JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

06.19.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:11.22.1963 - JFK DIED. This has been characterized as an Adjustment, an Assassination, a Communist Murder, a Conspiracy, a Contract Murder, a Coup d'Etat, a Cuban Murder, a Lone Nut Murder, a Mafia Murder, a Payback, a Political Murder, a Random Act, a Removal, a Russian Murder, etc., etc.In the 51+ years that has transpired since 11.22.1963, over 15,000 articles, books, DVD's, interviews, movies, live presentations, live seminars, radio shows, stage plays, T.V. Shows, VHS's, videos, etc., about JFK, MLK, RFK, and Related Subject Matter's Material has been generated, with no end in sight.IF YOU ALWAYS DO WHAT YOU ALWAYS DID, YOU WILL ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU ALWAYS GOT. My Opinion.IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOING, ANY ROAD WILL TAKE YOU THERE. My Opinion.WHERE ARE WE IN ALL OF THIS ? WHERE ARE WE HEADED ?THIS IS A BLANK SLATE FOR SINCERE OPEN BRAIN STORMING HERE.THERE IS NO RIGHT OR WRONG ANSWER HERE.DARE TO BE HONEST, OPEN, AND SINCERE.EXPLAIN YOUR OPINION AS WELL AS YOU CAN, NO STRINGS ATTACHED.EXPLAIN YOUR OPINION AS SIMPLY, OR AS DETAILED AS YOU WANT.EXTREME RIGHT TO EXTREME LEFT IS WELCOME.NO POINT OF VIEW SHOULD BE ATTACKED OR CRITICIZED ON A PERSONAL LEVEL.IS THE JFK ASSASSINATION - COUP D'ETAT - REMOVAL SOLVED ? Is THE JFK Assassination Solved to many/most American's ?What does "SOLVED" mean to many/most American's for the JFK Assassination ?Is the JFK Assassination Solved to you ? Please explain ? If not:What Does Solving The JFK Assassination Mean To You ? Could/Would You PLEASE Explain ?Where IS The JFK And Related Subject Matter's Community Currently Focused In Your Opinion ?Where SHOULD The JFK And Related Subject Matter's Community BE Focused Going Forward ?Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writingson any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educated a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher'swho may not be as well versed as you ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Tommy Wilkens
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Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Very good question BB to the Forum members. I see no reply's as of yet so I will take the lead and jump in with my ideals and thoughts. 1) IS THE JFK ASSASSINATION - COUP D'ETAT - REMOVAL SOLVED ? NO,far from it.2) Is THE JFK Assassination Solved to many/most American's ? Once again NO. And it's sad to say but as time moves on the steam that once fueled most Americans to desire to know the real facts the real truth concerning President Kennedy's assassination is fading.3) What does "SOLVED" mean to many/most American's for the JFK Assassination ? TRUTH...Finally being able to know what really happened, who was involved, who really killed John Kennedy.4) Is the JFK Assassination Solved to you ? Please explain ? If not: NO.Far from being solved.The given lies the given story is still firmly in place.Solving the JFK Assassination can be compared to buying a highly complicated gadget that has over 150,000 pieces and parts.Some tiny some big some strange looking and some even don't look like they belong at all. After shaking your head and a big sigh you reach for the trusty directions.And after a frantic search of the box to your horrifying surprise your box has no directions. So never being one to shy away from a difficult daunting task you set out to figure this thing out no matter how difficult .As of last check were still working on it....5) What Does Solving The JFK Assassination Mean To You ? Could/Would You PLEASE Explain ? Personally it would mean satisfaction to a long journey that has spanned over three decades of study and research. For those of us who have fought the good fight who have pounded the door and path to the truth and to justice it would be a sweet satisfaction.. 6) Where IS The JFK And Related Subject Matter's Community Currently Focused In Your Opinion ? For the most part focused in the right direction. Some are way off the path but some of those are there to misguide and fuel others with misinformation and confusion.7) Where SHOULD The JFK And Related Subject Matter's Community BE Focused Going Forward ? Full release of ALL classified documents pertaining to President Kennedy's assassination. FULL release of ALL files the Central Intelligence Agency has concerning the Kennedy assassination.FULL release of all the files that the FBI has pertaining to the Kennedy assassination.A Presidential appointed committee with full subpena powers to investigate in full with no time limits and FULLY funded to come to a final conclusion once and for all the true facts and those involved in President Kennedy's assassination. The committee member can not be government employees or elected officials. Once complete the committees finding will be turned over to the US Justice Department for grand jury hearings and trials. My personal opinion concerning John Kennedy's murder.. Lee Harvey Oswald was innocent of killing John Kennedy..Oswald was chosen and used as the sacrificial lamb by certain elements of the Central Intelligence Community .He was in fact the Patsy.. President Kennedy's assassination was the result of a highly orchestrated deeply secret plot that was masterminded by certain elements of the Central Intelligence Agency.Deep within the agencies Black Operations the removal of John Kennedy was hatched.Using connections within the US Underworld guided by blood thirsty cold blooded murdering deep cover intelligence operatives the plan was set into motion and carried out.. The removal of the Kennedy administration was a clean cut packaged no loose ends operation from start to finish..My opinion...
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Post by Bob »

