The CIA and John McCone

JFK Assassination
Tommy Wilkens
Posts: 26
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The CIA and John McCone

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Very interesting read here.. Is the lid finally being lifted some. Seems Robert Kennedy knew way more than he ever let onto.While studying Willem Oltmans archives we found personal hand written notes that Oltmans recorded that mentioned a personal phone call he had with Robert Kennedy who highly advised that Oltmans stay away from George and Jeanne de Mohrenschildt and went on to say they were very dangerous people. ... bb_026.PDF
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Re: The CIA and John McCone

Post by kenmurray »

Ed Teach
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Re: The CIA and John McCone

Post by Ed Teach »

Tommy Wilkens
Posts: 26
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: The CIA and John McCone

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

I myself think this is being released right now before the release in Oct of 2017 of more incriminating documents showing the CIA's involvement.It is the old circle the wagons and full blown damage control.It's get out the snake bite kit before the snake bites you approach.Then when the documents are released it won't be so painful to the Intelligence agency. The one very satisfying thing that comes from these releases of these long held secret documents is that all of us who have researched and studied this case for so long and have been ridiculed and labeled some kind of nut for not falling in line and buying the US governments official version of what was suppose to have really happened in Dallas that day have been proven we were right after all.Pulling back the vale of secrecy is now proving we were all right all along .The CIA was deeply involved in removing John Kennedy from office and from his life. Let's just hope that once this next round of documents are released that it will be the key that has been needed and now requires a full blown public investigation with a unlimited budget and no time restraints and full federal court subpoena powers.