Oswald was the lone assassin IMO

JFK Assassination
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Re: Oswald was the lone assassin IMO

Post by JDThomas »

So if the back wound was moved and didn't exit the body, who and what hit Connally?
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Re: Oswald was the lone assassin IMO

Post by Mark68 »

Oswald pulled off more than (3) shots. Just how many no one will ever know. The bottom line is I believe all the shots, regardless of who fired them, came from the rear. As the great Fletcher Prouty said "who shot from where is just scenery for public". Why was Kennedy killed & who benefited is really whats important.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK8RosaXpyI
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Re: Oswald was the lone assassin IMO

Post by Bob »

I just saw this thread. Wow. Mark, your credibility just took a hit. A BIG hit.
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Re: Oswald was the lone assassin IMO

Post by Mark68 »

Once again, it serves no purpose whatsoever to pour over minute details of who shot from where. That solves nothing. Discovering why Kennedy was killed, who had the power to pull it off & who benefited are the only factors that are important. All LHO was was exactly he said "I am just a patsy". Ruby killed LHO on Marcello's orders because if he didn't Marcello would have Ruby killed on the basis Ruby had been stealing from him for years.
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Re: Oswald was the lone assassin IMO

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: Oswald was the lone assassin IMO

Post by JDThomas »

If the official Government version remains that the whole shooting match was the work of 1 lone nut then it is Essential to show that the official conclusion is incorrect if not a downright lie if we are to move forward - you cannot give them any reason whatsoever to cling to their version of events.So even the Warren Commission couldn't even stretch to a scenario of a single shooter getting of four shots in the allotted time frame, yet you seemingly can - what next?Is the moon really made of green cheese after all?????????
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Re: Oswald was the lone assassin IMO

Post by Mark68 »

The only other scenario which makes sense is other shooters fired at the exact time LHO did. That would help explain the (2) rapid shots which seem to be too close together to come from a bolt-action rifle.
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Re: Oswald was the lone assassin IMO

Post by kenmurray »

LHO didn't shoot at anybody period!
Dealey Joe
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Re: Oswald was the lone assassin IMO

Post by Dealey Joe »

Right? Left? How can you tell in a single dimension photo if the spray is right or left?To many things we cannot know but only guess? and add a bit of common sense.I think there is a good chance Oswald was on the 6th floor and may have even taken a shot - did he hit anything? probably not.People who say "He never fired a shot" can't really know that.No doubt in my mind the explosive shot came from the right and slightly forward, probably about 80 degrees in my opinion.It is the perfect spot that no real sniper would overlook.
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Re: Oswald was the lone assassin IMO

Post by JDB4JFK »

Joe in the words of James Files, "How could have Oswald shot a gun that day he passed a paraffin test??? Also we have 6 witnesses that seen him in the lunch room between 12:00 and 12:25, then two more witnesses seeing in there at 12:32. The key to this is not only Oswald passing a paraffin test proving he didn't shoot a rifle that day, but the fact they didn't find any finger prints that day on the rifle, the shells, the clip, and the bag. So how long would it have taken after the shots to wipe all those off??? OSWALD DIDNT FIRE A SHOT THAT DAY! That's not guessing that's hard evidence.