Movie coming out the 28th

JFK Assassination
R Croxford
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Movie coming out the 28th

Post by R Croxford »
Looks like the CFR is about to get alot of bad press.
Spread the word about this one it is the truth finally out in the open for everyone to see.

"FOUR STARS (Highest Rating). The scariest damn film you'll see this year. It will leave you staggering out of the theatre, slack-jawed and trembling. Makes 'Fahrenheit 9/11' look like 'Bambi.' After watching this movie, your comfy, secure notions about America -- and about what it means to be an American -- will be forever shattered. Producer/director Aaron Russo and the folks at Cinema Libre Studio deserve to be heralded as heroes of a post-modern New American Revolution. This is shocking stuff. You'll be angry, you'll be disgusted, but you may actually break out in a cold sweat and feel a sickness deep in your gut; I would advise movie theatre managers to hand out vomit bags. You may end up needing one."
--- Todd David Schwartz, CBS
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Re: Movie coming out the 28th

Post by Pennyworth »

R Croxford wrote: like the CFR is about to get alot of bad press.Spread the word about this one it is the truth finally out in the open for everyone to see.AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM"FOUR STARS (Highest Rating). The scariest damn film you'll see this year. It will leave you staggering out of the theatre, slack-jawed and trembling. Makes 'Fahrenheit 9/11' look like 'Bambi.' After watching this movie, your comfy, secure notions about America -- and about what it means to be an American -- will be forever shattered. Producer/director Aaron Russo and the folks at Cinema Libre Studio deserve to be heralded as heroes of a post-modern New American Revolution. This is shocking stuff. You'll be angry, you'll be disgusted, but you may actually break out in a cold sweat and feel a sickness deep in your gut; I would advise movie theatre managers to hand out vomit bags. You may end up needing one."--- Todd David Schwartz, CBS

I deleted my previous post...I didn't see the will be opening in September...` ..a small oversight on my part...
Posts: 2931
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Re: Movie coming out the 28th

Post by Pennyworth »

R Croxford wrote: like the CFR is about to get alot of bad press.Spread the word about this one it is the truth finally out in the open for everyone to see.AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM"FOUR STARS (Highest Rating). The scariest damn film you'll see this year. It will leave you staggering out of the theatre, slack-jawed and trembling. Makes 'Fahrenheit 9/11' look like 'Bambi.' After watching this movie, your comfy, secure notions about America -- and about what it means to be an American -- will be forever shattered. Producer/director Aaron Russo and the folks at Cinema Libre Studio deserve to be heralded as heroes of a post-modern New American Revolution. This is shocking stuff. You'll be angry, you'll be disgusted, but you may actually break out in a cold sweat and feel a sickness deep in your gut; I would advise movie theatre managers to hand out vomit bags. You may end up needing one."--- Todd David Schwartz, CBS

Showtimes listed ..just a reminder
Posts: 2931
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Post by Pennyworth »

Hello my friends and brothers,

The move just hit town.. I will try to go see it this week...
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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America: Freedom To Fascism:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

1. I have heard nothing about this movie, and can't find it anywhere,
America: Freedom to Fascism. Has anyone seen it yet ?

2. The Death of a President, I can not find it anywhere in Illinois movie
theatres. Has anyone seen it yet ?

3. Bobby, the movie, which I saw this weekend, came in with the worst ratings, and worst attendance in Illinois for new movies.
My opinion is that the movie was terrible, and a total waste of time.
It was built on sensationalistic hype, and released the day after the Anniversary date of JFK'S Death to maximize impact.
Strong cast. Very weak on everything else.

I would love to hear from somebody who liked this movie, and why, and not just because you like the "legend of Bobby.?"

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 2931
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Re: America: Freedom To Fascism:

Post by Pennyworth »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,1. I have heard nothing about this movie, and can't find it anywhere, America: Freedom to Fascism. Has anyone seen it yet ?2. The Death of a President, I can not find it anywhere in Illinois movietheatres. Has anyone seen it yet ?3. Bobby, the movie, which I saw this weekend, came in with the worst ratings, and worst attendance in Illinois for new movies. My opinion is that the movie was terrible, and a total waste of time.It was built on sensationalistic hype, and released the day after the Anniversary date of JFK'S Death to maximize impact. Strong cast. Very weak on everything else. I would love to hear from somebody who liked this movie, and why, and not just because you like the "legend of Bobby.?"Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
The day I went to see Freedom to Fascism' it was gone??? I had a cold and couldn't get to the theatre fast enough..some reviews were lukewarm, stating something like the movie didn't clearly get into specifics of the subject...
I haven't seen Bobby... did read from some reviewers that it was fluff.. didnt get into the assassination theory just mainly the circumstances surrounding the terrible event..Just a note: The Ambassador Hotel in LA was torn down after the shooting...
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

03.16.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:07.15.2006 - R. Croxford Posted this Very Powerful Headline.R. Croxford Posted has much intelligent and provocative material.11.27.2006 I Posted a Follow-Up Comment about Unavailability.Fast Forward to today.I have never been able to located and purchase this as a DVD orVHS.Worth further analysis and discussion.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research,studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole NewGeneration of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Posts: 2652
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Re: Movie coming out the 28th

Post by Bob »
