JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

05.24.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:OBFUSCATION. FADE TO BLACK. BLACKOUT.1. OBFUSCATION.2. FADE TO BLACK.3. BLACKOUT.This is an excerpt from one of my many writings that I am obviously still developing and seeking input for as I always do,before it is actually used in any publication.This will be somewhat of a superficial take-off point for discussion and feedback. As always I welcome and encourageall input, both Pro and Con. I read and study from the Extreme Right to the Extreme Left, and often study and write about both seeking intellectual feedback and growth. I like knowing at least a little about everything that is out there, and seldom stick my head in the sand ala The Mental Ostrich Syndrome as I call it.1975 the American Public was first given the chance to learn about Operation Mockingbird. Government Control of MainStream Media was first primarily exposed in the 1975 Church Committee. But Operation Mockingbird actually began in 1948 as an espionage and counter-intelligence branch within the CIA. Later in 1948 Operation Mockingbird was formally established to directly and steadily influence the domestic and foreign media. Phillip Graham, the owner of the Washington Post, was first recruited to run the project within the industry, and to develop a network of assets.1948 the Smith-Mundt Act was enacted to "forbid the domestic dissemination of U.S. Government authorized or developed propaganda…deliberately designed to influence public opinion or policy."Carl Bernstein wrote in 1977 that "The CIA in the 1950's, 1960's, and even the early 1970's had concentrated its relationships in the most prominent sectors of the American Press Corps, including four or five of the largest newspapers in the country, the broadcast networks, and the two major weekly magazines.David Atlee Phillips, a former CIA Station Chief in Mexico City and one of the first Controllers and Handlers of James EarlSutton-Files, described the method of recruitment years later to Carl Bernstein. "…somebody from the Agency says 'I want you to sign a piece of paper before I tell you what it's about.' I don't hesitate to sign, and a lot of newsmen didn't hesitate over the next 20 years."12.07.1941 - The Bombing of Pearl Harbor has not been, and will never be completely and truthfully discussed, resolved, or taught in American Schools.There will never be any discussion of President Roosevelt knowing in advance about Pearl Harbor, and his allowing it to occur because The Military Industrial Complex and War was his only out or solution to The Oncoming Greater Depression.11.22.1963 - The Assassination of JFK has not been, and will never be completely and truthfully discussed, resolved, ortaught in American Schools. Lee Harvey Oswald will always be the The Lone Nut Assassin as taught in schools.04.04.1968 - The Assassination of MLK has not been, and will never be completely and truthfully discussed, resolved, ortaught in American Schools. James Earl Ray will always be The Lone Nut Assassin as taught in schools.06.06.1968 - The Assassination of RFK has not been, and will never be completely and truthfully discussed, resolved, ortaught in American Schools. Sirhan Sirhan will always be The Lone Nut Assassin as taught in schools.04.19.1995 - The Oklahoma Bombing of The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building has not been, and will never be completely and truthfully discussed, resolved, or taught in American Schools. Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols will always be TheTwo Nut Bombers as taught in schools.09.11.2001 - The Bombings of The Pentagon, the Twin Towers, and WTC - 7, the air planes, the hijackers, the passengersthe bodies, etc., have not been, and will never be completely and truthfully discussed, resolved, or taught in American Schools. 19 Alleged Hijackers with limited training and box cutters overcame the greatest Defense Systems in the World, and the U.S. Militaries Greatest Defense Mechanisms and Strategies. All commanded via cell phone and a computer lap topfrom a cave half way around the world. This will always be taught in schools.07.20.2012 - The Aurora, Colorado Century movie theatre shootings has not been, and will never be completely andtruthfully resolved, or taught in American Schools. James Eagan Holmes will always be The Lone Nut Shooter as taught in schools. No discussion will ever address that his father had developed an algorithm that had Cracked and Interpreted The Crooked World Banking Structure. Nor that James was working on Classified Projects for the CIA and NSA that are now covered under National Secrecy and National Security.Recall that there is Actual Assassination, and Character Assassination. It has been learned that the later often attractsfar less scrutiny.09.11.2012 - The Benghazi Attack, Benghazi, Libya ha not been, and will never be completely and truthfully discussed,resolved, or taught in American Schools. Hillary Clinton and The U.S. Government's Version will always be taught in schools.12.14.2012 - The Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in Newton, Connecticut by 20 year old Adam Lanza has not been, and will never be completely and truthfully discussed, resolved, or taught in American Schools. Adam Lanza willalways be The Lone Nut shooter as taught in schools.In spite of numerous reports of multiple shooters and several guns, and massively inconsistent evidence an Open Discussionand Investigation has never occurred with complete and truthful facts and information to the public.A Connecticut State Police Officer stated in a filmed interview that anybody communicating or Posting on the Internet aboutConspiracy Theories COULD FACE STATE AND FEDERAL CHARGES. Sound a little like the thinking of The Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 ? My Opinion.Analyze. Read. Research. Study.Where where we ?Where are we ?Where are we headed ?Did the Nazi-Fascists really loose World War II ? Or did they and their thinking merely relocate ?Think it all through very carefully, and deeply.OBFUSCATION: THIS IS WHERE THE GOVERNMENT BEGINS CONTROL AND REGULATION OF FACTS AND INFORMATION.THAT OFFICIALLY BECOMES "THE TRUTH" GOING FORWARD FOR "We the People…"FADE TO BLACK: THIS IS GOVERNMENT CONTROL AND REGULATION OF "THE TRUTH" THAT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED.THERE IS NO NEED FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION OR REVIEW. WE HAVE THE TRUTH IN OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS, REPORTS,LIBRARIES, AND SCHOOLS. THIS BEGINS THE TO FADE TO BLACK. THE HISTORY BOOKS WILL NEVER BE RE-WRITTEN.BLACKOUT: THIS IS GOVERNMENT CONTROL AND REGULATION OF 'THE TRUTH" GOING FORWARD FOR HISTORY.SUBJECT MATTERS ARE VIRTUALLY BURIED, AND ELIMINATED FROM PUBLIC SCRUTINY IN SO FAR AS ANY FUTURE INVESTIGATIONS OR RE-OPENING OF OFFICIAL PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS.How's the re-opening of the JFK, MLK, or RFK Cases and Files progressing ?How's the Exhumation of JFK's Casket and Alleged Remains progressing ?Try opening any investigation on any of the above Subject Matters that I have reviewed. There are many more. Addyour own personal favorites. You can not obtain major traction on any of the above, and beyond. My Opinion.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Posts: 829
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by kenmurray »