To answer Bruce's question, a lot of the JFK assassination is solved in my mind at least. Yes, there are still more questions that need to be answered, but from a overall standpoint, I believe that through the years a number of things have been clarified. At least for me.1) It was definitely a coup d'état. 2) The reasons for the coup were due to JFK's resistance to invade Cuba and his withdrawing troops from Southeast Asia. Add to that, JFK was conducting behind-the-scenes negotiations with both Cuba and the Soviet Union to achieve lasting peace. Plus, JFK was also making key changes to the Federal Reserve and was also changing the oil depletion allowance for Big Oil. Because of that, JFK became public enemy No. 1 for both Big Banking and Big Oil. Finally, RFK, who was JFK's Attorney General, was going after the Mob with a vengeance.3) Lee Harvey Oswald was not the lone assassin. In fact, I don't believe he took part in the assassination at all. Oswald was both a CIA operative and a FBI informant. Oswald was just as he said he was, "a patsy."4) The actual assassination was carried out by various parties who were in the CIA, Military Industrial Complex and the Mob (a marriage partner of the CIA).5) The assassination would have been very difficult to carry out without help from key people in the Secret Service.6) The financing came from Big Banking and Big Oil (also bed partners of the CIA).7) High government officials (LBJ and J. Edgar Hoover) knew about the assassination and approved it, plus also covered up the murder via the Warren Commission. In addition to that, the MSM was also in on the cover up, as they had been in bed with the CIA for years via Operation Mockingbird. The people who actually ordered the assassination had very high power. This would put David Rockefeller at the head of the table. I could also see others in Big Banking and Big Oil seated there as well. Others who sat at that table probably included Allen Dulles and Ed Lansdale. Dulles and Lansdale used their connections and their past associations to put together a plan to kill JFK. Dulles was once CIA director before JFK had fired him. Operation 40 was an assassination team put together by the CIA to kill Castro. That same team was used to assassinate JFK. George H.W. Bush was the main recruiter for Op 40. 9) Dealey Plaza was like an Operation 40 convention on 11/22/1963. Several members of that group (including Bush) were on hand that sunny afternoon in Dallas. As were others in the CIA and the Military Industrial Complex. I believe there were a number of shooting teams. I believe James Files and Chuck Nicoletti were two of the shooters. It was Files who was the grassy knoll gunman.10) These points can be supported by reading excellent books like Files on JFK by Wim Dankbaar, JFK vs. CIA by Michael Calder, JFK and the Unspeakable by James Douglass, Family of Secrets by Russ Baker and Inside the ARRB by Doug Horne.
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Post by Slav »

