Herrhausen Assassination

JFK Assassination
Ed Teach
Posts: 14
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Herrhausen Assassination

Post by Ed Teach »

Found this interesting topic mentioning JFK. Prouty involved here.EFP used to do this job. Terrorism ahead of it's time maybe?http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1 ... hausen.pdf
Posts: 69
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Herrhausen Assissination

Post by JDThomas »

This is an interesting article which I am not going to disagree with, but point-out that its a very 'coloured' article - the political situation was not quite like that at the time.The opposition to German reunification was widespread, across the political spectrum and not just a Thatcherite position. There was widespread opposition throughout Europe and from the political left wing in particular. Notwithstanding the original reasons for the partition of Germany after WWII, many Europeans felt that they did not want a country responsible for two world wars within living memory to become the dominant country again and they saw reunification as a danger. It seems to have been forgotten what outrage occurred when events started to unfold - Germany had not completed a peace with Poland after WWII and one of the first things that happened is that Germany demanded territory ceded to Poland at the end of the war be returned to Germany - this further fuelled anti-reunification sentiment (German-Polish Treaty finally concluded in 1990 - yes, 45 years after hostilities stopped, more than 50 years after the defeat of Poland).Also what the article fails to mention is the quid pro quo Germany got out of this - the EU (or EC as it was then) would fund a large part of reconstruction and development in East Germany. A good proportion of this would come from increased financial contributions from other rich European countries as well as cutting the benefits handed-out to the poorer European countries. It can be argued that this significantly curtailed development in newer poor EC countries such as Spain, Portugal and Greece, meaning that they were not in the position expected when European currency union occurred - the figures were then fiddled, the books were cooked to fit the rules of currency membership and therein lay the seeds of at least part of the 2008 financial crisis. Germany is left as the predominant European economic power, Germany sets the rules and terms for the European financial bail-outs. (Guess who? Greece, Spain, Portugal ...).My all too brief career as a political aide began at the tail-end of this in the early 1990's. I remember well the GATT negotiations which gave birth to WTO. Within Europe, particularly with agricultural commodities, Germany seemed to be getting a better deal than many other European countries for EU funds (and protection) - their case did not stack-up, but when someone dared complain they were told quite forcefully: this was part of the reunification program ... end of discussion.