Reasonable Doubt: 51 Questions For Lone Nut Theorists

JFK Assassination
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Reasonable Doubt: 51 Questions For Lone Nut Theorists

Post by JDB4JFK »

The second picture in this article has always befuddle me, because this is supposedly taken just before JFK was shot, which if that is true than where are those people in the Zapruder film? When you see JFK coming down Elm Street just before he's shot these people don't appear on the Zapruder film, and the people they show are all standing still with no motion? Always thought that was weird!
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Reasonable Doubt: 51 Questions For Lone Nut Theorists

Post by AlanD »

51 Questions , could we add one more , what was Oswald's motive , he always seemed to me to be involved with both the crazy branch of the Right wingers and to be flirting, not very convincingly with communism. Lone nuts would have taken the easy full frontal shot , as the car approached the TSBD, not the more difficult one as the car drove away. Oswald never gave off the signs or demonstrated any the actions of a fanatical/mad guy , driven by a hatred of JFK which would cause him to risk his life by shooting JFK from a terrible location , from which it was difficult to escape and in which he worked.