Groden vs Brownlow

JFK Assassination
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Groden vs Brownlow

Post by TigerFan »

I have read that many think Brownlow is a plant for the museum and Groden is being ticketed etc because the city doesn't like his conspiracy theory. Why do they support Brownlow who claims multiple shooters and not Groden?
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Re: Groden vs Brownlow

Post by Bob »

TigerFan wrote:I have read that many think Brownlow is a plant for the museum and Groden is being ticketed etc because the city doesn't like his conspiracy theory. Why do they support Brownlow who claims multiple shooters and not Groden?It's been many years since I have been to Dealey Plaza, but our own Dealey Joe is there quite often. Please see this post of Joe's from three years ago in which he talks about Robert Groden and Mike Brownlow.I would say Roberts lawyer is doing something right, he is still there. What they are doing to him is harassment.Another problem is all the other vendors milling around approaching people selling newspaper looking pamphlets.I think the city gets a few complaints about this.Another problem there is Mike Brown/Brownlow whichever he is that particular day, makes his living there as one of the last surviving witnesses. His story changes to suit his needs. I have watched him as con men have always interested me. He was talking to some folks there about Badgeman and when I asked him "What about James FIles?"he whipped a big picture of Jimmy out of his bag of tricks and said,"yes I have just returned from a visit to Files" and switched on his Files program. HE also said he visited Files on a regular basis. He was very convincing so I checked it out and sure enough he has never been to visit nor is he allowed to visit James Files. Just an example of what is going on at Dealey.Robert does not approach people he sets up his large display and his signboard with the head shot prevalent and it draws almost everyone who gets close. And he and his partner put on a good show. Robert sells a lot of DVD's and Books there.I believe in free enterprise as much as anyone, and I like and appreciate what Robert Groden has done.However I also wonder what it would look like if Fetzer, Horne, Dankbarr, Baker, Posner, me, you and all the other book writers would set up shop there?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

09.23.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:03.18.2014 - Tiger Fan Posted this Eye Catching Headline.03.18.2014 - Bob Fox Posted additional Facts and Points of Information from Joe "Dealey Joe" Hallthat I had also been communicated to me directly from many.For The Record Updating Comments About Mike Brown/Michael Brownlow:As of 09.23.2015 James Earl Sutton-Files has never been contacted by mail, met, talked to, or visitedby Mike Brown/Michael Brownlow, a black man, who hangs around Dealey Plaza Professing to be a JFKExpert of sorts. This is not a racial matter. I am merely describing Brownlow as he was described tome.Also, I have been asked if the monies that Brownlow begs for/collects to advance his JFK Research are forwarded in any way, shape, or form to James Earl-Sutton Files, or myself ? No. Never.Brownlow has been brought to my attention by several JFKMS Forum Members many times, including recently.People have also actually sought me out to ask about Brownlow who met him in Dealey Plaza claiming to have just returned from visiting Jimmy, after producing a standard photo, then seeking "donations."Additionally, I have never met or heard of him other than from JFKMS Forum Members, and strangerswho have sought me out strongly expressing their doubts about Brownlow.Nothing has changed.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings onany aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's whomay not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Groden vs Brownlow

Post by Dealey Joe »

I will add to this story, Mr Brownlow has a violent temper. once when Jerry Craig, Roger Craigs nephew, confronted Brownlow about a statement he had nade that Jerry knew was false, Brownlow actually struck Jerry. Later after I was onto Brownlow for the con man he is, He was telling a story about one of the cops done something, I can't remember exactly what it concerned, anyway Brownlow said I'll go get him and he will kick your ass!, I told him to go ahead I would wait and that it had been tried before.Now when I go to Dealey, Brownlow treats me like I am a celebrity and super nice. and I am nice to him also,I have found that I get a lot further with people just playing dumb. Most think it's for real
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Re: Groden vs Brownlow

Post by kenmurray »

Here is Brownlow telling "his" story. He claims Oswald killed Tippit.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Groden vs Brownlow

Post by Dealey Joe »

He also claims Gary Marlow is Charles Harelson?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

12.15.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:03.18.2014 - Tiger Fan Originally Posted this Eye Catching Headline.A short, but fact filled and interesting discussion with documentation followed.Bob Fox, Joe Hall, and Ken Murray added additional facts, points of information, and Personal Insight.Joe Hall is, and has been, an extremely close, confidential, personal, private friend of both J and B formany, many years and has kept his Word of Honor about Never Divulging Anything Confidential. Suchis the Character and Word of Joe Hall whom I greatly respect. We usually agree about 90% of the time,and if and when we disagree it is Academically and With Respect.Joe has often inspected and investigated Subject Matter's for both J and B in and around Dealey Plaza, and other locations in Texas, at our request, when I could not make it there myself in a timely manner.Joe Hall and Jerry Craig both met, and challenged Michael Brownlow at my Specific Insistence and Request.Joe Hall has often called me and we have often spoken together on our Cell Phones in Real Time while Joewas either at Dealey Plaza, or on location at another relevant Texas Location.Joe called me directly from Dealey Plaza while both listening to, and watching Michael Brownlow perform.As always, I suggest that you do your own reading, research, and study, then formulate your own Opinonsand Thoughts.12.15.2015 - Both J and B have never met, seen, or spoken to Michael Brownlow. J never heard of his nameuntil I mentioned it at Joe Hall's request, after Joe Hall's Encounters and Investigations. I think that there isNo Further Need for me to add to this discussion.As always, we Thank Joe Hall for all of his efforts, and friendship.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings onany aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's whomay not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Groden vs Brownlow

Post by Bob »

Brownlow has been repeatedly been caught telling lies or putting out disinformation. To me, he has absolutely no credibility.