Inexplicable Wounds made by Special Bullets

JFK Assassination
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Re: Inexplicable Wounds made by Special Bullets

Post by RobertP »

Thanks, JD. Here is something to confuse everyone even further. This is newsman Dan Rather. He was allowed to view the Zapruder film on Nov. 25/63, shortly after it was developed. This is just a short excerpt from a much longer film. I will try to find the longer version and post it, too. ... r.mp4.html
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Re: Inexplicable Wounds made by Special Bullets

Post by RobertP » love when he says, "The car never stopped; it never paused." So, Dan, who said it did?
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Re: Inexplicable Wounds made by Special Bullets

Post by RobertP »

Dan Rather said, "The film showed the limousine making a left turn off of Houston St. onto Elm St."Definitely not the Zapruder film I saw.
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Re: Inexplicable Wounds made by Special Bullets

Post by RobertP »

I just had a crazy thought. When the limo emerges from behind the Stemmons Freeway sign, JFK is seen already reacting to being hit by a bullet, with his hands up near his throat. At this point, he is then seen to lurch forward slightly, and his arms go up. Something else has definitely happened at this point, to make him react twice.What if this "lurch", seen to begin at z228-229, is the second shot to hit JFK, with the first shot entering his right lung 5.75 inches below the collar line? What if this shot at z228 is a bullet entering the lower right rear of the back of JFK's head? No exit wound, you say? Why does there have to be an exit wound?I will expand on this theory in my next post.
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Re: Inexplicable Wounds made by Special Bullets

Post by AlanD »

Found an interesting article about the wounds to JFK and Governor Connally ... aLie.htmby Milicent Cranor In a 3 part essay she theorizes that the throat wound is an entrance wound , but that the back wound could be an exit wound. She has links to the “actual x-rays” which show no bullets or fragments in the neck and torso. ... 0101a.htmI used a set of Z films that I downloaded from John Costella at these allowed a closer look at each individual frame with windows viewer , you can even blow them up slightly. These show that JFK starts to move hands to his throat at Z226 and that by Z230 he is fully at his throat. At Z230 according to the single bullet apologists GC should be hit , however his Stetson comes into view at Z230 and stays visible till Z280. It is Z320 again before GC is full facing forwards in the car and by Z340 both men are in their wife's arms. It's unlikely that GC supposedly hit at Z230 would be able to turn fully around and back again by Z320 a full 6 seconds of twisting and turning while still holding his Stetson. While if hit at Z320 as badly as he was hit by Z340 it would give him a second to collapse in his wife's arms, more likely.Have we all been tainted by the insistence that Oswald was involved in the shooting and that the shots came from behind , when the evidence best fits a shot from the front through the throat and out through the back at frame Z226. That GC does not get hit till much later possibly around Z320 when he has turned back round again to face front, hence his insistence that he was not hit by JFK's bullet could be true after all.I suppose the question would be where would the throat bullet come from?.
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Re: Inexplicable Wounds made by Special Bullets

Post by kenmurray »

Dr. Gary Aguilar on the medical evidence: ... assination
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Re: Inexplicable Wounds made by Special Bullets

Post by AlanD »

Came across this while looking for info on modern .268 bullets for the Carcano. ... commenting on the accuracy of the Carcano using .264 prvi-partizan ammo.think RobertP maybe gave this as well. Part of the single bullet theory requires GC to be sitting well to the center inside the limo, however interesting video which shows GC before Dealey turning round and moving inwards as he does so,however when he does turn, he turns his back a way from JFK as he does in the Zapruder film from Z230 till Z280 in fact his position and action looks exactly the same as he does in in the Z film and he takes almost the same length of timeto move back round.I found an interesting photo from the Mcadam's site which shows both men before they turn into Dealey,both hard against the doors of the limo and there is not such a head height difference . to me if GC was turned and moved inwards as in Z230-Z280 he could not be hit in the back before during this time frame andnor would he have moved inwards as the SBT requires unless he was turning to look backwards. However from Z150 till he emerges at Z223he is looking forwards and hard against the door. Making the angle from JFK's throat to GC's back even more less likely.
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Re: Inexplicable Wounds made by Special Bullets

Post by Slav »

Jackie says that 5 shots came from the front and a few came threw the wooden freeway sign stating that the throat wound was one that came threw the freeway sign, she said she could see the wood fall off the freeway sign as jfk got hit in the throat.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Inexplicable Wounds made by Special Bullets

Post by Dealey Joe »

Where did Jackie say this, I have not heard this before?
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Re: Inexplicable Wounds made by Special Bullets

Post by Slav »

Joe I will have to look it up my computer is not as fast as it used to be. I also read that a few frames was cut out of the zap film not to show those holes in the freeway sign, so much reading I have to backtrack.