US Election

JFK Assassination
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Re: US Election

Post by JDB4JFK »

Slav I thought the same thing you did last night when he dropped out! Cruz was interviewed here in Indiana on Monday and asked if he lost would he drop out and he said no that he still had a path to victory even if he didn't win Indiana. Than on Tuesday morning the stuff comes out about his dad hanging out with Oswald, by Trump, and he drops out right after he loses. Coincidence???I hope someone keeps looking into that even though he has dropped out!
Bob Jonas
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Re: US Election

Post by Bob Jonas »

Someone in Cruz's camp just leaked that the decision to drop out if he lost Indiana was made this past weekend.
Ed Teach
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Re: US Election

Post by Ed Teach »

It was a beautiful prime time made to order performance. Trump even threw down the Papa Cruz was with LHO card. I have a theory...Trump himself was/is/has been prime meat in the National Enquirer forever so he is a regular reader... Let's hope whoever is elected releases the files and with no redactions.
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Re: US Election

Post by Slav »

JDB4JFKDid you see Cruz hug his father on stage and elbow Heidi, that lone hug to the Father shows me there is truth to the LHO story, there should of been a lone hug to Heidi not the Father.
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Re: US Election

Post by JDB4JFK » Slav I did see Cruz elbow his wife in the face! lol! Watch the above video, looks like some people agree with are take on why Cruz dropped out!!!
Bob Jonas
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Re: US Election

Post by Bob Jonas »

Just a hunch, but I suspect something will "happen" to Trump between now and the RNC in Cleveland that will cause him to miss the Convention one way or another. The RNC will then bring Romney to the stage as some kind of savior for the party. The only question I have is whether or not it will involve Trump stepping down willingly because of something he says or has done, or whether some form of harm will come to him. Something is in the air...I can smell it, and it don't smell good. Tense times to come.
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Re: US Election

Post by Slav »

I Concur , house speaker Ryan still won't support Trump, and others as well, I suspect something is brewing it won't be this easy for Trump.
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Re: US Election

Post by Bob »

In terms of Ted Cruz ending his campaign operations the very same day the Donald brought up possible involvement of Rafael Cruz being with LHO leading up to the JFK assassination, I found the timing of this VERY interesting. Also, was it really Cruz who wanted to end his campaign or did it come from a different direction? Like maybe someone in the Bush family. Why? Because if real journalists dig deep enough, first they will find that Rafael Cruz was in New Orleans when the photos with LHO were taken. And if they talk to top photo analysts, they will find out that Cruz was almost certainly the man in the photos with LHO. Plus they will find out that Cruz not only went to Canada after JFK's assassination, but he also worked for an oil company by the name of Zapata Oil. The president at the time for Zapata was none other than Poppy Bush.The scenario leads to a CIA trail that once again links Poppy. LHO was really a CIA operative (and FBI informant). Almost everyone in the photo who were identified were operatives for the CIA as well, including Chauncey Holt. Don't forget that Poppy was the main recruiter for Operation 40. What was Op 40? It was was a top secret CIA project to train selected Cuban exiles in guerrilla warfare and assassinations, aimed against the Castro regime. But don't worry about any MSM involvement in this. All the talking heads on Fox News, CNN and MSNBC are saying that Trump's comments about Cruz's dad were just conspiracy theorist nonsense. The MSM doesn't want to open up that can of worms. Why? Because they were complicit in the cover up of JFK's assassination. And they still are today.
Bob Jonas
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Re: US Election

Post by Bob Jonas »

A little bird is telling me that Hillary may be about to drop out. Sanders won't have enough delegates. Biden is warming up in the DNC bullpen. Trump is a marked man. How long til something "goes wrong" with his plane or he "falls sick" to some unforseen illness? Romney is stretching and getting loose in the RNC bullpen.Biden vs. Romney
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Re: US Election

Post by JDThomas »

I heard a radio report yesterday that in West Virginia exit poll showed that a number of lifelong democrats would be prepared to vote Trump rather than darling Hillary. If there is any truth in this and the National Democratic Committee think that it would be reflected nationwide,then it could be a case of will she fall or will she be pushed?I'd think that they would wait to see how California pans-out first though - anything less than a landslide for her would be very damaging indeed.