel that we can comprehend today. Bear in mind I am not justifying anything. Just analyzing events, facts, and people.Thus, Several Manchurian Candidate Type Programs, Several MK Ultra Type Programs, Sleeper Programs, and other programs that the O.S.S., C.I.G., and the C.I.A. foundingfathers used, misused, and abused, as are the foibles of human judgment, nature, and abuse of power.J and B are also extremely close friends with Robert Clayton Buick, who had C.I.A. MonitoredMissions in the 1960's revolving strongly around one (1) of the LHO's.We have one (1) young LHO who lived in tents with Homosexual C.I.A. agents like DavidFerrie, with the Louisiana Civil Air Patrol. Ferrie was known to practice hypnosis on theseyoung men.The LHO with JVB.The LHO who Marina stated was cold, abusive, and non-responive emotionally overall.Then LHO surfaces in Dallas, Texas working with J.These are but a sampling of some of the known LHO Persona. LHO had C.I.A., F.B.I., Russian, and Mafia Affiliations. These are but a sampling of many incongruent issues.Simultaneously, we also have Jack Ruby, who surfaces with Senator Richard M. Nixon, then Chicago Mafia, then Carlos Marcello, then Dallas, Texas.RCB has an extremely well documented and illustrious career, including being theCell Mate of Johnny Roselli, a/k/a. Colonel Rolston, Code Named The Raven by theC.I.A.Many Coincidences ? Many paths crossing. Many stones unturned. I think that you alwaysneed a Game Plan, Hard Work, and Smart Work, with follow-up, and follow-through.These are some of the Fact Patterns that we are trying to penetrate more deeply. Theseare but a few of the reasons that I think that LHO and Jack Ruby need further sincerefact finding, and analysis.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, studies, thoughts,or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Very well said BB...I was somewhat surprised that George De Mohrenschildt was left out of your list. In all my years of research and study I have come to the conclusion there just is no way on earth that this one person who was absolutely the closest person to Lee Oswald besides Marina Oswald not had some kind of involvement in some form.And then when we now know all the deep intelligence connections De Mohrenschildt had.It's just way to big of a coincidence.I mean I really wonder what the odds would be that that close friendship was just a coincidence ?? And then in the end De Mohrenschildt confesses his involvement but misinformation labels his confession solely out to make money. I never have believed that ,you don't confess to involvement in the assassination of an American President and make money off of it ..You are arrested and you go to jail or maybe executed. Pat Russell, De Mohrenschildts private attorney said " The whole thing is really fishy, but if the man tells all he knows he will go straight to prison"
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

03.12.2014Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Mr. Tommy Wilkens - I completely agree you. The issue or problem for me is that Iknow very little about George DeMohrenschildt, and virtually nothing about WillemOltmans.DeMohrenschilt's are an area of quicksand for me in my research and study. WillemOltmans is a sinkhole for me. I could not, or would not, pretend or represent thatI know about subject matters clearly out of my expertise. While I make mistakes and miscalculations, I try to avoid and limit them. I am a sponge and sincerely absorb, acknowledge, and Thank those who benefit my research and writings.Tommy - I sincerely complimented you and welcomed your discussions, research, andwritings because I sincerely don't know enough about these subject matters to my ownsatisfaction to plug them into the Matrix's of my research and writings.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?I always invite and welcome other input.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: LBJ Descendents