Great post as always by Bruce. Being Memorial Day Weekend, I will start off with Pearl Harbor: The Real Truth.......https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXWNkve8Q54FDR And The Pearl Harbor Conspiracy:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FP2l6vXx_E
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

03.09.2017:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:05.24.2015 - I originally Posted this Analytical, Argumentative, Probative Headline that did not receive the Intelligent Academic Discussion that I had hoped to generate.Hence, I Re-Raise this Thought Pattern for any and all responses Post Trump Election and Inauguration.54+ years since The Removal of JFK, and the JFK Research Community has basically accomplished nothing. ZERO. My Opinion.Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How JFK was removed on 11.22.1963 will have more than 25,000 articles, books, conversations, discussion groups, DVD's, History Channel Specials, interviews, live presentations, radio presentations, reenactments, seminars, stage plays, theories, T.V. presentations, videos, websites, etc., and counting. Since this May 29th, 2017 will be THE 100 YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTHDAY OF JFK, THERE IS A STRONGLY PREDICTED AMOUNT OF ADDITIONAL, NEW, REPEATED, OR RENEWED INTEREST IN JFK THAT WILL CONTINUE TO GO NOWHERE FAST.56 years ago this January was The Anniversary of The JFK Inaugural. What do "We the people…" really know for certain, to be the TRUTH ? Using what I consider to be that most useless, valueless, and worthless of Standards, 'Proven In A Court Of Law Beyond A Reasonable Doubt" about anything significant in The JFK Removal, WHAT DO WE AGREE ON AND KNOW FOR CERTAIN ? JFK IS STILL DEAD. THAT'S ALL WE KNOW.90% of the JFK Researcher's have concentrated on chasing their own tails and tales. Less than 10% of all living American's today either care or know about The JFK Removal, along with MLK, RFK, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, and every war since then, the Mena, Arkansas Drug Cartel, the Oklahoma Bombing, 09.11.2001, False Flags, etc.We are still counting or evaluating abort teams, autopsies, bullets, caskets, conversations, discussions, escape routes, homosexual stories, interpretations, guns, love stories, meetings, movies, movie alterations, photos, photo alterations, pictures, pixels, planners, rifles, shooters, shots, spotters, teams, videos, witnesses, etc.ALL OF THE FOREGOING HAS ZERO TO DO WITH UNCOVERING WHO PLANNED, AND ORDERED THE REMOVAL OF JFK, AND WHO AND WHY IT HAS CONTINUED TO BE COVEED UP TODAY. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY ZERO HOPE OF CONVINCINGLY ESTABLISHING "THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH" WITH THE CURRENT CONTINUED APPROACH OF THE JFK RESEARCH COMMUNITY. My Opinion.JFK Researcher's are viewed as Conspiracy Nuts wearing Tin Foil Hats. While the CIA may have invented the Title, the JFK Research Community has certainly overall lived up to the title on its own accord. In Fighting, Name Calling, Complete and Total Disorganization, and Complete and Total Insincerity of Purpose are more commonplace in The JFK Research Community than "insiders" care to admit. The JFK Research Community has overall become a Full Time Business for many, and a Cult for others.As always, I recommend that you completely read, research, and study material on your own, then formulate your own Opinions and Thoughts.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

