Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

JFK Assassination
Phil Dragoo
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Can you imagine the crescendo of shrieking fairies and carping harpies attacking Trump if he'd said anything beyond what he did vis-a-vis the clowns' question on Oswald?One ought to turn such questions back on the questioner--are we dealing with gotcha here, Gentlemen?As for Garrison, a noble prince.Consider: If he were such a "grandstander" or a "Don Quixote jousting with windmills", why then did Helms mount an unprecedented assault on the man in order to destroy him?The story is told by Jim DiEugenio in Destiny Betrayed second edition. An essential book.
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by kenmurray »

Jim D's book is superb Phil!
Dealey Joe
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by Dealey Joe »

Couple questions, maybe you can help me,One is Jim Garrison, I have to give him credit for trying, I suppose he thought he has a chance to prevail?He had a few thing wrong but I don't think it was intentional, he just had to sort things out.He so far as I can tell is the one who started the Route Change scenario, I suppose trying to impress a jury but it was wrong and still today gets used as evidence of a conspiracy?Second, Do you for one minute think there will be an honest election?My opinion if Trump gets elected it will be interesting to see who his running mate might be?We need to hear what he is saying but I am afraid it is a dog and pony show?
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by JDB4JFK » ... 5zvaW70Joe take a look at this Hughes film especially from 57 seconds on! Notice the police and the other vehicles heading west on Main Street just seconds after the assassination. There was no reason for Kennedy's Limo to take those two turns on Houston and than on Elm. The Limo should have stayed straight on Main all the way to the Trade Mart! Also, wasn't Files who said when he took Roselli to meet Ruby, that when Roselli got into the car he told Files that there was a route change?
Bob Jonas
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by Bob Jonas »

I don't know if Trump should be looking over his shoulder, but apparently someone tried to bump off Carly Fiorina in San Antonio over the weekend!!! ... 533696.php
Dealey Joe
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by Dealey Joe »

JD have you ever been to Dealey Plaza? or DallasMain street would only lead to the trade mart if you took the long way around, Look at the picture of the limo going under the underpass. what do you see?There is a high curb divider there and there still is today.The police motorcycles could run down past the divider and cut back to the Stemmons entry ramp.TURNS, have you ever traced the route in its entirety? If so how many 90 degree turns are in it?I cant remember for sure but something like 8 or 10?Now what difference would it have made for the target to be a few feet to the South? Actually none.Files thought all along that the Route was out Main, Why? because the largest newspaper in Texas was posting the route wrong and only at the last did they get it right.Anyone who lives or drives in Dallas knows you have to take Elm St to get on Stemmons to the Trade Mart.
Bob Jonas
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by Bob Jonas »

So basically it wasn't a change in the route, but rather a clarification that the paper that morning (or the day before) published. Makes perfect sense to me why Roselli thought it was a last-minute change when he saw the final map that Ruby passed along to him in Ft. Worth.
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by JDB4JFK »

Joe thanks for your response, and yes I have been to Dealey Plaza several times. Twice when I was in college doing a report on the assassination and 6 other times when visiting my son who use to live in Dallas! I know Main Street is the longer way to the Trade Mart, but safer if my job was to protect the President and choose the safer route! Also, Main Street is a lot more than a few feet from Elm. Plus if you stay straight on Main instead of taken a right on Houston than you drive right by the sheriffs office at that time, it has since been moved, but that's where all the deputies were standing when the shots rang out. Once again, a safer route! And yes I agree with you that there were to many 90 degree turns on the total route, and busses driving by the car etc. Which brings back the point Fletcher Prouty and Jim Garrison brought up several times and people continue to breeze over it a lot till this day, and that's the stand down of the SECRET SERVICE! When you're there in Dealey Plaza standing on the sidewalks below the Knoll and visualizing the parade coming towards you, it's a definite perfect place for the "'TRAP" The car coming down that hill at a slow pace, and where is the lead car?? Way out in front under the viaduct watching the Big Event and out of the way of stray fire!
Dealey Joe
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by Dealey Joe »

I would suggest that you make another trip and take a spin out Main street and go under the overpass and see if you can get onto Stemmons. Then we will talk more about it.Those who want to believe something that is not factual will just have to do so.As for me all I can tell you is I have been there and can assure you I know what I am talking about on this subject.We have hashed this over for years and for me I don't have time to continue doing that, besides it solves nothing.I'n the past, I have posted pictured of the Newspaper and the maps they posted.
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Re: Should Donald Trump Be Looking Over His Shoulder ??

Post by JDB4JFK »

Joe I'm not arguing with you, I'm just saying the Secret Service had no business letting that route happen! There has to be more than one route to the Trade Mart! Meaning a safer route even if it takes 10 minutes more! Plus the Presidential Limousine should have been in the middle of the convoy not the front! President Kennedy had no protection from the front or sides, and very little from behind! My two cents!