
JFK Assassination
Barry Cheney
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Post by Barry Cheney »

I live on the other side of the globe and have researched the JFK assassination for many many years.I can't understand that with all of the facts and input from sooo many people, including such professionals as Cyril Wrecht, our own Wim etc etc etc etc that we are no closer to having the truth disclosed/admitted by the US Govt. They cast it aside as if it is meaningless.The Govt is obviously anticipating the loss of interest as we all pass on, but I remain frustrated. I have passed on my research to my children and grand children in the hope of one day somebody has the guts to right the wrong.I opened a door 45 years ago as a kid wondering why a Country would allow their President to be murdered in cold blood. That door opened 10 doors and those 10 doors opened 100 doors which led to thousands of doors. We, all who are interested, have just about completed this jigsaw but has anybody presented these facts to the Govt, or are we just pawns in the big game.I commend one and all of you for your determination and commitment to the cause. I hope I see finality in my life time.Best regardsBarry
Bob Jonas
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Re: Why?

Post by Bob Jonas »

Part of the reason why he was assassinated falls on his lifestyle of doing whatever he wanted with and to whomever he wanted, including double crossing the mob (who gave him the 1960 election) as well as threatening to disband the CIA (not smart). This doesn't justify the murder, but rather helps one to see why it happened. All the Kennedys have lived their lives this way. And also keep in mind all his missteps as President that alienated so many people. He was slow to move on civil rights. Used the White House as a brothel. Bay of Pigs. Working deals with Kruechev behind the scenes during the so-called blockade of Cuba. Etc.
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Re: Why?

Post by Bob »

Bob Jonas wrote:Part of the reason why he was assassinated falls on his lifestyle of doing whatever he wanted with and to whomever he wanted, including double crossing the mob (who gave him the 1960 election) as well as threatening to disband the CIA (not smart). This doesn't justify the murder, but rather helps one to see why it happened. All the Kennedys have lived their lives this way. And also keep in mind all his missteps as President that alienated so many people. He was slow to move on civil rights. Used the White House as a brothel. Bay of Pigs. Working deals with Kruechev behind the scenes during the so-called blockade of Cuba. Etc.I have to comment on your take there, Bob. Bay of Pigs? You mean the half-assed plan that was conceived in the Eisenhower administration by Allen Dulles and Richard Nixon. A plan that tried to force JFK's hand into all-out war in Cuba, just three months into his administration.Slow to move on civil rights? JFK was the first President to even try to move on civil rights. At least he got the ball rolling and a year after his murder, some ground-breaking legislation was passed on that issue.Threatening to disband the CIA (not smart)? Maybe it wasn't smart in terms of his life expectancy, but it was certainly the right thing to do. The CIA has become a monster. It was pretty monstrous even back then. The Vietnam war was the CIA's war. Not just for war profiteering, but also for all the drug smuggling. Those two items have been the CIA's calling card ever since. Like the drug smuggling out of Central America to Mena, Arkansas, while Slick Willie was the Governor there and Poppy was the VP. Just think about Afghanistan today. The CIA has brought us war, war profiteering, drug smuggling, assassinations, torture and false flag events. It's also brought us the past four U.S. Presidents. Hillary will make it five if she is elected.Double crossing the mob? It was Joe Kennedy who made the deal with the mob, not John or Bobby. I agree it was not smart to go after the mob with a vengeance like Bobby did. Especially knowing that they were then bed partners of the CIA.JFK wasn't perfect. That's for sure. He had his vices, especially with the ladies. But he was still a damn good President. He was surrounded and hounded by military types and the CIA who kept pushing him into war with Cuba and then Vietnam. It got so bad that he was even presented with Operation Northwoods in March of 1962, with the approval of all the Joint Chiefs and the CIA. A plan that was very similar to the events which took place on 9/11/01. Instead of Afghanistan and Iraq in 2001, it was Cuba and then Vietnam in 1962.JFK correctly refused to implement the plan. It was one thing after another with the CIA/Military Industrial Complex versus JFK. It started with the ill-conceived Bay of Pigs plan. That led to the Operation Northwoods plan. Then came the Cuban Missile Crisis. Had JFK listened to the Joint Chiefs and the CIA and attacked Cuba then, WWIII would have started. Nuclear weapons were ready to be used in Cuba and would have been had the attack proceeded. We know that now. JFK did what he had to do behind the scenes to save the world from a nuclear conflict. It was much better than starting WWIII, which is what would have happened had he listened to the war-mongering Joint Chiefs.Bottom line, JFK saw the future. He saw what would happen if the CIA, the Military Industrial Complex, Big Banking and Big Oil became even more powerful.Basically, JFK saw the world that we are living in today. That is why he was silenced on 11/22/1963.
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Re: Why?