02.10.2018:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:05.24.2015 - I originally Posted this Analytical, Argumentative, Probative Headline that still HAS NOT received the Intelligent Academic Discussion that WE had hoped to generate.OF COURSE MR. KEN MURRAY, OUR DISTINGUISHED JFKMS FORUM MODERATOR AND MEMBER CONTRIBUTED.This is yet another reason Why James Earl Sutton-Files, Bruce Patrick Brychek, Pamela Ray, David Armstrong, and several others have Years Ago Created, and Developed OUR OWN ADVISORY BOARD and GROUP OF ATTORNEYS, AUTHOR's, INVESTIGATOR's, READER's, RESEARCHER's, and WRITER's.We have intensely communicated with Tom Jeffers (now deceased), Lieutenant Colonel Dan "Dangerous Dan" Marvin (now deceased), Jim Marrs (now deceased), Bob Fox, Phil Dragoo, Ken Murray, Robert Clayton Buick, and several others who prefer not to be identified.THIS IS AN IMPORTANT METHOD OF ANALYSES AND THOUGHT PROCESS THAT WE SERIOUSLY THOUGHT TO DEVELOP. (02.10.2018, BB.)As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Post by bobspez »

Much of this has to do with what the practices and function of the media is and has been. As a college freshman I took a journalism course which required me to submit articles for publication to the student newspaper. What I quickly found out is that whatever copy you handed in was rewritten to some extent by the editor. The editor had full power to alter or change anything you had written. I never even met the editor, it was strictly a one way street.Today news readers just read a teleprompter. Not only don't they have any say in what they present, but they often have no knowledge of it. They have however mastered the difficult art of talking and smiling at the same time.The mainstream television media, including cable media, is a profit making enterprise that exists purely to sell commercials, as that is what pays the bills and generates profits. The higher their viewer ratings, the more they can charge for air time. But their writers and editors are wholly beholding to their corporate sponsors, so stories are presented which either increases viewership by presenting infotainment and meaningless political and social controversies, or coverage of disasters, and human interest stories or promotes the sponsors products and values in subtle ways. In the past there was some separation between news and entertainment, but that no longer exists. The news programs have to compete for viewers and sponsor dollars like entertainment programs. So that dictates the content. Of course these corporate entities that sponsor and own the major media outlets only present the politicians and pundits that support them. Those that don't are relegated to the ignore list.On the other end there is the free flow of information on internet forums like this one. Just about everything we wish the public to see, hear and read on the mainstream media is available here on this forum, forums like it, and youtube. However if those ideas and content don't support the owners and sponsors of the maintream media's goals and objectives, they will never be presented, except as a short footnote to the news, like the release of the JFK documents.
Phil Dragoo
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Post by Phil Dragoo »

