Michael Collins Piper has died

JFK Assassination
John Zeroski
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Michael Collins Piper has died

Post by John Zeroski »

The Veterans Today website editor, Gordon Duff, posted on the announcement on June 4th that Piper died on the second.Piper's books, or some of them, can be seen at amazon.com, and shows him to be an anti-Zionist, or, as some would prefer, an anti-semite.His book on the Kennedy assassination is titled Final Judgment, and is sub-titled Israel's Central Role in the JFK Assassination.An excerpt from this book can be googled, as it is available on-line at Rense.com. http://www.rense.com/general89/isrole.htmThis is a very interesting read for those who believe that the president was murdered by those involved in the One World conspiracy,and goes far beyond the encapsulated view which has always been pushed by the research community, and briefly touched onby Marrs in his New world order book Rule by Secrecy.Most observers are aware of Kennedy's attempted intervention in Israel's nuclear development, which is seen as a good enough reason, along withso many others, for his death.Take a look, and see who was in Dallas on the very day of the assassination.
Tom Bigg
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Re: Michael Collins Piper has died

Post by Tom Bigg »

Wikipedia has a critical article on him: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Collins_Piper I'm surprised he died at 55? I would not rule out foul play considering his powerful enemies. Heart attack? There are plenty of drugs put in food that will trigger that, say in a slice of apple pie....Plenty of people die suddenly from heart attacks....
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Re: Michael Collins Piper has died

Post by JDB4JFK »

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Re: Michael Collins Piper has died

Post by Mark68 »

No disrespect to Mr Collins (RIP) but IMO JFK was killed because the establishment couldn't control him & he flat out said he was going to break the CIA into 1,000 pieces. The Bay of Pigs, the plan to get out of Vietnam, the firing of Dulles, Cabbel, & Bissell, Hoover's hatred of him & his brother, the appearance to be soft of communism, the civil rights act & Joe Kennedy, etc.. In the minds of the old men who controlled everything after the OSS became the CIA JFK was an insult, a threat, a reminder of the changing times to them & he had to die. They (CIA) had soooo many reasons to hate him & he knew it. He, his brother, MLK & JFK Jr. were all threats to the powers that be and those threats had to be and were neutralized.
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Re: Michael Collins Piper has died

Post by Slav »

Amen100 percent true.
John Zeroski
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Re: Michael Collins Piper has died

Post by John Zeroski »

Followers of Youtube will find that some people believe that the "Secret Society" speech the President gave to the newspaper reporters was the speechthat got him killed, but I found something on veteransnewsnow.com, with no author indicated, that might have done it. From my copy-"One day, after I am long gone, you will remember me and say, we should have stopped the nuclear program of Israel, abolished the Federal Reserve andkicked all secret societies, occultists, usurpers, and Zionists out of our wonderful country, to keep it that way, but it is never too late, just remember that".This was not part of the full version of the speech to the journalists.It's truly unfortunate, if this, what I have just posted, is authentic, that the JFK research community does not have, nor will ever have, the visionof the world that the president had. President Kennedy knew who his murderers would be.After more than half a century, Jim Marrs and handful of others know. that's about all.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Michael Collins Piper has died

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

08.08.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:06.11.2015 - John Zeroski, an Excellent Long Time Contributor of the JFKMS Forum, Originally Posted this Headline. John joined in 2006, and has made many powerful contributions sincethen. I usually agree with John arond 90 % of the time. In case some misunderstand me I alsotry to stimulate academic discussion that is intelligent, both Pro and Con.A short discussion followed by some of the Best Minds of the JFKMS Forum with facts, information, and opinons.08.08.2015 - John Zeroski updated his Headline and Discussion with additional powerful information.John, I was previously advised of the some recent information that you Posted, but can not provide any direct references. I will look into my own notes and research. I suspect that if it is out there, Ken Murray will find it before me.IF YOU ALWAYS DO WHAT YOU ALWAYS DID, YOU WILL ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU ALWAYS GOT.One of my Major Focuses has become THINKING OUTSIDE OF THE BOX.Jim Marrs and others offer and propel some of John's thinking here, so John is in distinguishedcompany.John, the JFK Event happened 51 + years ago. I now spend 10 % of my time on the Past, and 90 % of my time looking Forward, OR ON DIFFERENT AND/OR NEW MATERIAL OR THEORIES. Good stimulatingnew material for many I suspect.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writingson any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher'swho may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
John Zeroski
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Re: Michael Collins Piper has died

Post by John Zeroski »

There is an abundance of JFK material, outside the box, that is still available for anyone and may be worth reading.Just for one example, a writer named Laurent Guyenot who can be found at http://www.mycatbirdseat.com, or through google,has written two curious essays on the assassination.One titled JFK: The Zionist Manifold Cover-Up, and the other titled Who Killed JFK: CIA, LBJ, or the Truly "Unspeakable?"This author mentions Piper in both these essays. He also suggests the JFK research community is part of the cover-up.It's truly unfortunate this material has never been brought into the conversation, as this material gives the impression he may be right.
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Re: Michael Collins Piper has died

Post by JDB4JFK »

The problem with the Theory The Mossad killed JFK is, there are to many dots not connected. Weather its Michael Piper's story or Laurent Guyenot's story, both these gentlemen connect The IDL and Jewish people to some of the key players like Guy Bannister, Clay Shaw, Jack Ruby, etc, but they don't connect the dots to the two crimes. Explain how the Mossad controls our FBI, CIA, Dallas Police, Warren Commission, US Media, HSCA, and ETC to lay down and lie to the American people. If Guyenot thinks the CIA got double crossed by the Mossad, than why did the CIA ask Dan Marvin to assassination William Pitzer? Why did the CIA have over 25 agents in Dealey Plaza if they didn't participate in the assassination? If the Mossad did it and the CIA didn't than why did the CIA infiltrate Garrison''s investigation? I could ask 20 other questions but this is a good start.
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Re: Michael Collins Piper has died

Post by Slav »

Lee Harvey Oswald did it. NotMossad did it Not Russians did it. NotCubans did it. NotCia did it with the help of the mob with the blessing of LBJ and Hoover without there blessing it would never have happened and there would of never been a cover up.