Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

JFK Assassination
Tommy Wilkens
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Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

After following the early stages of our up coming Presidential election one must wonder should Donald Trump be looking over his shoulder ? I mean he is the first presidential candidate since John Kennedy that seems to not be bought off or be able to be bought off..Makes one wonder at what point will the dark powers of the US Government rear there ugly heads and an event happen....It's happened before !!!
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by Bob »

The same holds true with Bernie Sanders, as he is and never has been bought off. The advantage that Trump has is that he is solidly behind Big War, Big Banking and Big Oil, which are three big staples for the dark forces that assassinated JFK. Sanders is the exact opposite in terms of how he feels about those three industries. I believe Sanders would be a much bigger threat to the dark side.
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by JDB4JFK »

Bob did you see the other day where these two guys interview Trump ask him if he believed LEE HARVEY OSWALD acted alone? UNBELEIVABLE I WAS SHOCKED! Maybe Ken can get that interview for us. I think it was two FOX reporters.
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by JDB4JFK » ... ilpageHere you go, these are the two guys from Bloomberg TV who interview Trump and asked him if LHO acted alone. Anyone no anything about these guys?
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by Slav »

I just lost all my respect for trump saying he believe LHO acted alone , does he even know anything about it or is he another puppet?
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by JDB4JFK »

Slav listen to it again he says " In his opinion he acted alone but who knows" Good answer because the establishment doesn't want a guy in there that thinks other wise. Don't you think that it is interesting why that reporter would even ask that question???Things that make you go UHM??
Ed Teach
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by Ed Teach »

Dark side has nothing to fear from this man. He probably is aiding and abetting their agenda. He is bought and paid for I bet.
Bob Jonas
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by Bob Jonas »

Slav wrote:I just lost all my respect for trump saying he believe LHO acted alone , does he even know anything about it or is he another puppet?One could only hope that Trump has been too busy making billions of dollars to have bothered looking into the assassination details as most of us have. I know many good, honest people who truly accepted the Warren Commission tale up until I asked them to examine the evidence. Then, they became nearly as passionate as I am about how much of a fraud the WC report is. Not everyone has the time to delve into this arena.As for Trump being in danger? I believe he is. Look at the presidents we've had since JFK and how they've been more than glad to let sleeping dogs lie. LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, W. Bush, and Obama all had the power to unravel the mystery but didn't dare. Why? Well, they saw what happens when you mess with the bull - you get the horns! Personally, I'm not going to vote for any candidate based solely on whether or not they will attempt to expose this dark part of our country's structure, but I think of all the candidates from all parties, Trump is the most likely to pull back the curtain and expose the wizard to the masses. Everyone else will continue to toe the line just as their successors have.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Very well said Bob....I believe you are so very well right !!!!
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by JDB4JFK » ... agEveryone here should listen to this video in its entirety. What a great man and its hard to believe no one back then got on his band wagon. I mean congressmen and Senators etc. If I would have heard this back then, and been in a position of power like a congressman or Senator, I would have flown down to New Orleans and look at his evidence and backed him verbally 100 percent! It's almost like anyone of power didn't want to know the truth! GREAT SPEECH, GREAT MAN!