Carol Moore has revealed ugly truths about the assault on Waco. Carlos Ghigliotti proved via FLIR analysis over 200 shots into the compound on the final day of the seige.FBI ignored dozens who saw John Doe Number Two. It sidelined and silenced John O'Neill The Man Who Knew 9/11 was coming.It jailed two who found evidence to support the 200 who saw a missile hit TWA 800.It let Kaczynski free to maim and kill for seventeen years and it did not stop Nicholas Cruz.The lone nuts of the 'sixties are the lone shooters of today.Sirhan was kept inside by Kamala Harris on the last attempt at parole--danger of his deprogramming revealing conspiracy.In OKC evidence of preplanted explosives, a second Ryder truck, McVeigh as order-taker not order-giver, and visits by Joly West and West proteges.I reviewed Wendy S. Painting, Aberration in the Heartland of the Real: The Secret Lives of Timothy McVeigh.How many more McVeighs are in the pipeline?The Most Complete Map of the Terra Cognita of OKBomb and Its Designated DemonByPhil Dragooon October 15, 2016Format: PaperbackVerified PurchaseI find the author quite modest in her disclaimer, “this book is neither complete nor definitive.”It is a meticulous crawl over every square centimeter of the OKBomb aquarium.Further, it is exceptional in that it is entirely devoid of speculation, idle, informed, or otherwise.We who watched the drama of Waco develop, the winds of demonization whipped up to a crescendo of flaming retribution, found the echo in the Greek chorus of wailing and gnashing of teeth and the gotcha beartrap of Cotton Mather v. Timothy McVeigh.The kimono suffered initial wardrobe malfunction with Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The Unreported Stories.Twenty years on, Painting has expanded the canvas in every direction and increased the resolution.The reader will find the greatest clarity possible of the major anomalies which give the lie to the official version, McVeigh was the sole witch duly burned, case closed.McVeigh seemed to move in a world of informants. The premier federal agency of investigation investigated very little, spending its efforts in witness intimidation—or elimination—evidence tampering, suppression, destruction, distortion.Louis Jolyon West the core figure of post-Gottlieb manipulation permeates the Timothy tapestry in person and surrogate.The prosecution concealed so much throughout, and obtained judicial sanction of restriction of investigation, as to provoke the reader to wonder why the lady doth protest too much.Eyewitness accounts of others unkown—often directing the action—were systematically sanitized.Videotapes were confiscated, fed into the memory hole, never to have existed.Andreas Karl Strassmeir of German military intelligence, another of the too obvious agents provocateur, is allowed to do the Saudi exit after the deluge.The author considers all the available templates thus far applied, favoring none.Glimpses, the flashcards of a parallax view of yet another terror event, include a witness to possible preplacement of charges.Bomb squad personnel on-scene prior to the event.The sighting of a second Ryder truck, a second John Doe Number Two, a possible Nichols-Youssef meeting.The persistent habit of witnesses to a wider web dying.And throughout the author soldiers on, gathering data, checking sources, adding documents, interviewing more witnesses and peripherals—--and steadfastly refusing to speculate.This work is invaluable—fearlessly providing every possible pixel; volunteering none.In the view of this reviewer:The thrust of the event is as a counterstroke to Waco. The Waco-OKBomb twin star is a special form of the strategy of tension, what Eric Wilson describes as “the spectacle of the false flag”.Not discussed is the improbability that the alleged explosive device caused the damage presented, nor the bizarre haste in sealing the site and destroying the evidence.In Richard Cottrell, Gladio: NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe, former UK foreign secretary the late Robin Cook deems terror events the work of intelligence agencies.Surely OKBomb, which as Evans-Pritchard pointed out, got Clinton eleven points and re-election, inspired Putin’s false flag bombing of Moscow apartments which vaulted him to permanent power, a cynical gambit stipulated by Alexander Litvinenko and Yuri Felshstinsky, Blowing Up Russia.Waco-OKBomb demonized opposition to imperial government, the recidivist monarchism of the Beltway Borg, allowed irreversible inroads into the protection of the Fourth Amendment, began the characterization of freedom activists as domestic terrorists.The context of the official fable of one troubled individual’s solo act is familiar to students of the assassinations in which impossible ballistics are accomplished by the deus ex machina of a demon.While the academic’s seven-hundred-page panoply of the event in context is devoid of any j’accuse, it will be as placidly received as Ravel’s Bolero.For even in the highly-detailed travel brochure written in objective voice, the chain-linked ruins in the Heartland are one more rest stop on the highway to Hell.I wholeheartedly recommend Aberration as the most complete extant map of the terra cognita of Oklahoma City and its designated demon.
Tommy Wilkens
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Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Phil Drago your so far ahead of anyone here on this Forum it's unbelievable. Thank you for sharing your deep thoughts..Very very special member here !!!!
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Post by Bob »

