Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

JFK Assassination
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Slav »

Please tell me what you think of the new bombing that has taken over the news? I feel it's done just to take away from the election, I also feel it's another false flag, they already know who did it and are tracking them, I'm amazed at the change in direction, I guess they want to take away from Trumps news time.
Ed Teach
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Ed Teach »

Frankly I feel a lot of it has to do with captagon and other illicit substances and their migration across the Middle East and into Europe and other points. There are a few other things to note but I won't get into that here. If I were a policeman I would be looking at local level drug smuggling rings specifically those dealing with synthetics and captagon. That is all the bombing is about really and yeah it diverts attention but better yet it instills fear into people.From Bloombergnews today"As Belgians left, poor uneducated migrants from North Africa arrived. Heavily subsidized by Belgium's over-generous welfare system, but at the same time despised, much of this immigrant population has turned inward, alienated from wider society. Too many young men and women have been radicalized. A failing state was unable to either stem illegal immigration, or to generate a business environment in which the private sector could create jobs for young second generation immigrants. They were left instead to fester in ghettos such as Molenbeek, marred by high unemployment, crime and an extensive drug economy."
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Bob »

Happy Easter, everyone. Bernie had a YUGE weekend, as he dominated the caucuses in Alaska (82%), Hawaii (70%) and Washington (73%) and he made a nice cut into Hillary's delegate lead. Now it's on to Wisconsin, where he should do very well. Then it's the state of New York, where Bernie is originally from (Brooklyn), while Hillary was a United States Senator there. She was able to win that senate seat basically unopposed after JFK Jr. died. There is absolutely no doubt that JFK Jr. would have become the next Senator of New York had he lived.Still, Bernie still faces tough odds. Mostly because of the work of the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.http://observer.com/2016/03/the-countle ... f-the-dnc/
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Slav »

I never knew that Hillary won that seat after JFK Jr. Died, how convenient is that, please tell me that's not a coincidence, any more details?
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Bob »

Slav wrote:I never knew that Hillary won that seat after JFK Jr. Died, how convenient is that, please tell me that's not a coincidence, any more details?Slav, check this out:http://vaticproject.blogspot.com/2011/0 ... fk-jr.html
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Slav »

Thanks Bob amazing info, it's funny how GWB disappeared when this happen and also forgot where he was when JFK Jr. Plane went down .just like His father doesn't remember being at dealy plaza. I see the special prosecutor has stepped down and taken a partners job at a Law Office, I guess nothing will ever become of it.Maybe if Chris Christie becomes attorney general he will have the balls to start arresting everyone for treason.
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Bob »

I knew this was coming:http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/obama- ... 21214/Soon, Barry will be endorsing Hillary as well. Once a corporate Democrat, always a corporate Democrat.
Ed Teach
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Ed Teach »

I wish someone would ask Trump about this...would love to hear what he has to say...hahahttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/cia-explos ... f5c607a53c
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Bob »

Maybe it's just me, but anytime I hear or see the words "exercise" and CIA in the same story, I think of a False Flag event.
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Slav »

I'm thinking the same thing Bob, and I'm thinking a School bus was supposed to blow up but now they got caught, strange to find the Cia training with bombs in a school bus, it makes me believe the Cia is responsible for anything that happened in schools recently. A false flag was going to happen and it was exposed.