The Cuban Connection

JFK Assassination
Ed Teach
Posts: 14
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

The Cuban Connection

Post by Ed Teach »

I was thinking about how come Cuba was so important to these criminals. Everything on the standard laundry list makes the mafia gambling halls etc. but then I got to don't really hear much about Columbian or Mexican cartels back in the day they seem to come to prominence in the 70's and then it dawned on me. Drug smuggling routes through Cuba. Maybe that is the major thing that ticked them off bad enough to start assassinating people left and right.These thoughts led into other thoughts about the Iran job in the 50's and the Emerald Triangle...the French connection and Indochina which led into Vietnam...When the Cold War ends the CIA budget is gutted (and we never knew what it was year to year any how) and we all know what happened about 10 years later...Was it always all about retaining our hegemony over the world after WW2 or was it about money or both? Something else???Enter JFK was he made aware of this stuff and called BS??? For some reason GWB words "You are either with us or against us" keeps ringing in my ears???Any thoughts?