Phil Dragoo wrote:Carol Moore has revealed ugly truths about the assault on Waco. Carlos Ghigliotti proved via FLIR analysis over 200 shots into the compound on the final day of the seige.FBI ignored dozens who saw John Doe Number Two. It sidelined and silenced John O'Neill The Man Who Knew 9/11 was coming.It jailed two who found evidence to support the 200 who saw a missile hit TWA 800.It let Kaczynski free to maim and kill for seventeen years and it did not stop Nicholas Cruz.The lone nuts of the 'sixties are the lone shooters of today.Sirhan was kept inside by Kamala Harris on the last attempt at parole--danger of his deprogramming revealing conspiracy.In OKC evidence of preplanted explosives, a second Ryder truck, McVeigh as order-taker not order-giver, and visits by Joly West and West proteges.I reviewed Wendy S. Painting, Aberration in the Heartland of the Real: The Secret Lives of Timothy McVeigh.How many more McVeighs are in the pipeline?The Most Complete Map of the Terra Cognita of OKBomb and Its Designated DemonByPhil Dragooon October 15, 2016Format: PaperbackVerified PurchaseI find the author quite modest in her disclaimer, “this book is neither complete nor definitive.”It is a meticulous crawl over every square centimeter of the OKBomb aquarium.Further, it is exceptional in that it is entirely devoid of speculation, idle, informed, or otherwise.We who watched the drama of Waco develop, the winds of demonization whipped up to a crescendo of flaming retribution, found the echo in the Greek chorus of wailing and gnashing of teeth and the gotcha beartrap of Cotton Mather v. Timothy McVeigh.The kimono suffered initial wardrobe malfunction with Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The Unreported Stories.Twenty years on, Painting has expanded the canvas in every direction and increased the resolution.The reader will find the greatest clarity possible of the major anomalies which give the lie to the official version, McVeigh was the sole witch duly burned, case closed.McVeigh seemed to move in a world of informants. The premier federal agency of investigation investigated very little, spending its efforts in witness intimidation—or elimination—evidence tampering, suppression, destruction, distortion.Louis Jolyon West the core figure of post-Gottlieb manipulation permeates the Timothy tapestry in person and surrogate.The prosecution concealed so much throughout, and obtained judicial sanction of restriction of investigation, as to provoke the reader to wonder why the lady doth protest too much.Eyewitness accounts of others unkown—often directing the action—were systematically sanitized.Videotapes were confiscated, fed into the memory hole, never to have existed.Andreas Karl Strassmeir of German military intelligence, another of the too obvious agents provocateur, is allowed to do the Saudi exit after the deluge.The author considers all the available templates thus far applied, favoring none.Glimpses, the flashcards of a parallax view of yet another terror event, include a witness to possible preplacement of charges.Bomb squad personnel on-scene prior to the event.The sighting of a second Ryder truck, a second John Doe Number Two, a possible Nichols-Youssef meeting.The persistent habit of witnesses to a wider web dying.And throughout the author soldiers on, gathering data, checking sources, adding documents, interviewing more witnesses and peripherals—--and steadfastly refusing to speculate.This work is invaluable—fearlessly providing every possible pixel; volunteering none.In the view of this reviewer:The thrust of the event is as a counterstroke to Waco. The Waco-OKBomb twin star is a special form of the strategy of tension, what Eric Wilson describes as “the spectacle of the false flag”.Not discussed is the improbability that the alleged explosive device caused the damage presented, nor the bizarre haste in sealing the site and destroying the evidence.In Richard Cottrell, Gladio: NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe, former UK foreign secretary the late Robin Cook deems terror events the work of intelligence agencies.Surely OKBomb, which as Evans-Pritchard pointed out, got Clinton eleven points and re-election, inspired Putin’s false flag bombing of Moscow apartments which vaulted him to permanent power, a cynical gambit stipulated by Alexander Litvinenko and Yuri Felshstinsky, Blowing Up Russia.Waco-OKBomb demonized opposition to imperial government, the recidivist monarchism of the Beltway Borg, allowed irreversible inroads into the protection of the Fourth Amendment, began the characterization of freedom activists as domestic terrorists.The context of the official fable of one troubled individual’s solo act is familiar to students of the assassinations in which impossible ballistics are accomplished by the deus ex machina of a demon.While the academic’s seven-hundred-page panoply of the event in context is devoid of any j’accuse, it will be as placidly received as Ravel’s Bolero.For even in the highly-detailed travel brochure written in objective voice, the chain-linked ruins in the Heartland are one more rest stop on the highway to Hell.I wholeheartedly recommend Aberration as the most complete extant map of the terra cognita of Oklahoma City and its designated demon.I've said this many times before, but Phil reminds me of Hedley Lammar from Blazing Saddles. He has many great rivulets of thought...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37v-6Zs5T10
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Post by kenmurray »

Phil Dragoo is a walking encyclopedia period!
Posts: 92
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Post by Slav »

Phil is a Greek God with endless knowledgeYears ago I lived next door to a Greek man when I was a teenager he always played Greek music and would tell me many stories about Rothschild and Rockerfella and the world I never knew what he was talking about until years later and realized what he told me is all true way ahead of his time.I use to call him pappous he was like my grandfather his name was Angelo a great manhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T6296CBFK9Ihttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CbmbSjeUrxc