Post by JDB4JFK »

Great response Bob, and thanks for saving me sometime today responding to Bob Jonas.Also don't forget that the joint chiefs of staff and Dulles debriefed Kennedy before he got into office and totally lied to him on what was going on in the world, and about the nuclear arms race with Russia. He also found out behind his back that the CIA was trying to get a nuclear bomb and weapons for Israel! When Kennedy found this out he exploded, and said "do you realize what that would do to the middle east if Israel got a nuclear weapon???" He went on to say, "If Israel gets a nuclear weapon all hell will break loose in the Middle East and it will turn into WW3!!!"JFK called that one also!!!The last President of the United States we have had was JFK!!!
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: Why?

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Barry this is a wonderful post and I hope we hear from a lot of the Forum members and there thoughts on your question.For myself after 0ver 35 years of deep research and study we came to the conclusion the best way to proceed was to begin our research and study as close as possible with the key individuals who were the closest to Lee Oswald and his wife Marina in the months and days leading up to the events of November 22,1963.So that took us right to the doorstep of George and Jeanne de Mohrenschildt. And once we opened that door we found just unbelievable documented proof of de Mohrenschildt's direct connection with the Intelligence community not only in the USA but connections in other country's such as France ,Germany,Russia. So doing a straight head on study of de Mohrenschildt proved to be difficult because being a seasoned Intelligence operative he was schooled covering his own tracks.This man was always 2 steps ahead and denial of anything and everything was standard operating procedure.I mean look he went before the Warren Commission and had more pages of deposition taken solely from him in the finally draft than anyone else the commission questioned. And he hoodwinked them all and walked away Lilly white not as much as a wrinkle.So at that point of our investigation we knew we had to get someway inside to find out the real George de Mohrenschildt .It's at that point our research began the close study of Dutch Journalist Willem Oltmans ten year long intimate relationship with George de Mohrenschildt.And it was from this study that we were finally able to piece together some of the real facts of what led up to John Kennedy's assassination.Shortly before Oltmans death he had arranged for his life long collection of hand written diaries and his personal notes and files from many many years of investigative journalistic work to be preserved in a safe place.In these files and notes and in his diaries was recorded his intimate ten year relationship with George de Mohrenschildt and his investigation into President Kennedy's assassination.After securing a place in Den Hagg The Netherlands only days before his death Oltmans had said "I leave it all here with the hope that just maybe someday someone will come along and take a second look at my findings of what I found and recorded concerning John Kennedy's assassination". Our manuscript " Walking The Razor's Edge , The Dutchman and The Baron" is that second look.
Bob Jonas
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Re: Why?

Post by Bob Jonas »

