One More Strange Finding In George De Mohrenschildt's Death

JFK Assassination
Tommy Wilkens
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One More Strange Finding In George De Mohrenschildt's Death

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

After obtaining the Official Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office death investigation report on the death of George De Mohrenschildt in research for our manuscript we came across a very strange finding to say the least. The evening of March 29,1977 at the Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office the Ithaca double barrel shot gun serial #6114893 that was supposedly used to kill De Mohrenschildt was processed for the presence of latent fingerprints. None were found on the weapon.No fingerprints were found on the weapon. One more strange occurrence !!!!
bob franklin
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Re: One More Strange Finding In George De Mohrenschildt's De

Post by bob franklin »

The lack of a large exit wound in the back of De Mohrenshildts head or blood/brainmatter on the wall directly behind the chair in which he was found is also troubling.
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Re: One More Strange Finding In George De Mohrenschildt's De

Post by JDB4JFK »

Wow good stuff there Mr. Franklin well done. Tommy does this change your view on Oltman's writings? I mean if he is a paid propagandists do we think his writings he left behind truthful or false misleading's? First of all we all know Oswald wasn't working off DeMohrenshildt's orders when it came to the assassination, and I doubt that DeMohrenschildt told Oltman that if he was telling the truth. So the question comes to why Oltman would report such nonsense to the committee. It does make Oltman look like a propagandist.
bob franklin
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Re: One More Strange Finding In George De Mohrenschildt's De

Post by bob franklin »

Whoa, there JD, I'm not necessarily co-signing one way or the other. As far as DeMorenschildt is concerned, My belief is that he & Phillips were indeed "co-handlers", as it were. I'm certain Oswald was trying to head off this new attempt at assassinating JFK, but the noodles were already boiling in the pot too long for a favorable outcome. Just saying for clarity's sake.
bob franklin
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Re: One More Strange Finding In George De Mohrenschildt's De

Post by bob franklin »

I've "circled" (it's actually a square, lol) what I believe to be the actual entry wound on the back of DeMohrenschildt‎'s head. I think he was killed by a silenced small caliber handgun.
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Re: One More Strange Finding In George De Mohrenschildt's De

Post by Bob »

bob franklin wrote:I've "circled" (it's actually a square, lol) what I believe to be the actual entry wound on the back of DeMohrenschildt‎'s head. I think he was killed by a silenced small caliber handgun.I concur with Mr. Franklin. Nice work, Bob!
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: One More Strange Finding In George De Mohrenschildt's De

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

The picture showing what appears to be a small hole in the back of De Mohrenschildts head is quit interesting. As far as Oltmans being honest and telling the truth.Let me try to tell what we found and how the over all picture of what Oltmans left behind showed. We spent nearly 3 weeks going over Oltmans personal notes and files which were recorded in hand written notes such as one would do writing in a diary.There were 1500 bound diary books to go through.It was no easy task .My personal view is he was telling the 100% truth. When we began reviewing the notes it was obvious the notes weren't made for someone else to read .The notes were made by Oltmans for his own use to go back to for dates and times of events that happened.One way we were sure about this was Oltmans had created notes and files for 30 years they all were the same.Nothing was different when it came to his notes on De Mohrenschildt. The flow of his notes the way he wrote was all the same.It wasn't as if he had planted this story for someone else to find down the road.Oltmans was an old school investigative journalist not like the CNN or FOX or NBC reporters of today. He dug into this case and it went on for over ten years.He tells in his notes how the jealousy and animosity from the American journalist and the MSM was just enormous. There were some who knew Oltmans had tapped into the real story and was on the right trail .Richard Sprague was one ,we found a personal letter from him to Oltmans telling him he was sure Oltmans was on the right track and that De Mohrenschildt was deeply involved.Mark Lane,Jim Garrison all had told Oltmans he was on the right trail.They also warned him that he would be discredited and every once of dirty laundry that could be dug up on him would be .And they were all right he was discredited and chewed up and spit out.It's a real shame that people have this picture of Oltmans as being dishonest or just out to make a buck .He was a free lance journalist that is how he made his living by reporting stories and being paid to do it .I can honestly say from what all we found and we found plenty Willem Oltmans had gotten himself inside the crime of the century and when he finally broke his story no one wanted to believe him.In his last notes concerning the De Mohrenschildt investigation he said he was done with it he washed his hands of it all .He had given truthful pertinent information to help solve the case and then was discredited by people who didn't want the real truth to ever come out.
bob franklin
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Re: One More Strange Finding In George De Mohrenschildt's De

Post by bob franklin »

I am interested in the binders & I do have one question that springs to mind: are they all the same brand, color & type? If so, then be careful. this is something David Irving pointed out regarding the Hitler diarys, that as one keeps a diary or a journal, the brand, color & other small details of manufacture tend to drift. Some will be blue, some will be red, some may be wire bound & some may be glue bound, etc. Worst case scenario - & UNDERSTAND that I'm only saying this as a possibility - IF they turn out not as originally thought, don't throw in the towel, as often precious bits of truth are included in. Also, if they're all identical manufacture it doesn't mean by definition that something is wrong there. It just means that one should be exponentially more vigilant with the investigation. It's like the anomaly I Highlighted in the De Mohrenschildt Photo - it could be just that - an anomaly. No more than a glitch in the emulsion. I REALLY don't think it's that, but it could be. If it's discovered to be so, then I'll simply wipe the egg off my face & keep plugging away till something gives.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: One More Strange Finding In George De Mohrenschildt's De

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Franklin thank you for this reply..... I really don't know about all that you speculated on... What I do know is what we found...We didn't read it out of a book or a article in a newspaper or magazine or in some research on the internet .We went to The Netherlands we got permission from the individuals who are in charge of this vast collection of personal notes and files to research Willem Oltmans archives... It's an amazing collection of notes,,All preserved just vas Oltmans wrote them ..It's an amazing story once pieced together reveals the most stunning findings concerning President Kennedy's assassination. Franklin what we found was nothing but a professional journalist notes and record. Oltmans was meticulous in recording his notes.I don't know how to relay it better than I have but Willem Oltmans had cracked the John Kennedy murder and who was behind it.Our manuscript and study has never been out to show or prove who were the gun men.Our investigation and research was to show who was behind the act. And what we found was that George De Mohrenschildt was one of the key conspirators behind the assassination.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: One More Strange Finding In George De Mohrenschildt's De

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Franklin I didn't address the binders...They were indeed all the same.When we got to The Netherlands and personally met Dr Ad Leerinvelt the curator of modern day manuscripts at the Dutch Royal Library were the Willem Oltmans archives are stored under lock and key .Leerinvelt was a personal friend of Willem Oltmans and was at his death bed the day he died.Leerinvelt told us that Oltmans wanted his notes and files preserved so just maybe some day someone would come along and take a second look at his finding concerning George De Mohrenschildt and the assassination of President Kennedy. Leerinvelt opened the Oltmans notes and files to us completely.Nothing was held back.We went,, we took a second look. And it was nothing but amazing what all we found.