George HW Bush

JFK Assassination
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George HW Bush

Post by djt52800 »

I just heard that the JFK Library was giving Bush an award...that sounds awful and completely wrong.
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Re: George HW Bush

Post by Slav »

Freddy Janes
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Re: George HW Bush

Post by Freddy Janes »

Wish something would happen to enable him to be charged with the crime while he is still alive.....In his warped thinking he probably thought he was doing it for the greater good....
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Re: George HW Bush

Post by Slav »

Sure he had jfk killed for the greater good and almost had Reagan killed for his own greater good. Can you imagine 2 dead presidents from the same suspect .
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: George HW Bush

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

I have always wanted to have gotten with in ear shot of Daddy Bush and got the chance to holler two question to him. "TELL US ABOUT YOUR FRIENDSHIP WITH GEORGE DE MOHRENSCHILDT" and "DID YOU ORDER THOSE SHOCK TREATMENTS THAT WERE GIVEN TO GEORGE DE MOHRENSCHILDT ?? "
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Re: George HW Bush

Post by Slav »

My questions would be Why were you and gen lansdale in dealy plaza in nov 63What happen to George dem, Charles nikolletti , johnny roselli, Malcolm Wallace. He will deny knowing Mac Wallace then I would ask why was Mac Wallace , Johnny roselli , Charles nickoletti in deally plaza also and how could you not know him he went to yale with you in 1947.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: George HW Bush

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Of course Slav he would deny it. All CIA personal have been trained to deny everything ..Just deny anything and everything that's asked of you right to the end.I over the years have found it quit amusing when you hear someone say well they said they weren't or well they said they didn't have anything to do with that.Or they said no I have never been involved with or a CIA employee. Example #1 ...J.Walter Moore..How well did you know George De Mohrenschildt ? Barely knew the man maybe spoke with him once or twice. (B/S LIE) Example #2 Warren Commission to George De Mohrenschildt. Have you ever been an employee or had any dealings with the CIA ? No, never (B/S LIE) Example #3 George H.W.Bush. Were on Nov. 22 1963 were you at.Well let me see now ,,No I just don't remember were I was that day (B/S LIE) Example #4 In a court room in the United States of America under sworn oath from Clay Shaw. Were you ever employed by the CIA or had any connections to the CIA ? No never.Wouldn't dream of were you got that from . (B/S LIE) And the list could go on and on and on !!!!
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Re: George HW Bush

Post by Slav »

Tommy it hasn't been the United States of America since 63 it's the United States of the cia.
bob franklin
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Re: George HW Bush

Post by bob franklin »

the award most befitting this example of a sentient fecal impaction is fashioned from quality hemp & suspended from a transverse beam.
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Re: George HW Bush

Post by JDThomas »

If he has to have an award, why not just give him a bunch of flowers? ..... Poppies!