Bob wrote:Bay of Pigs? You mean the half-assed plan that was conceived in the Eisenhower administration by Allen Dulles and Richard Nixon. A plan that tried to force JFK's hand into all-out war in Cuba, just three months into his administration.Slow to move on civil rights? JFK was the first President to even try to move on civil rights. At least he got the ball rolling and a year after his murder, some ground-breaking legislation was passed on that issue.Threatening to disband the CIA (not smart)? Maybe it wasn't smart in terms of his life expectancy, but it was certainly the right thing to do. The CIA has become a monster. It was pretty monstrous even back then. The Vietnam war was the CIA's war. Not just for war profiteering, but also for all the drug smuggling. Those two items have been the CIA's calling card ever since. Like the drug smuggling out of Central America to Mena, Arkansas, while Slick Willie was the Governor there and Poppy was the VP. Just think about Afghanistan today. The CIA has brought us war, war profiteering, drug smuggling, assassinations, torture and false flag events. It's also brought us the past four U.S. Presidents. Hillary will make it five if she is elected.Double crossing the mob? It was Joe Kennedy who made the deal with the mob, not John or Bobby. I agree it was not smart to go after the mob with a vengeance like Bobby did. Especially knowing that they were then bed partners of the CIA.JFK wasn't perfect. That's for sure. He had his vices, especially with the ladies. But he was still a damn good President. He was surrounded and hounded by military types and the CIA who kept pushing him into war with Cuba and then Vietnam. It got so bad that he was even presented with Operation Northwoods in March of 1962, with the approval of all the Joint Chiefs and the CIA. A plan that was very similar to the events which took place on 9/11/01. Instead of Afghanistan and Iraq in 2001, it was Cuba and then Vietnam in 1962.JFK correctly refused to implement the plan. It was one thing after another with the CIA/Military Industrial Complex versus JFK. It started with the ill-conceived Bay of Pigs plan. That led to the Operation Northwoods plan. Then came the Cuban Missile Crisis. Had JFK listened to the Joint Chiefs and the CIA and attacked Cuba then, WWIII would have started. Nuclear weapons were ready to be used in Cuba and would have been had the attack proceeded. We know that now. JFK did what he had to do behind the scenes to save the world from a nuclear conflict. It was much better than starting WWIII, which is what would have happened had he listened to the war-mongering Joint Chiefs.Bottom line, JFK saw the future. He saw what would happen if the CIA, the Military Industrial Complex, Big Banking and Big Oil became even more powerful.Basically, JFK saw the world that we are living in today. That is why he was silenced on 11/22/1963.I think we agree on most points here Bob. It's just a matter of different points of view while looking at the statements above. MLK, Jr. was very critical of JFK's slow movement on civil rights and in the end, LBJ got most of the credit. We agree on the threat to disband the CIA as being very unwise (from a personal health point of view). We even agree that it was something that needed to be done...but wasn't. Not sure ANYONE could have taken on that monster. Still, it was reckless and unwise. Again, we agree on double-crossing the mob as being bad for your health no matter who made the deal with them. Regarding the Bay of Pigs, he pulled support (right or wrong). I agree with the assessment that he did the right thing, only that it likely led to his death. We have a lot more in common than you think. Only we are looking at the issue through different lenses. I see the actions as primary while you elevate the backstory to the top. Nothing wrong with either method of assessing the situation.
Barry Cheney
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Re: Why?

Post by Barry Cheney »

The high cabal or the establishment were not going to have 3 possibly 4 members of Kennedy's as present and future Presidents. It would certainly have created difficulties for those people. One only has to research L Fletcher Prouty's books to understand the complications involved.My question is, has anybody the guts to establish a lobby to pressure the Govt ie the next President for a complete and open study into the murder of JFK. Lets face it MOST but not all of those involved have passed into hell!!Sure JFK had his many faults as all of us do, but he was a damn fine President who was intent on stopping the Vn conflict (read invasion), was active on human rights and I believe only wanted peace for the world. Have a look at who followed him into office and tell me the world is a better place???
Bob Jonas
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Re: Why?

Post by Bob Jonas »

I don't think another government sanctioned investigation will happen, which is why the revelations of James Files and Chauncey Holt are so important. Thank goodness they talked! We now have a pretty good idea of WHAT happened. I'd also say we know WHO (groups and agencies) was behind it. Very few individuals who were around and involved in the plot at the time are still alive, but it would be impossible to pin any name to the assassination because no secret files exist anywhere that would be THAT incriminating. That's why I don't get too excited about potential releases of classified documents. They've had 50 years to "sanitize" them. All that's left is speculation, and that can lead down any road you want it to. If you think LBJ was behind it, you can spend the rest of your life in an endless pursuit trying to convince yourself (and others) what you think, but you're really only shoveling smoke with a pitchfork in the wind. Very frustrating.
Ed Teach
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Re: Why?

Post by Ed Teach »

And now good old Afghanistan brings us this.Please make note of this comment in the comments section..."Wow. This is whole thing just keeps getting weirder. So this guy was an opponent of our “friends” in the region, and in a deeply historic way. “The Durand Jurga”? The Durand line is the line established by the Brits in 1893 to allow the British to control Afghanistan. Named for Sir Mortimer Durand, a British Diplomat. A Jirga is a traditional assembly of leaders who supposedly make decisions by consensus. According to the Facebook screenshot above, Hamid Karzai himself decided to tell these guys that siding with Mateen was a “horrible” idea. Karzai was Bush and Cheney’s own hired hand before he was made Afghan president. I hate to feed the conspiracy nuts, but this might be much weirder than it appears."