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

BB. Thank you for your reply and I now get a better understanding of were your coming from. Let me just say this .That sinkhole concerning Willem Oltmans in your mind is just what the architects of it wanted it to be. Oltmans had created many enemies with in the Dutch Government and because of his involvement in the Indonesian affair a major discrediting and black ball was set into motion for any journalistic work Willem Oltamns was involved with .BB let me fill you in a little bit of the real story. In 1956 Willem Oltmans met with the Indonesian President Kusno Achmed Sukarno and had become such a close personal friend that he was excepted into Sukarno's inner most circle and confidantes and from the notes I mean they were "CLOSE" friends.Oltmans even joked in his notes that Mrs. Sukano hated to see when Oltamns came to visit. It was this close friendship that would be the beginning of a life time of struggle and an organized covert smear campaign and all out effort by, then Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Luns, to cast doubt and discredit and ruin the journalistic career of Willem Oltmans. In 1957 the Dutch Government had asked Oltmans not to interview the Indonesian President nor to become involved in the controversy of the territory ownership of Dutch New Guinea. President Sukarno believed deeply that Dutch New Guinea belonged rightfully to Indonesia and was ready to mobilize his countries army and take back the territory by force if needed. With tempers boiling almost to the point of war Willem Oltmans steps into the controversy and sends, then President John F. Kennedy, a private message. It's this private message that is widely believed to have diverted war.It's believed that Oltmans asked President Kennedy to apply pressure to the Dutch Government to turn over the territory to a temporary United Nations Administration (UNTEA).On May 1, 1963 Indonesia took control of the country. It would be this world event that Oltmans had rapped himself in, and his pleas directly to the Dutch public to give Dutch New Guinea full independence to choose that would create some very dangerous enemies from within the Dutch Government. And a full court press to discredit and cast doubt on any and ever story that Oltmans undertook from then on .And this wrong doing was finally proven in a court of law in The Netherlands with a verdict of wrong doing on the Dutch Government and awarded Oltmans over 2 million dollars in damages. Now BB here is what we found. Oltmans was a journalist first and foremost.He dug in were other journalist dared to go. And we came to believe that because of his person notes and recordings of his daily logs.As we read the notes you realized they were not for someone else but for his own use to go back to for his journalistic work.In his recorded notes which was over 1500 bound diary type binders his whole life was recorded.Look this guy would write down and record everything that he did and what went on during his day . He even recorded his most private moments and I won't go into those but to say there were many and it included George De Mohrenschildt. It's this tight "bond" that Oltmans created with De Mohrenschildt that made it possible for De Mohrenschildt to feel comfortable enough and trust to tell the real story of his friendship with Lee Oswald and his influence concerning the assassination of President Kennedy. The notes were so clear that De Mohrenschildt was tired and at his end and wanted this monster off of his shoulders.In the very end Oltmans recorded in his notes that De Mohrenschildt wanted to escape to Poland.It's a great story and our manuscript will tell it all as we found it !!!!
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

12.01.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:02.19.2013 - djt52800 Originally Posted this Eye Catching Headline. An an interesting and varied discussionfollowed by some of the Very Best JFKMS Forum Members.03.12.2014 - I Posted Comments about a Variety Of Subject Matter's from the Business and Legal Bullet Lists and Matrixes that J and B have been developing that spans decades now.I strongly recommend reading and studying the books of Robert Clayton Buick, in order. He covers muchin discussion, evidence, facts, points of information, and theories that are overall agreed to by many.RCB, at 80+ years young, is a very close, confidential friend of J and B for many years. RCB is one of thelast remaining, oldest, and most knowledgeable Player's in The JFK Removal. He talks to few, and trustsless.RCB was a Bull Fighter in Mexico 1950's - 1960's when he was recruited to work undercover for the CIAon the LHO in Mexico matter.RCB knew, met, and/or worked with: David Atlee Phillips, Frank Sturgis, Richard Case Nagell, E. HowardHunt, LHO, and Johnny Rosselli, among many others.RCB was a Cell Mate with Johnny "The Raven" Rosselli in prison. They both knew, and worked with many Common Associates in the CIA, Organized Crime, and other Related Business Associates.RCB never violates Confidences, or His Word of Honor. He is extremely protective of family, friends, andrelatives of his, and Close Confidential Friends.RCB, J, and B have communicated extensively over the years. We have worked with him on some of hisManuscript's, which we have, along with all of his books. J did the Art Work for one of RCB's books.I strongly recommend reading and studying all of RCB's books in order. We don't always agree on all ofthe details, but his works are overall phenominal.Remember that Everything Was Compartmentalized, and On A Need To Know Basis. Details and Perspectivescan become blurred, as is intended.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings onany aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's whomay not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.