It was Connaly

JFK Assassination
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It was Connaly

Post by Nicolai »

I am currently 55 years old and since I was 12 I am very interested in the Kennedy assassination. The last weeks I was very busy with this case and I'm out now. I am now convinced who fired the fatal shot. No James Files and certainly not Oswald who fired in my opinion no shot. No, it was unmistakably Connally!Given the direction of the head at the moment of the fatal shot I always had the feeling that de shot should be from the front and from below. One option would be the storm drain. But then the car must be in the correct position and near the storm drain. If you look at Dealey Plaza from above, that seemed no option. It had to be closer to the car. What could be another option? But then I saw on some Youtube items the gunflash in the Zapruder film and also some pictures about it, studied them a hundred times and I was convinced, it was Connally! Look at the black bar hiding things that take place in the car, that speaks volumes. I think they wanted to make the illusion Kennedy was shot and killed from behind, several shooters were on Dealey Plaza. But hitting Kennedy in a moving car seemed to be to difficult. Then the umbrella man came into action together with the Cuban, which clearly raises his hand. Kennedy is still living is the sign they are giving, he should be already dead at this moment. The Zapruder film shows that it seems that Connally sees the raised hand and that is the moment he comes into action. He grabs his gun and kills Kennedy from very close and below. You can clearly see the gunflash and Kennedy´s head moving backwards to the left and upwards! So to me, case looks to be closed with regard to the shooting!
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Re: It was Connaly

Post by kenmurray »

Question. If Connally shot JFK did he shoot himself first or after he shot the President?
Mike Bruni
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Re: It was Connaly

Post by Mike Bruni »

It was Barzini.Sorry, couldn't resist.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: It was Connaly

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Nicolai come back into the real world...What ever your smoken it is strongggggggg !!!!
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Re: It was Connaly

Post by Nicolai »

Hi dear Tommy, Mike and Ken and all other forum readers,No I didn’t have a 'shot'! And indeed, I had to get used to the idea that the fatal shot could have been done by these airy, cheerful and nice looking Connally. But in the meantime I am convinced. I guess it was just too dangerous to hit Kennedy from a distance while the other people in the car could also become mortally wounded. Hence Connally finally made the fatal shot.I spent the last months many, many hours watching several videos on this murder case. The Internet is an amazing thing with a huge selection, but as a result of this also noisy. I have viewed a very enlightening video "Everything is a rich man's trick" a few times, which was very much evident. That convinced me once again of the fact that the fatal shot was not coming from the grassy knoll. As I said earlier, the direction in which the face of Kennedy goes does not match a shot from the side. His head goes up and to the back.So I directed my attention back to the storm drain, but could unfortunately note that this drain was too far away from the car and to difficult to get everything fit. I thought, maybe they have dug a hole in the grass hill from which a gunman could have done the shot!But then I finally landed at JFK gunflash. Since then I studied vey intensively the Zapruder film and it is clear to see, Connally does the fatal shot.As I mentioned earlier, he sees the Cuban with hand up, he looks at Kennedy and sees that he is indeed still alive. grabs his gun hiding under the cover of his white hat. He turns back to the side and then leans back towards his wife. As he does so, he puts his arms between the two chairs towards Kennedy and does the fatal shot while in the meantime quickly moving to the other side! The key thing in the Zapruder film is the black bar they have placed over the car to prevent us, the audience, to see what actually Connally is doing. But it doesn’t hiding all the movement which is taking place in the car. We can see an arm and gun moving towards Kennedy and in image 314 it is there, very clear to see, the gunflash. This is clearly a gunshot towards the head of Kennedy and Kennedy’s head is going exactly in the direction of that shot. Connally does this all in one quick motion and turns finally to the left. There are images of arm and gun which can be found on the Internet.If Connally was hit or not, I don’t know, some believe he is faking, but perhaps a bullet hit him in his shoulder. But that doesn’t matter. To me he was the man who did the final, fatal thing in the so called "Big Event". I think James Files knows much of all what took place on Dealey Plaza and maybe or maybe not he was one of the shooters on the grassy knoll.
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Re: It was Connaly

Post by Slav »

What about Charles Nickoletti ?What about all those other Shooters?So are you telling me Jackie didn't care Conolly shot JFK ?There is a storm drain on top of the grassy knoll near the overpass where a gunman also shot from. If Conolly shot JFK the head would not of gone to the left as hard as it did, also a hand gun would not made that kind of damage to the head. I would like you to go in a car put a gun between your legs and shoot someone in the head, them go play the lotto asap .
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Re: It was Connaly

Post by Nicolai »

Hi Slav,You're absolutely right, Nicoletti seems to be one of the shooters and it seems to be they even know all the names of the shooters who were participating on Dealey Plaza. As I mentioned earlier, the illusion had to be that Oswald was the killer, so the first shots came from behind with the intention to kill Kennedy. But they didn't succeed, it seemed to be too difficult to hit him deadly from some distance in a moving car. Till the car arrived at the umbrella and Cuban man, Kennedy was only shot through his back and throat.For some time I thought that Kennedy was shot from the storm drain near the overpass as you mentioned, Fetcher indicates that, but such a shot is coming from above, not from below. Kennedy's head goes up.What all has happened in the car we don’t know. Perhaps Connally asked the driver to slow down, because that happened but was not seen in the Zapruder film. We can see Jackie looking at Connally, but perhaps she can’t see that Connally was trying to grab his gun. Maybe she told Connally that hur husband was hit. It may be that Connally Jackie threatened afterwards, but it might be so good that they gave her a lot of money to keep quiet. She must have actually seen it. Anyone may convince me, but that black bar in the film is not for nothing. And take a good look at all the movements of Connally. As you look more and more, you can finally understand all his movements and his shot!
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: It was Connaly

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Never in all the years of studying and traveling around the world to do hands on researching of this case have I heard something so out in left field.Nicolia were glad your a member here of this really good forum and in time I think you will become more knowledgeable of what did really happen that day in Dealey Palza. Sometimes it is easy to get side tracked or off base.But thanks for contributing here and just keep studying and researching the case.
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Re: It was Connaly

Post by Nicolai »

Take a look at ... -kennedy/I will not state that everything which is shown in this video is right, but maybe something will make it easier to understand. We can clearly see the gunflash and the arm with gun moving towards Kennedy.
Tom Bigg
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Re: It was Connaly

Post by Tom Bigg »

I've seen all the possible theories; the driver Greer delivered the fatal shot--it sure looks like it without someone explaining what you are seeing. Or that Jackie was the killer, without a shred of motive. It comes down to who benefits??