JFK Assassination
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Post by JDB4JFK » ... etailpageI know most of you people here have seen part of this interview but probably not all. You need to see the whole interview because she goes through person by person who was at the Murchison party the night before. It is also backed up by two people Helen Thomas, who signed a affidavit to witnessing these people at Murchison's that night. Also Fay Newman, who was Murchison's wife employee confirms Hoover being there. Three separate people who didn't know each other and telling the same story. I've always have found Madeline Brown creditable. She has the same story every time. She gives more detail this time and also shows us a letter with her agreement with Johnson regarding her son Steven who was Lyndon Johnson's son.
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Post by Mark68 »

I think she's full of sh$#. If LBJ was indeed his father why didn't his supposed "son" show up at the court house? She was busted several times for lying & misrepresentation. If anyone actually believes it all Johnson, or all Marcello, or all CIA they're crazy. I now believe Oswald did shoot JFK but he's not the only one. Ed Hoffman, Sam Holland, the Newman family, Lee Bowers, etc., as we all know can't all be wrong or conspiracy buffs(?), confirm people were behind the fence. I think Files is also full of sh$#. There was/is a conspiracy to cover it all up but I now believe Oswald was one of (2) assassins. He was picked to be the patsy & he fell for it all. I think the FBI was lying to him telling him was helping uncover a plot to kill JFK when they were part of the plot themselves. Ruby killed Oswald on Marcello's orders as Ruby had been stealing $$ from him for years & Marcello used it. Notice how the deportation attempt(s) on Marcello went away after JFK's death?
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Post by Slav »

She is telling the truth you can see how credible she is, LBJ is the mastermind of the cover up and one of the planners along with Hoover, Oswald was a patsy that didn't shoot there were several shooters on the 6 th floor I believe 3, Oswald was just a Patsy, they shot him because he knew of the whole plot and of course would talk eventually as did Ruby labelling LBJ and even spilled his guts to the reporter who was going to tell all until she was killed. I'm guessing Oswald arose from the dead and killed all the witnesses including George dem and Rosselli. Killings in 1977 simple point the fingers at Bush who was in charge of the assignation team along with Gen Lansdale. It was a CIA operation which included military and political, Mob and Business people.2 shooters I don't think so there were more shooter there that day and everyone wanted the fame of doing the job.
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Post by JDB4JFK »

Mark 68 you can believe what you want to believe, but you're not going to get any more proof than 3 witnesses who don't know each other telling the same story about the Murchison party. And yes Steven was LBJ'S son as the letter from the lawyer indicates as such. The fourth witness to the Murchison party was the shofar who told the story in the sixties to Penn Jones. In this case anyone can spout out that somebody is full of shit or not creditable, but most those people have no proof to back it up. So you either have evidence that they are full shit or you don't, but saying doesn't make it so.