First Time Dallas Visit

JFK Assassination
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First Time Dallas Visit

Post by ThomZajac »

As fate would have it, I have a three-hour layover at Love Field this Wednesday. I'm thinking I can check one item off my bucket list by venturing to Dealey Plaza; anyone have any suggestions how best to do it?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

01.04.2016Dear Mr. Thom Zajac:Tom - Best Regards, and I hope that your absorb and benefit from your trip to Dallas, Texas, andDealey Plaza.While changes have occurred in APPEARANCE since 11.22.1963, the Overall Terrain and locationof most buildings, landmarks, etc., is relatively the same.Play a Mental Game with yourself. Go there thinking that you are there to shoot JFK in a slowmoving motorcade on 11.22.1963. Failure is not an option. Head shots are mandatory, and Jackie's safety is critical.* Be a sponge. Absorb and take in everything.* Especially note the overall SMALL AREA that The Grassy Knoll is.* The Texas School Book Depository is now a museum with the Alleged LHO Shooter's nest and windowwalled off.* Absorb as much as you can.* From the outside of the Texas School Book Depository try to envision allegedly where LHO was shootingtoward.* Check the Line of Sight from the Dal Tex Building 2nd and 3rd floor windows near the fire escape.* Check the Line of Sight from the Grassy Knoll. If you can bring a 3 Power Scope or Binoculars and sightthe approximately 88 feet to the X Spot where JFK was hit. JFK could have been hit with a slingshot.THOM VERY IMPORTANT:Thom, I am also Re-Posting next a Headline called: PROJECT FOR JOE, JERRY, KEN, AND PASQUALE whichwas originally Posted by me on 08.19.2010. Read through it and review and study what I wrote back then.This may give you some Food For Thought.Thom, I hope that you ascertain some benefits from my suggestions and thinking porcesses. Let me knowwhat you think after you visit, and if My Focus and Mind Set Exercises were beneficial.Respectfully,BB.
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Re: First Time Dallas Visit

Post by Bob »

Some excellent suggestions and insight from Bruce. The first thing I would do is make sure you have the transportation to and from Love Field nailed down on Wednesday. A rental car is more convenient, but that takes more time. A cab might be the answer. Bottom line, you want to be able to spend at least an hour in Dealey Plaza. The first thing I would do is walk the plaza, starting from Houston Street and Main Street. Just like JFK's limo, make a left on to Elm Street to all the way to the overpass. As Bruce said, the walk won't take long, as the plaza is really small. I spent a lot of time in the knoll area. Just checking out the view from there. Also, check out the rail yard. Imagine the view that Lee Bowers would have had at the time of the shooting. Remember what he said when he described the two men near the picket fence prior to the assassination, "One was "middle-aged" and "fairly heavyset," wearing a white shirt and dark trousers. The other was "mid-twenties" in either a plaid shirt or plaid coat... these men were the only two strangers in the area. The others were workers that I knew." I would also go in the TSBD, but I would not waste my time or my money in the Sixth Floor Mausoleum. Try to get window access on either the fifth or seventh floor to get a visualization of the view from there. Check out the Dal-Tex Building as well. Same exercise. Try to get window access on the second or third floor near the fire escape. Bring your iphone for photos.
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Re: First Time Dallas Visit

Post by ThomZajac »

Thanks,boys. I have heard that virtually everyone is surprised at how small Dealey Plaza is, the reason being the altered nature of the Zapruder film which makes the grassy center look like it goes on forever.Will report back-
Bob Jonas
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Re: First Time Dallas Visit

Post by Bob Jonas »

I made my first trek to Dealey Plaza this past summer and my thought was how much larger Dealey Plaza was than I expected it to be. I guess after hearing how small it was for years, I was thinking it was going to be a tiny little place. Instead, what I found was a cool urban space with lots of sky and green to counter the skyline and buildings. It was tremendous to finally be able to soak in the history.
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Re: First Time Dallas Visit

Post by Bob »

I guess visiting Dealey Plaza is all about expectations. When I was there in 1996, I thought it would be much bigger. So based on my expectations, it was actually smaller. I know one thing, from where Jimmy Files stood, JFK never had a chance to survive, it was that close. Plus, Jimmy has said, that through his scope, it appeared that JFK was like six feet away from him when he fired the shot from his Fireball.
Bob Jonas
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Re: First Time Dallas Visit

Post by Bob Jonas »

It was certainly the perfect location for a hit. Well, as long as you order the Secret Service to stand down and not have a presence in the plaza or on the President's limo itself.
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Re: First Time Dallas Visit

Post by Bob »

The only presence on the knoll were the bogus Secret Service agents which kept people away. Before, during and after the shooting.
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Re: First Time Dallas Visit

Post by JDB4JFK »

Good analysis Bob, which brings us to the important question?? How did the phony Secret Service Men know they had to be on the knoll before hand to thwart away potential witnesses before and after? Because it was an already planned place to take shots at the President!This was a well planned out assassination, not a fly by the seat of your pants the morning of!
Bob Jonas
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Re: First Time Dallas Visit

Post by Bob Jonas »

JDB4JFK wrote:Good analysis Bob, which brings us to the important question?? How did the phony Secret Service Men know they had to be on the knoll before hand to thwart away potential witnesses before and after? Because it was an already planned place to take shots at the President! This was a well planned out assassination, not a fly by the seat of your pants the morning of!Exactly! The perfect location (Dealey Plaza). The perfect hitmen (mafia). The perfect support staff (CIA). The perfect patsy (Oswald). The perfect crime.