I concur with Bob and have the exact feelings, it's been solved and only small details need to be worked out. Will it ever get reopen ? I doubt it unless you get rid off all the bad guys and there are too many off them, just imagine George Demo was only afraid of one person so he called Poppy Bush and was killed shorty after. The details are just to confuse everyone so the public doesn't get involved , everyone is busy working like slaves to pay the bills and have no time to think about what happened, make another blockbuster like JFK with the new info and I believe that changes with the right person in office and the new puppet. Imagine being in lho shoes that day look at his face he was in shock that he was going threw what he did and nobody was coming forward to helpLook at jack Ruby makes a confession that it was the top person in office that did it and died shortly afterLook at the reporter who was going to blow the story wide and and diedThen George demo he dies before he spilled his gutsThat's enough for me case solvedNow if we could only get people with integrity back in office maybe this will get solved in the media.
Tommy Wilkens
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Post by Tommy Wilkens »

As of today June 28 there are 559 views and only 3 reply's.....WOW
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Post by Mark68 »

It doesn't matter who shot from where. As "Mr. X" (Fletcher Prouty) said. What matters is Why was Kennedy killed, Who benefited, Who had the power to cover it up. Discovering what underwear LHO was wearing on Nov 22, 1963 accomplishes nothing (0). Having definitive answers to the (3) above questions would put a face on the whole thing.The government was hijacked that day & everything thats happened since has been expensive fiction the US taxpayers footed the bill for and the Bushs, the Rockefellers, etc.., are the only ones who benefited.At the (4:00) mark >
Tommy Wilkens
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Post by Tommy Wilkens »

And Mark I think the biggest question and the most important question that so needs to be addressed and answered is who were the forces the people who manipulated and positioned a very young and naive 24 year old into the position in the end he found himself in ??? And then in the end we all know how Lee Oswald begged for someone to please come forward to help him... In some notes we found from George de Mohrenschildt he told how Lee Oswald was so very naive and vulnerable .He went on to say after mentoring him and coaching him Lee Oswald would have done anything he told him to do....
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Post by Mark68 »

I think its pretty clear who manipulated LHO. The CIA in cooperation w/ the FBI. But its not like these (2) entities were all involved. Its like Prouty said there's nothing on paper, no "Operation Oswald" in an official sense. The "Powers That Be" set into motion what they wanted to happen & everyone followed suit. I'm sure the Joint Chiefs probably all sat down & agreed "somethings" gotta be done becuz this guy (JFK) is going to ruin everything we've worked for. Again as Prouty said it started "in the wind".If you look at from they're point of view JFK did just about everything he could to piss them off. He was strongly influenced by his father & after Joe was called back from London for shooting his mouth off & JFK saw firsthand how poorly WW2 was managed his biggest goal was to destroy the entire system & they weren't about to let that happen. JFK & RFK scared and/or threatened the power elite and they put an end to that threat. These people were there looong before JFK (George Washing was Freemason) and then this very popular powerful "kid" comes in and he & his brother knew how to work the system to they're advantage. The group of old men hated him passionately & his execution was done very publicly to send the entire world a message.Since Nov 22, 1963 has there ever been a president which rode down a public street in an open top car?
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Post by JDB4JFK »

OK BRUCE HERES MY ANSWERS:1. IT was Coup D'Tat but removal not solved.2. No it is not solved to most Americans because the powers to be won't let anyone or any group solved it.3. Solve would mean to most Americans for full discloser of all participants in both the murder and the cover up!4. No not fully solved by I've got a good enough picture of who done it.5. Solving the case in its entirety would mean a GREAT deal to this country and me knowing justice finally prevailed and all participants in both crimes were named including the media.6. The top researchers are focused and pretty much always been focused in the right direction its just the MSM will only let them or us take it so far. 7. They should be focused on the power's who really run this country and who were the real decision makers on the assassination. Like the Illuminati, big banking, big oil, CIA (WHO IS THE GESTAPO FOR BIG BANKING, AND BIG OIL) Research the Jesuit order its all linked to illuminati and the JFK ASSASSINATION.