Oswald in the TSBD doorway

JFK Assassination
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Oswald in the TSBD doorway

Post by AlanD »

I was going through Peter Cinque's excellent work on Oswald in the door way.However a few days after I was left wondering , if Oswald was there as the first shots werefired, how and why would he head back into the TSBD go up to the rest room and half consumea coke , while awaiting Office Baker to find him and then leave via the back door. Would he also have enough time to carry this out. If he could never get from the "snipper" window to the rest room how could go from the street in less time. I agree with Mr Cinque it's not Lovelady in the doorway is this the Oswald no 2 who Roger Craigspotted and John Armstrong detailed in Harvey and Lee.Anyone else come up with an explanation or some thoughts as to how to make this work.
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Oswald in the TSBD doorway

Post by Dealey Joe »

I can add my two cents worth here,Have not paid much attention to Cinque, Did look at Armstrong's Harvey and Lee and did not buy into any of that.One thing that has always held my interest is a person who is totally ignored in this entire situation, Michael Paine, an almost identical match for LHO. I have reason to believe Micheal was in the TSBD on a regular basis. I even have a picture that has been Identified as Micheal Paine in the TSBD. I don't think anyone knows who was in the doorway, but Lovelady is to me the closest match.